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IV. Базовый текст.

Переведите письменно данные предложения на английский язык.

Напишите все виды вопросов к данному предложению.

Задайте и запишите вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. We need this particular time for the experiment. 2. We entered the University last year.3. Sometimes professors deliver lectures at the clinic. 4. He is in poor health. 5. We must give all our knowledge and abilities to people.

My friend carried out a valuable experiment at the laboratory last week.

1. Я умею говорить по-английски. 2. Я не могу перевести это предложение. 3. Можно мне войти? 4. Он может забыть об этом. 5. Я должен упорно работать над своим английским. 6. Вы должны внимательно слушать преподавателя на занятие. 7. Вы не должны опаздывать. 7. Как тебя зовут? 8. Где ты живешь? 9. Где ты учишься? 10. Какие предметы ты изучаешь? 11. Как ты проводишь свое свободное время?



Important [im’pLtqnt] - важный, значительный

in the world [wWld] - в мире

native - родной

to achieve [q’tSJv]- достигать

exchange [Iks’tSeinG]- обмен

to promote [prq’mout]- способствовать, обеспечивать

to develop [di’velqp]- развивать, разрабатывать, появляться

updating -модернизация

knowledge [‘nLliG]- знание

foreign [‘fOrin] - иностранный

language [‘lxNgwiG] - язык

main - главный, основной

obligation [,Obli’geiSn] - обязанность

necessary [‘nesisqri] - нужный, необходимый

education [‘edjH’keiSn] - образование


according to [q’kLdiN] - согласно. в соответствии

skills - умения

community [kq’mjHniti] - сообщество

in order to- (для того) чтобы


to escape [is’keip] - избегать

to discover [dis’kAvq] - открывать, обнаруживать


particular [pq’tikjulq] - особый

scientist [‘sQintist] - ученый

scientific [,sQin’tifik] - научный

ability [q’biliti] - способность

by means of- с помощью, посредством

field [fJld] - поле, область


Nowadays English is the most important language in the world. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South Africa. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations and other political organizations. So over 300 million people speak it.

Scientific and medical achievements break actively into life. Exchange of scientific information promotes wide development and introduction of science into practice in different countries. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English.

Among all professional activities, the medical practice mostly needs a constant updating of know-how. That’s why a good knowledge of foreign languages by medical students is the main obligation of tomorrow’s medical doctors. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist in medicine.

According to the WHO doctors of tomorrow must be the “five-star doctors”. They must have universally essential skills: the care-provider, decision-maker, communicator, community leader and manager.

In order to achieve these, medical students should study and work hard. Life-long learning in medicine is a natural process. Qualified doctors must read a lot of special books and foreign medical journals in the original. It makes doctor’s outlook wider and helps him to escape many mistakes, to develop ability to discover how to find important knowledge and information about a particular field of medicine, to develop ability to work in real time. And by means of learning and mastering English they can play a full and active role in community and in profession.

2. Вопросы для обсуждения:

1. What language is the most important language in the world?

2. Where do the native speakers of English live?

3. How many people speak English as their mother language?

4. Why is a good knowledge of foreign languages the main obligation of tomorrow’s doctors?


5. Should medical students study and work hard in order to achieve a good knowledge of



6. Can it increase their professional and intercultural outlook?


7. Do you like to study English?


1. Учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов. – 3-е изд. Испр. И доп. – М.: Лист Нью, 2002.- 336 с. / под ред. Масловой А.М.


1. R Murphy. English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 2012



Практическое занятие № 5