Суффиксы отвлеченных существительных

Суффиксы в словообразовании в английском языке

Упр.2.2.1.a. Образуйте существительные от глаголов, добавляя соответствующие суффиксы.

  -ation   -ence/-ance   - ment
observe depend conceal
inform infer move
determine accept agree
form exist judge
examine correspond advertise
oblige prefer encourage
ionise occur require
excite resist measure
combine appear arrange
organise assist manage
utilise accord state
exploit refer improve
install perform develop
confirm persist retire
  -al   -ure   -y
survive press deliver
remove expose inquire
approve please enquire
refuse fail discover
arrive erase recover
propose disclose flatter

Упр.2.2.1.b. Найдите существительное, образованное от глагола. Напишите соответствующий глагол.

1. The man was arrested because of his failure to pay income taxes.

2. The removal of his car was illegal.

3. His father is an art collector.

4. The paper he wrote shows his mastery of the subject.

5. We need your assistance before we can finish repairing this bicycle.

6. Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin brought about significant changes in plantation life.

7. The departure of the airliner was delayed by stormy weather.

8. At the conclusion of the movie, please remain seated.

9. A group of volunteers will put up the party decorations tonight.

10.His proposal was approved by the head of the company.

Упр.2.2.1.c. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов. Одни существительные совпадают с глаголом по форме. Другие образуются с помощью суффиксов –ment или -al.

Verb: to arrive, to aim, to judge, to invest, to approve, to refuse, to announce, to blame, to delay, to mistake, to rest, to survive, to develop, to propose, to trouble

Noun: arrival, …

Упр.2.2.1.d. Используя суффиксы –ion, -ment, -ation, -ance, -ssion, -age образуйте существительные от глаголов, приведенных ниже. Проверьте себя по словарю. Обратите внимание на ударный слог: во всех образованных существительных он – предпоследний.

Verb: explain, enjoy, pack, expect, achieve, use, avoid, require, admit, disappoint, allow, excite

Noun: explan¢ation, …

**Упр.2.2.1.e. Заполните пропуски, образовав от приведенной в скобках основы нужное существительное, используя суффиксы –age, -tude, -ism.

a. A _____ in the hydraulic system was diagnosed. (leak)

b. In mathematics ________ is a one-to-one correspondence. (homeomorph-)

c. These systems are capable of performing ______ of different tasks. (multi-)

d. ______ is a widespread phenomenon in animals and plants, determined by differences in either genetic constitution, environmental conditions, or both. (polymorph-)

e. There has been a twenty per cent _____ in the steel industry in the past few years. (shrink)

f. A decision of this _____ had to have national support. (magni-)

g. Dalton, the physicist, received lavish _____ in his formative years. (patron)

h. _____ is caused by the motion of atomic electrons, which, since they are charged, constitute a current. ( diamagnet-)

i. Computers have a ______ capacity greater than the human memory. (store)