Непрямое цитирование
Упр.Прочитайте текст, обращая внимание, как непрямые цитаты поддерживают главные идеи. Обратите внимание на времена глаголов в главных и придаточных предложениях.
Seeking a Spouse on the Web
The global reach of the Internet is helping expatriate citizens of India find marriage partners. Most Indians prefer their partners to come from the same region of India as they and to have similar religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. For young Indians who live abroad, searching for a suitable wife or husband becomes quite difficult. They often must depend on their families back home in India to find them mates. However, computer scientist Raj Baronia, who lives and works in Silicon Valley in California, has developed a site on the World Wide Web to help called Indolink. In an interview, Baronia said that he had developed Indolink to allow Indians living abroad to take responsibility for finding their own marriage partners rather than having their parents do it for them. He estimated that about half of Indolink ads were placed by marriage seekers themselves, rather than by family. Baronia also said Indolink allowed them to search not only in India but also in expatriate communities around the world (qtd. in Bentley). For example, Sandeep Gupta, a young computer programmer from Toronto, is seeking a wife through Indolink. He is looking for intellectual women, and, according to Gupta, anyone he meets on the Internet will probably be professional and educated. He added, “I am planning to fly to New York soon to meet a young woman I met through Indolink” (qtd. in Bentley).
Упр.Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Сколько непрямых цитат содержит текст?
2. Какие глаголы речи или фразы вводят непрямые цитаты? В каких случаях опускается союз that?
Упр. AПреобразуйте следующие прямые цитаты в непрямые с учетом всех правил превращения прямой речи в косвенную, о которых шла речь в этой главе.
1. Television channel KSA General Manager Jim Burns said, “Not everyone can attend college in the traditional way; therefore, taking courses via television will offer many more students the chance to earn a college degree.”
2. Pre-med student Alma Rodriguez said, “I miss being on campus, but I have to work and take care of my family.”
3. Other students said, “Last year, we spent several hours a day commuting to and from school. Now we don't have to do that.”
4. Computer engineering student Amir Mehdizadeh stated, “I can choose
when to study and how to study without pressure.” He also said, “I will take
two more telecourses in the fall.”
Упр. BПреобразуйте все прямые цитаты из текста о применении допинга спортсменами высшего класса (Упр.7.5.1.) в косвенные.