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Существительные и прилагательные с последующими предлогами

Предложные сочетания

Многие существительные и прилагательные требуют после себя определенных предлогов, образуя устойчивые сочетания, которые необходимо запоминать. Выполнение следующих упражнений позволит повторить наиболее типичные сочетания существительных и прилагательных с последующими предлогами.

Упр.4.4.1.a. Заполните пропуски соответствующим предлогом из предложенного списка.

a. I got a cheque _____ five hundred pounds in the post today.

b. There has been a rise _____ the number of violent crimes.

c. Have you seen this photo _____ my daughter? Isn’t she beautiful?

d. The difference _____ you and me is that I don’t mind hard work.

e. I can think of no reason _____ such strange behaviour.

f. It took a long time to find a solution _____ the problem.

g. Could you give me some information _____ train times?

h. I’m having trouble _____ my car. It won’t start.

i. She’s doing research _____ the causes of tooth decay.

j. This is a machine _____ grinding coffee.

Упр.4.4.1.b. После многих прилагательных в составном сказуемом с глаголом to be используются предлоги. Выберите правильный вариант.

a. Who isn’t present ________ the lesson?

A on B at C from

b. Why are you afraid ________ him?

A of B - C with

c. Are you angry _______ her?

A on B at C with

d. What is John ill ________ ?

A with B by C -

e. John Smith is proud ________ his progress in Russian.

A with B of C by

f. I am quite sure ________ good results of our research.

A in B with C of

g. The old woman is seriously ill. All are afraid ________ her.

A of B for C -

h. I am sorry _______ the girl. She isn’t able to pass the exam.

A for B about C -

Упр.4.4.1.c. Заполните пропуски соответствующим предлогом.

a. The plan has been changed but nobody seems to know the reason ____ this.

b. Don’t ask me to decide. I’m not very good ____ making decisions.

c. Some people say that Sue is unfriendly but she’s always very nice ____ me.

d. What do you think is the best solution ____ the problem?

e. There has been a big increase _____ the price of land recently.

f. He lives a rather lonely life. He doesn’t have much contact _____ other people.

g. Paula is a keen photographer. She likes taking pictures _____ people.

h. Gordon got married ____ a woman he met when he was studying at college.

i. He’s very brave. He’s not afraid ____ anything.

j. I’m surprised ____ the amount of traffic today. I didn’t think it would be so busy.

k. Thank you for lending me the guidebook. It was full ____ useful information.

l. Please come in and sit down. I’m sorry ____ the mess.

m. She was angry ____ me _____ breaking her best plate.

n. Canterbury is famous ____ its ancient cathedral.

o. Bill is jealous ____ anyone who has something he hasn’t.

p. I’m very proud ____ my two daughters. They are so clever.

q. You’re very different ____ your husband. I thought you’d be quite similar ____ each other.

r. Are you excited ____ going to Greece?

s. Many foreigners find driving in Britain quite difficult. They’re not used ____ driving on the left.

t. You are responsible ____ your own actions.

u. Sweets are bad ____ your teeth, but fruit is good ____ them.

v. I’m terribly short _____ time.