One morning Mrs. Loisel wanted to refresh __ from the labours of the week

There are __ letters for your mother

A) some;

B) any;

C) something;

D) anything;

E) somebody.


4. I don’t know why Ted hasn’t invited ___ to ___ birthday party

A) she; him;

B) her; his;

C) hers; his;

D) her; him;

E) herself; his.


5. There is no need to ask for help. You can do it ___

A) you;

B) your;

C) yourself;

D) yours;

E) myself.


6. We don’t understand what she is talking about. Explain __ to __, please

A) it, us;

B) it, we;

C) that, we;

D) it, our;

E) it, them.


7. I’m looking at ___

A) me;

B) him;

C) himself;

D) his;

E) he.


8. Whose money is this? - It’s ___

A) my;

B) mine;

C) me;

D) myself;

E) I.


9. __ garden is next to ___. It is very beautiful

A) hers, our;

B) her, ours;

C) hers, ours;

D) her, our;

E) her, us.


10. Don’t give the little girl ___ more sweets today

A) any;

B) no;

C) some;

D) anything;

E) nothing.


11. She heard the note of angry exasperation but didn’t let ___ take ___ pleasure from the fact that she could still provoke __ emotion

A) herself, any, some;

B) her, some, any;

C) herself, any, any;

D) her, any, any;

E) herself, some, some.


12. Mr. Jacobs had a servant ___ was very stupid

A) who;

B) what;

C) which;

D) whom;

E) when.

13. Tom promised ___ one thing: he’s going to sell __ television set

A) his, our;

B) himself; our;

C) himself, ours;

D) his, ours;

E) himselves, our.


14. A friend of ___ came last week to stay with ___

A) me, myself;

B) mine, me;

C) my, I;

D) my, me;

E) me, me.


15. Don’t touch these things! They are ___

A) my;

B) mine;

C) mines;

D) me;

E) myself.


16. We must have ___ here___ we can trust

A) someone, who;

B) someone, whom;

C) anyone, whom;

D) nobody, who;

E) anybody, which.


17. What will they do with ___ when they leave school?

A) themselves;

B) they;

C) themselves;

D) them;

E) theirs.


18. She had ___ fine dress, ___ jewels, ___

A) any, any, nothing;

B) some, some, anything;

C) no, no, anything;

D) no, no, nothing;

E) some, any, nothing.


A) her;

B) herself;

C) hers;

D) himself;

E) she.


20. Don’t you think this tortured conversation is getting us ___?

A) somewhere;

B) anywhere;

C) nowhere;

D) everywhere;

E) something.

Самостоятельная работа студентов под руководством преподавателя №1

Самоконтроль за усвоением грамматического материала по теме «Местоимение»


Задание: Выполните обобщающий тест

1. Please, go and ask the secretary for ___ paper; I haven’t got ___ in my desk

A) some, any;

B) any, no;

C) some, no;

D) any, any;

E) some, some.


2. In hospitals the patients are taken at 6 in the morning ___ is too early

A) which;

B) when;

C) what;

D) where;

E) whose.


3. Would you know ___ to do if it happened to you?

A) what;

B) how;

C) which;

D) where;

E) who.


4. Mrs. Small lives alone, and in the evenings she is very sad because she hasn’t got ___ to talk to

A) nobody;

B) anybody;

C) somebody;

D) something;

E) nothing.


5. My parents were very glad to meet ___

A) he;

B) him;

C) his;

D) himself;

E) she.


6. My elder sister and ___ decided to visit this museum

A) I;

B) me;

C) my;

D) myself;

E) mine.


7. Harold showed me some photos. I looked at ___ and didn’t say ___

A) them, anything;

B) they, nothing;

C) it, nothing;

D) their, anything;

E) they, anything.


8. Is there ___ milk in the fridge?

A) any;

B) some;

C) no;

D) something;

E) anything.


9. Who gave you this medicine? - A friend of ___

A) she;

B) me;

C) my;

D) hers;

E) her.


10. I’m going to visit Madrid, because I have __ some friends there

A) any;

B) no;

C) some;

D) something;

E) anything.


11. ___ men destroyed our garage

A) this

B) these

C) that

D) which

E) what


12. ___ cigarettes are ___?

A) who, this;

B) whose, these;

C) who, it;

D) whose, it;

E) who, they.


13. In the Second World War, ___people did not use petrol in ___ cars

A) some, theirs;

B) some, their;

C) any, them;

D) no, them;

E) somebody, their.


14. There were two brothers. One of ___ drank coffee, ___ drank only tea

A) they, other;

B) themselves, another;

C) them, the other;

D) them, other;

E) they, the other.