Времена Present Simple и Present Continuous
Таблица времен глаголов
Система глагольных времен действительного и страдательного залога в английском языке
Тесты на предлоги
Упр.4.7.1. Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных. Иногда возможно более одного правильного ответа.
a. I’ll be in London next week. I hope to see Tom ________ there.
A while I will be B while I am C during my visit D during I am
b. Fred is away at the moment. I don’t know exactly when he’s coming back but I’m sure he’ll be back _______ Monday.
A by B until C on D before
c. I’ll be at home _____ Friday morning. You can phone me then.
A at B on C in
d. I’m going away ______ the end of January.
A at B on C in
e. When we were in Italy, we spent a few days _______ Venice.
A at B to C in
f. What time did they ______ the hotel?
A arrive to B arrive at C arrive in D get to E get in
g. Tom’s away at the moment. He’s _____ holiday in France.
A at B on C in D for
h. We travelled ______ 6.45 train, which arrived at 8.30.
A in the B on the C by the D by
i. Have you read any books ______ Agatha Christie?
A of B from C by
j. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage ___ the other car.
A of B for C to D on E at
k. Why were you so unfriendly ____ Tessa? Have you had an argument with her?
A of B for C to D with
l. I’m not very good ____ repairing things.
A at B for C in D about
m. I don’t understand this sentence. Can you _____ ?
A explain to me this word B explain me this word C explain this word to me
n. If you’re worried about the problem, you should do something _____ it.
A for B about C against D with
o. “Who is Tom Madely?” “I’ve no idea. I’ve never heard ____ him.”
A about B from C after D of
p. “What time will you arrive?” “I don’t know. It depends ____ the traffic.”
A of B for C from D on
q. I prefer tea ____ coffee.
A to B than C against D over
r. They gave me a form and told me to ____ .
A fill in B fill it in C fill in it
s. They got ___ the train at Los Angeles.
A out of B from C off D with
t. The force that holds neutrons and protons together in the atomic nucleus is one manifestation of the strong interaction ____ hadrons.
A among B between C within D throughout
Упр.4.7.2. Заполните пропуски в тексте соответствующим предлогом из предложенного списка.
a) on b) between c) for d) without e) at f) inside g) along
The blue-and-white trains which run every half an hour ____(1) Tokyo and Osaka are the fastest trains in the world. They are not only very fast but very comfortable. Only those who have booked seats can travel ____(2) the train. It was not possible to run more trains ____(3) the old lines so the Japanese build a special line ____(4) the new fast trains. It is very good indeed. You can eat and drink ____(5) difficulty ____(6) 220 km an hour. You can know the speed because there is a speedometer ___(7) the carriage.
Глава 5. Глагол
Основные трудности, связанные с выбором правильной формы глагола, объясняются наличием в английском языке 26 (!) времен действительного и страдательного залогов.
Таблица времен глаголов
Употребление | Примеры |
Настоящее состояние дел | My sister lives in Washington. |
Общеизвестный факт | The sun rises in the east. |
Регулярно происходящее действие и (или) установившийся распорядок | I listento the radio in the mornings. He generally buys a lot of historical books. |
Будущее действие, происходящее по расписанию или по программе | My flight leaves at 10:00. |
Типичные указатели времени: usually, sometimes, seldom, never, every day, from time to time, often, at times, и др. |
Употребление | Примеры |
Действие, происходящее в момент речи | Andrew is watching TV (right now). |
Действие, происходящее в течение настоящего периода времени или его промежутка | My sister is living in Washington. He is writing a new article. |
Запланированное действие в будущем | He is taking his examination on Friday. |
Негативные привычки | I am always forgetting about his birthday. |
Типичные указатели времени: at the moment, now, today, at present, still |
Употребление | Примеры |
Единичные/разовые законченные действия в прошлом | The mail cameearly in the morning. |
Постоянные ситуации в прошлом | John workedin advertising for ten years. |
Действие, регулярно происходившее в прошлом/ прошлые привычки | We jogged every morning before classes. |
Описание последовательных событий в прошлом/ основные события повествования | She ran out of the house, jumped on her bike and rode off. |
Общеизвестные факты и истины прошлого | Crosswords didn’t become popular until the 1930-s |
Типичные указатели времени: yesterday, a minute (day, week …) ago, last year (month, week …), the day before yesterday |
Употребление | Примеры |
Действие, продолжавшееся в момент другого, более быстрого действия. | I was reading when the telephone rang. |
Событие, происходившее в определенный момент или в течение некоторого промежутка времени в прошлом | We were discussing the problem at ten o’clock last morning. Daniel was playing computer games all morning yesterday. |
Длительное состояние или повторяющиеся действия в прошлом | She was looking very ill. I was meeting lots of people at that time. |
Запланированное действие в прошлом | Nancy was leaving for Chicago but had to make a last-minute connection. |
Раздражающие привычки в пошлом (обычно с always) | When we were young my brother was always borrowing my toys. |
Два действия/события, происходившие в одно и то же время в прошлом | Ulla and her friends were playing Monopoly while we were cooking in the kitchen. |
Дополнительная информация в повествовании/рассказе | Тhe sun was shining and the birds were singing. Lisa opened her window and looked out. |
Типичные указатели времени: when, while |
Употребление | Примеры |
Действие, начавшееся в прошлом и продолжающееся до настоящего момента (часто с for или since) | ~ Jacky has lived in Maine all her life. ~I’ve been here since Monday. ~He’s known her for two weeks. |
Если в настоящем важен результат действия в прошлом | ~No cure for cancer has been found yet. ~You've changed. What haveyou done to yourself. |
действие, случившееся в неопределенный момент в прошлом | He’s just met Dr Wittner. |
описание жизненного опыта | ~ She has never attended an international conference. ~ We have flown across the Pacific four times. ~ Have you ever organized press conferences? |
сообщение новостей | Seven people have been killedin the train crash. |
Типичные указатели времени: just, already, never, yet, ever, for, since, so far, this week/month, year up to now, lately, recently |
Употребление | Примеры |
Действие, начавшееся в прошлом и только что закончившееся, налицо результат действия | Have you been ranking the lawn? There’s grass all over your pant legs. |
действие, начавшееся в прошлом и продолжающееся в настоящем | Laura has been studying for two hours. |
действие, повторяющееся длительный период в прошлом и продолжающееся в настоящем | ~Simon has been smoking since he was fifteen. ~I have been phoning you all morning. |
общее действие, которое происходит без уточнения конкретного времени | I’ve been thinking about going to college next year. |
Типичные указатели времени: for, since, How long…? |
Употребление | Примеры |
Действие в прошлом, произошедшее раньше другого действия в прошлом | Tom had left hours before we got there. |
Действие, совершившееся до определенного момента в прошлом | I had finished it by 5 p.m. |
Употребление | Примеры |
Длительное прошедшее действие, с указанием его длительности, совершавшееся в момент наступления другого действия в прошлом | I had been working for an hour before you came. |
Длительное прошедшее действие, закончившееся перед моментом наступления другого действия в прошлом | He felt tired as he had been looking through the paper for several hours. |
SIMPLE FUTURE (will) | |
Употребление | Примеры |
Описание событий и ситуаций в будущем | They will take English lessons twice a week next term. |
Решение, принятое в момент речи | The bag looks heavy. I’ll help you with it. (подчеркивая решение) |
Предсказание вероятного события в будущем, сделанные не на очевидных основаниях/ фактах | You will pass the test. (I think so.) (more formal) |
Со словами и фразами типа probably, I think | I wonder what will happen. |
Предложения | I’llhelp you with your physics homework, if you like. |
Просьбы | Will you help me with my physics homework? |
Типичные указатели времени: Tomorrow, next week, (month…), in a day, (year…), perhaps, probably, possibly, I think, I am sure, I wonder |
Употребление | Примеры |
Факты, относящиеся к будущему | The website is going to come on line next week. (more informal) |
Предсказания, сделанные не на очевидных основаниях/ фактах | In the future, everyone is going to have their own flying car. (more informal) |
Решения, принятые в момент речи | I’ve decided! I am not going toget a new DVD player just yet.(подчеркивая намерение) |
Сообщение об уже намеченных планах и намерениях | I’am going to be a famous doctor, one day! |
Предсказания, сделанные на очевидных основаниях | It sounds like the plane’s going totake off in a few minutes. |
Употребление | Примеры |
Продолжительное действие в определенный момент будущем | At noon tomorrow, I’ll be giving a lesson. |
Продолжительное действие, которое будет совершаться в отрезке времени, но не непрерывно | I’ll be preparing for my examination in May. |
Недлительное действие, когда выражается уверенность в его совершении | He’ll be meeting us near the laboratory. |
Типичные указатели времени: at noon, at 5 o'clock, at midnight, at that moment |
Употребление | Примеры |
Действие, которое еще не совершилось, но произойдет раньше определенного момента в будущем. | By the time we arrive he willalready have started the presentation. |
Типичные указатели времени: by, before, until | |
Употребление | Примеры |
Подчеркивается продолжительность периода времени, который пройдет до определенного момента в будущем | By May, my father will have been workingat the same job for thirty years. |
Типичные указатели времени: by, for |
Упр. 5.1.1.Укажите, в каком времени употреблен глагол в каждом предложении.
1. A stranger approached me and asked for a light.
2. People have been watching TV since the 1930s.
3. I’ll come round and see you this evening.
4. They are broadcasting the match live.
5. I had never seen The Flintstones before.
6. Millions of people have seen The Flintstones on TV.
7. My dad tells us really funny stories.
8. I had been watching TV all evening.
9. Rosie was wearing a new skirt at the party.
10. We’re going to see The Flintstones at the cinema tonight.
Упр. 5.1.2.Выберите правильный вариант из каждой пары.
1. I can’t come to the phone – I have/ I’m having a shower.
2. I’ve decided I will/ I’m going to be an actor one day.
3. I finished/ I’ve finished my dinner. Can I go out now?
4. I watched/ I was watching TV when suddenly the phone rang.
5. She looked/ She has looked lovely. She was wearing/ She wore a long, red dress.
6. Before I went to London I had never been / I have never been abroad before.
7. Come in! I had just been reading/ I’ve just been reading that book you gave me.
8. It has/ It had been raining all night and in the morning the streets were flooded.
9. I had been waiting/ I had waited in the rain for ages when she finally turned up.
10. When you’ve finished/ you had finished eating, can you wash the dishes?
Упр.5.1.3. Определите, соответствует ли грамматическое время глагола указателю времени. Исправьте ошибки.
a. So far no uniform international policy against terrorism is established.
b. Some of the city's swimming pools were closed since the end of last summer.
c. From time to time even the healthiest individual needs to have a complete physical examination.
d. The city council is for some time now considering widening that street.
e. By this time next year, most students will leave school and return home.
f. Up until now, no cure for cancer is found.
g. It has been raining steadily since yesterday.
h. At the time of his death, John Kennedy has still been in his forties.
i. In the early part of the 20-th century, immigrants are coming to America in great numbers.
При выполнении следующих заданий следует помнить, что ряд глаголов, характеризующих состояние, как правило, не употребляются в длительном времени. Это
~ глаголы умственной активности: know, realise, suppose, understand, believe, remember, forget, think, assume, consider, expect, agree, mean, doubt и др.;
~ глаголы эмоций: like, dislike, love, hate, envy, prefer, wish, want, care, need, satisfy и др.;
~ глаголы обладания: have, own, belong, contain, consist и др.;
~ глаголы восприятия: see, hear, smell, taste и др.;
~ глаголы существования (existence): be, exist
~ глаголы со значением «казаться» : appear, look, resemble, seem, sound и др.
Однако многозначность этих глаголов не делает это правило абсолютным.
Упр.5.2.1. Определите, в правильном ли грамматическом времени употреблен глагол.
a. I get up at seven in the morning.
b. I'm liking black coffee.
c. He's speaking three languages.
d. I think Mexico's a beautiful country.
e. Restaurants are staying open late in Spain.
f. We usually eat at one o'clock.
g. He's having a flat near the centre.
h. What are you thinking of Shakespeare?
i. I'm so dirty I need a bath right now.
j. Peter's in the kitchen. He cooks breakfast.
k. What are you thinking about?
Упр.5.2.2. Закончите следующие предложения, употребив каждый глагол дважды: один раз в Present Simple, а другой - в Present Continuous.