Обзорные упражнения

Упр.2.7.1. Используя слово, данное в скобках в конце каждого предложения, заполните пропуски требующимися по смыслу производными словами.

Пример: Sorry. Eleven o’clock is inconvenienttime for me. (convenient)


a. It is more _______ to buy a big packet of cornflakes than a small one. (economy)

b. John Jameson is a famous _________ who stole five million pounds from a bank. (crime)

c. I’m quite an _____ person. I play a lot of sport and go running every day. (energy)

d. ________ your own business can cause a lot of financial worries. (manage)

e. Churchill was not only a famous ________ but also a respected ________ . (politics; history)

f. The surgeons tried to do their best to save his life, but unfortunately the operation was _____________ . (success)

g. I understand _________________ what you’re saying. (perfect)

h. Jane’s ________________ as director came as no surprise. (appoint)

i. A holiday in America can be _______________ cheap. (surprise)

j. The ________ of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Halton, was announced last night. (die)

k. My colleagues are very pleasant, but the manager is a little _________ . (friend)

l. I _____________ this morning, and was late for work. (sleep)

m.There have been great ____________ in medical care in the last twenty years. (improve)

n. _______________ is one of my favourite activities. (cook)

o. Some people have a great fear of ________________ by plane. (travel)

p. My car isn’t very _____________. It’s always letting me down. (rely)

q. I wrote ______________ letters of application, but got no reply. (end)

r. I apologize for the mistake made by my office. There appears to have been a slight ________ . (understand)

s. Burning coal is an __________________ way of heating a house. Gas is much cheaper. (economy)

t. I’ve just been told some ________________ news. (astonish)

u. In _________________ with most other countries, Britain has a very high rate of heart attacks. (compare)

v. We have to keep our costs as small as possible. We have so many ____________ trying to take our customers away. (compete)

w.There are very few _____________ places left on earth. Man has been nearly everywhere. (explore)

x. There is extreme _______________ in many Third World countries. (poor)

y. I recommend the _______________ of the house. It’s delicious. (special)

z. He was dismissed for ___________ . He lost the order of a very important customer. (care)

**Упр.2.7.2. Найдите слова с суффиксами и определите, какой частью речи они являются.

a. A programmer designs, writes and tests programs for performing various tasks on a computer.

b. A systems analyst studies organizational systems and decides what action needs to be taken to maximize efficiency.

c. Laser printers are preferable to other types of printing devices because of their speed and quietness.

d. The microcomputer we have purchased does not have a FORTRAN compiler. It is programmable in BASIC only.

e. We decided to computerize the entire plant to give each division more independence.

f. Spooling is a way of storing data temporary on disk or tape until it can be processed by another part of the system.

g. Turning your office into a paperless environment may be expensive at the beginning but can produce big savings in the long run.

h. Software developers are producing increasingly sophisticated applications for a growing global market.

2.8. Тесты к разделу “Словообразование”

Упр.2.8.1. Каждое предложение содержит одну грамматическую ошибку. Отметьте вариант, который Вы считаете неправильным.

1. She sings lovely (A) and everybody (B)praises (C) her singing (D).

2. Interest in (A) automatic data processing has grown (B)rapid (C) since (D) the first large calculators were introduced in 1950.

3. Ordinary (A) a tornado breaks up (B) suddenly and dissipates (C) less than four hours after it has formed (D).

4. To the men who (A) worked so hard (B) on the project, the news was (C) profound (D) disappointing.

5. This (A) is the mostly (B) beautiful girl I have seen (C) for a long time! (D)

6. Over (A) 50% of Ford Motor Company’s (B) employers (C) and 45% of IBM’s (D) for instance, live outside of US.

7. The relative (A) rich countries that (B) belong to the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development comprise (C) 15 % of the world population but enjoy (D) 75% of world output.

8. In order for one to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it is necessary that he (A) work (B) as fastly (C) as (D) possible.

9. During (A) hibernation bears (B) lose (C) between fifteen and thirty percent of their body weigh (D).

Упр.2.8.2. Выберите вариант ответа, который вы считаете правильным.

1. As office manager of Commercial Manufacturing Corporation, Wayne Thomson is responsible for _____________ twelve clerks and typists.

a) supervision b) supervisory c) supervising

2. The __________ rapid pace of technology transfer has led to a growing number of firms possessing the same product or process technology.

a) increasingly b) increased c) increasing d) increase

3. Pollution is the presence in soil, water or air of substances _______ to health or to human beings or animals.

a) objective b) objectionable c) harmless d) harmful e) harming

4. The student must see that knowledge is ___________ to growth and change.

a) subjective b) subjected c) subject d) subjecting

5. Because money growth is a main determinant of inflation, a sharp expansion in a country’s money supply, which tends to stimulate inflation, would cause its currency to ___________ .

a) depreciate b) appreciate

6. Conversely, monetary contraction would cause the currency to __________ .

a) depreciate b) appreciate

7. The company dealing with tourism has hired some _________ .

a) travel agents b) travelling agents

8. X-ray are able to pass through objects and thus make ______ details that are otherwise impossible to observe.

a) it visible b) visibly c) visible d) they are visible

9. _____ of the state of a material, the molecules of this material are continuously moving.

a) with regards to b) regarding c) regarded d) regardless

Упр.2.8.3. Заполните пробелы в тексте словами в подходящей по контексту форме, используя слова, предложенные справа для каждой строки соответственно. Вариант (0) указан как пример.