The scientists who are going to revolutionise our lives in the course of the next 1000 years

Text III

XII. Give a brief summary of the text.

XI. Ask special questions to the following statements.

1. Alexander Fleming is a famous bacteriologist. (What?)

2. All the sea and air transport depends on radar for navigation and safety. (What?)

3. Radar was discovered during the war. (When?)

4. Scientists didn’t find a death ray, but they found a technique. (What)

5. Teflon is a substance which is used in non-stick frying pans. (Where?)

6.Artificial sweeteners were discovered by accident. (How?)

7. Serendipity made chewing gum. (What?)

8. We use little yellow stick-on notes in the office and for leaving phone messages. (What … for?)

9. There will be lots of serendipitous discoveries. (Why?)



After reading this text you will learn:

- perspective fields of scientific investigations;

- the names of future Nobel prize-winners;

- inventions that can shape the 21st century.


I. Learn the following derivatives and fill in the blanks with the proper one:

To inspire – inspiration – inspiring – inspired;

1. Dreams can be a rich source of … for an artist. 2. Both poets drew their … from the countryside. 3. Her charity work is an … to us all. 4. It came to me in a flash of … 5. The actors’ enthusiasm … the kids. 6. The choice of décor … by a trip to India. 7. He is known to be an … leader. 8. As a general, he … great loyalty in his troops. 9. The book is less than …10. Be …!


II. Look: at, up, up to, after, for, through, forward to, out (for), down on smb;

a) Fill in the gaps with the right postposition:

1. Don’t worry! I can look … your children. 2. Mark was sitting in the living-room absent-mindedly looking … the pages of a magazine. 3. I’m not sure about the meaning of this word. I’d better look it … in the dictionary. 4. I’m looking … … your visit impatiently. 5. He was looking … the ball everywhere. 6. He was looking … the fire and did not answer my question. 7. Everybody looks … … him. 8. She looks … … people who haven’t been to college. 9. He looked … … Jim and thought he was not a good match for her daughter. 10. Look …! There is a car coming. 11. You should look … for pickpockets. 12. Look … for spelling mistakes in your work.

b) Translate into English:

С нетерпением ожидать выходных; искать ключи; искать слово в словаре; присматривать за детьми; просматривать утреннюю почту; посмотреть на картину; посмотреть значение слова; относиться к человеку с уважением; искать выход; с нетерпением ожидать поездки; просматривать статьи; присматривать за родителями; посмотреть на доску; с нетерпением ожидать перерыва; искать сведения; смотреть свысока (презирать); быть на стороже;

III. Learn the following words:

Word Transcription Translation
Breakthrough ['breIkTrH] Прорыв
Unexpected ["AnIks'pektId] Неожиданный
To stun [stAn] Ошеломлять
Community [kq'mjHnqtI] Сообщество
To expand [Ik'spend] Расширять
Frontiers ['frAntIqz] Границы
To restore [rI'stL] Восстанавливать
Blind [blaInd] Слепой
Via [vaIq] Посредством
Helicopter ['helIkPptq] Вертолет
Surgeon ['sWG(q)n] Хирург
Capable ['keIpqbl] Способный
Physician [fI'zIS(q)n] Врач
To spearhead (зд.) ['spIqhed] Возглавлять работу над
To dial [dQIl] Набирать номер
Stem cell [stem sel] Стволовая клетка
Supply [sq'plQI] Запас
Spare [spFq] Запасной
Draw on [drL] Привлекать (использовать)
Emergency [I'mWG(q)nsI] Крайняя необходимость
To suffer ['sAfq] испытывать