Употребление неопределенных местоимений и их производных
Употребление неопределенных местоимений и их производных зависит от того, является ли утвердительным, вопросительным или отрицательным предложение, в котором они используются. Местоимение someи его производныеупотребляются в утвердительных предложениях, аanyвотрицательных предложениях, общих вопросах и условных предложениях.
Some (а неany)употребляется в специальных вопросах, а также в общих вопросах, если они содержат просьбу, предложение, приглашение или спрашивающий рассчитывает на положительный ответ:
Would you like something to add?
Can I have some cold water?
Did someone just knock at the door?
*Упр.3.4.1.Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any и их производными (something, somewhere, someone, anyone, anything).
a. ADid you buy _______ at the shops?
B No, I didn’t have ______ money.
b. A Can I have ______ to eat, Mum? I’m starving.
B Look at the fridge. I think there’s _______ cheese.
AThere isn’t ______ in the fridge. It’s completely empty.
c. A Did you meet _______ interesting at the party?
BYes, I met _______ you know. Carlos, from Spain.
d. A I bought ______ meat and ______ grapes.
B Did you buy _______ cooking oil?
A I couldn’t. They didn’t have ______ .
e. A Have you got _____ scissors?
BYes. They are _________ in the kitchen, but I’m not sure exactly where.
Упр.3.4.2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями, образованными комбинацией some, any, no, every + one, body, thing, where.
a. Put the picture _________ .I don’t mind where.
b. Does _______ want a game of tennis?
c. What’s the noise? Can you hear _______ screaming?
d. I’m going to the shops. Do you want ______ ?
e. You look familiar. Haven’t I seen you ________ before?
f. She left the room without saying _______ .
g. Is there _______ quiet we can go to talk in private?
h. This doesn’t look a very nice restaurant. Can’t we go ______ else?
i. I must have asked fifteen people, but ________ knows the answer.
j. Midas was a king in Greek mythology. _______ he touched turned to gold.
Упр.3.4.3. Заполните пропуски предложенными словами. Некоторые слова можно использовать больше, чем один раз.
any, anywhere, everywhere, somewhere, nothing, everyone / body, anyone / body, someone / body, everyone / body, anything, no-one / body
“Is ______ (1) here?”, said Mrs Thomas to the students on the coach. “Is _____(2) missing?” “I think _____ (3) is missing “, replied one student. “It’s Peter.” “Does _____ (4) know where he is?” asked Mrs Thomas. ______ (5) answered. Mrs Thomas asked Mr Smith to go back into the museum to look for Peter. Ten minutes later Mr Smith returned alone. “I can’t find him _____ (6)”, he said.
“I looked _____ (7)”. “Did Peter say ______ (8) to _______ (9)?” said Mrs Thomas to the students.
“No, ______ (10) at all”, muttered several students. “_______(11) suggestions?” said Mrs Thomas.
“I think ______ (12) should go and look for him. One of us is bound to find him”, suggested another student. “He must be ______ (13)” “But where?” said Mrs Thomas. “He could be _____(14).”
So _______ (15) got off the coach, went back to the museum and spread out to search for Peter. After a few minutes _____ (16) found him, still engrossed by the museum fascinating exhibits.