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1 Часть материала взята из: „The College Caterers are Dropping Out”. — Business Week, April 23, 1979, p. 36—37.

2 Frederick E. Webster, Jr. and Yoram Wind. „Organizational Buying Behavior”. Englewood Cliffs, N.J:, „Prentice-Hall”, 1972, p. 2.

3 Patrick J. Robinson, Charles W. Paris and Yoram Wind. „Industrial Buying and Creative Marketing”. Boston, „Allyn & Bacon", 1967.

4 Webster and Wind. Op. cit., p. 6.

5 Ibid., p. 78—80.

6 См.: Murray Harding. „Who Really Makes the Purchasing Decision?” — In­dustrial Marketing, September 1966, p. 76. Дальнейшее развитие эта точка зрения получила в работе: Ernest Dichter. «Industrial Buying is Based on Same „Only Human” Emotional Factors that Motivate Consumer Market's Housewife». — Industrial Marketing, February 1973, p. 14—16.

7 Webster and Wind. Op. cit, p. 33—37.

8 Robinson, Faris and Wind. Op. cit., p. 14.

9 Albert W. Frey. „Marketing Handbook”, 2d ed. N.V., „Ronald Pres”, 1965, p. 21.

10 См.: Leonard Groeneveld. „The Implications of Blanket Contracting for Industrial Purchasing and Marketing”. — Journal of Purchasing, November 1972, p. 51—58; H. Lee Mathews, David T. Wilson and Klaus Backhaus. „Selling to the Computer Assisted Buyer”. — Industrial Marketing Management, 6,1977, p. 307—315.

11 См.: Stanley E. Cohen. „Looking in the U.S. Government Market”. — Industrial Marketing, September 1964, p. 129—138.

12 См. „Out of the Maze”. — Sales and Marketing Management, April 9, 1979.

Глава 7. Сегментирование рынка,

1 Написано автором на основе: „Coke's Big Marketing Blitz”. — Business Week, May 30, 1983, p. 58—64.

2 cm. „R.J. Reynolds Stops a Slide in Market Share”. — Business Week, January 26, 1976, p. 92.

3cm. „Can the Baby Toy Market be Segmented 12 Ways?” — Business Week, February 14, 1977, p. 62.

4 См.: Joseph T. Plummer. „Life Style Patterns: New Constraint for Mass Communications Research”. — Journal of Broadcasting, Winter 1971/72, p. 79—89.

5 Цитируется по: Franklin B. Evans. „Psychological and Objective Factors in the Prediction of Brand Choke; Ford Versus Chevrolet”. — Journal of Business, October 1959, p. 340—369.

6 Ralph Westfall. „Psychological Factors in Predicting Product Choice”. — Journal of Marketing, April 1962, p. 34—40.

7 См.: Shirley Young. „The Dynamics of Measuring Unchange”. — „Attitude Research in Transition”. Ed. Russell I. Haley. Chicago, American Marketing Association, 1972, p. 61—82.

8 См.: Russell L. Ackoff and James R. Emshoff. „Advertising Research at Anheuser-Busch. Inc. (1968-1974)”. — Sloan Management Review, Spring 1975, p. 1—15.

9См.: Daniel Yankelovich. „New Criteria for Market Segmentation”. — Harvard Business Review, March-April 1964, p. 85.

10 Frank M. Bass, Douglas J. Tigert and Ronald T. Lonsdale. „Market Segmentation: Group versus Individual Behavior”. — Journal of Marketing Research, August 1968, p. 276.

11 За основу взята классификация из серии статей: George H. Brown. „Brand Loyalty — Fact or Fiction” — Advertising Age, June 1952 — January 1953.

12 Более подробно о переменных сегментирования рассказано в работе: Ro­nald Frank, William Massy, and Yoram Wind. Market Segmentation, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1972.

13 См.: Wendell R. Smith. „Product Differentiation and Market Segmentation as Alternative Marketing Strategies”. — Journal of Marketing, July 1966, p. 3—8; Alan A. Roberts. „Applying the Strategy of Market Segmentation”. — Business Horizons, Fall 1961, p. 65—72.

14 Natalie McKelvy. „Shoes Make Edison Brothers a Big Name”. — Chicago Tribune, February 23, 1979, Sec. 5, p. 9.

15 R. William Kotrba. „The Strategy Selection Chart”. — Journal of Marketing, July 1966, p. 22 —25.

16 К подобным схемам следует относиться с осторожностью, поскольку в них отражены усредненные представления и не все клиенты воспринимают товарыименно таким образом.

Глава 8. Разработка товаров: