Drink row look swim bath breakfast word day game time supper
Сочетаемость глаголов и существительных
Употребление таких часто используемых глаголов, как take, make, do, have, вызывает иногда определенные трудности. Выбор глагола часто определятся следующим за ним существительным (прямым дополнением), а не только словарным значением глагола.
Упр.5.10.1. Образуйте правильные выражения, используя глаголы makeи do. Затем закончите предложения, используя нужное выражение в соответствующей форме.
1 _____ a mistake 2 _____ nothing 3 _____ a noise 4 _____ one’s best 5 _____ money 6 _____ a will 7 _____ friends with | 8 _____ sense 9 _____ my homework 10 _____ the housework 11 _____ a complaint 12 _____ up my mind to 13 _____ business with 14_____ a phone call | 15_____ an exam 16 _____ progress 17_____ a speech 18 _____ a mess 19 _____ sure that 20 _____ someone a favour |
a. Could you ______ ? Could you give me a lift to the station?
b. At first I found English difficult, but now I’m beginning ________ .
c. Customer to waiter: “I think you _____ . My bill should be $5, not $15.”
d. I _______ a lot of ______ with the Chinese. They are good customers of mine.
e. Can you understand these instructions? They _______ to me.
f. It took me a long time to decide, but I have finally _______ to accept the job.
g. Sh! Don’t _______ . The baby’s asleep.
h. Hello. I’d like ______ . There’s no hot water in my room.
i. Before going on holiday you should _______ all windows and doors are shut and locked.
j. A You must try harder.
B I’m _______ .
A Well, it’s not good enough.
k. Yesterday the Prime Minister _______ in the House of Commons.
l. It took me hours to clean your room. If you ______ again, you can clean it up yourself.
*Упр.5.10.2. Заполните пропуск нужной по контексту формой глаголов makeилиdo.
a. You can’t rely on him. He is always ______ excuses for never getting things done.
b. Just a minute, I have to ____ a call.
c. The recent cable break has ____ a lot of damage.
d. You either know the answer or you don’t. It’s no good ____ guesses.
e. Which modern languages are you ____ ?
f. We _____ an agreement and you’ve broken it.
g. I’ve got a lot of jobs to ____ this morning.
h. I shouldn’t employ him. He’s always ____ trouble.
i. We‘ve been studying this radiation for a year, but we haven’t ____ much progress.
j. A car that size only ____ about 10 miles to the gallon.
Упр.5.10.3. Заполните пропуск нужной по контексту формой глаголаhave + существительное из списка. Обратите внимание на то, что в сочетаниях типа have breakfast / lunch артикль не употребляется (исключение: have a meal).
Пример: “Would you like to have a drink?”
“Yes, please. I’m very thirsty.”
a. “Did you watch TV last night?”
“No, I _________ and went straight to bed.”
b. “Did you _______ a good _______ of tennis?”
“Yes, I won 6-0, 6-2.”
c. “Bye, Mum. I’m going out now!”
“Goodbye, darling. _______ a nice ______ !”
d. “Did you ______ ______ this morning?”
“No, I got up too late. I just had a cup of coffee.”
e. I’m going to ______ a ________ and wash my hair. I feel dirty.
f. I have a swimming pool at home, so if you want to _______ a ________ , just come round.
g. “Did you ______ a good ______ at the office, dear?”
“No, I didn’t. The boss was very angry with me.”
h. Peter and I always argue. We don’t agree about anything. Yesterday we ______ a ______ about politics.
i. I’ve got my holiday photographs. Do you want to ______ a _______?
j. John! Could I ______ a _______ with you for a minute? There’s something I want to ask you about.
Упр.5.10.4. Для глаголов, совпадающих с существительным по форме, конструкция have + a + noun обозначает однократное действие. Герундий используется для обозначения повторяющегося действия.
I had a talk with Susan last night.
Talking to someone about a problem usually helps to solve it.
Составьте по два предложения для каждого из следующих слов, одно с герундием, а другое с have + a + noun.
ride | ______________________ | ____________________________ |
drink | ______________________ | ____________________________ |
look | ______________________ | ____________________________ |
wash | ______________________ | ____________________________ |
quarrel | ______________________ | ____________________________ |
walk | ______________________ | ____________________________ |
shave | ______________________ | ____________________________ |
smoke | ______________________ | ____________________________ |
sleep | ______________________ | ____________________________ |
try | ______________________ | ____________________________ |
swim | ______________________ | ___________________________ |
Упр.5.10.5. Образуйте словосочетания глаголов have, take, make иdo с существительными и словосочетаниями из предложенного списка, написав их под соответствующим глаголом.
take your time | have a good time | make a mistake | do homework |
| a rest a favour a proposal dinner a headache an experiment my best the floor a cold a reservation | an appointment a good job housework lunch friends sure advantage heart trouble research a bath | a trip a speech an effort medicine money an airplane a bet a difference a bus a turn | an exam place part notes a promise a chance a cough reservations use your seat |
Упр.5.10.6. В большинстве предложений подчеркнутый фрагмент содержит ошибку. Исправьте ошибки. Найдите правильные предложения.
a. The decision that is done will depend largely on what recommendations the teaching staff makes to the director.
b. Unless a patient takes his medicine regularly, he is unlikely to do fast progress toward full recovery.
c. The president has not yet made several key appointments in the judiciary branch.
d. Remarkable advances have been done recently in medicine.
e. Sleep scientists are still making research on various types of sleep disorders.
f. Candidates for high-level political office are unlikely to do promises which they cannot keep.
g. If you want to make money you’ve got to take chances.
h. Several proposals have been done concerning a new nuclear power station.
i. The fact that the space shuttle is reusable shows the progress that has been done in space technology.