Fill in the gaps
1. коммерческие банки обслуживают организации и учреждения.
2. Коммерческие банки осуществляют кассовое обслуживание
3. Коммерческие банки покупают драгоценные металлы и камни в стране и за рубежом
4. Коммерческие банки являются частью банковской системы
5. Коммерческие банки независимы в проведении кредитной политики
6. Коммерческие банки не имеют права выпускать деньги
7. они предоставляют кредиты и сопровождают вклады денежных средств в ценные бумаги
8. В каком коммерческом банке легче оформить ипотеку?
3. True/ false statements
1. Commercial banks have the right to issue money
2. Commercial banks realize currency operations
3. Commercial banks are a part of the banking system
4. They may carry out different commission operations
5. They grant credits
6. Commercial banks service investment activities in financial markets
1. Commercial banks accept ….. on term deposits. 2. Some banks offer ….. cards. 3. Commercial banks offer a wide range of corporate financial ….. 4. Major commercial ….. cooperate with each other 5. All commercial banks can make loans to ….. 6. The bank will check the ….. of the client
money debit services banks borrowers creditworthiness
Тема «Центральный банк РФ»
The Bank of Russia
The Bank of Russia or is the central bank of The Russian Federation. It was founded on July 13, 1990
Main objectives of activity of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are:
1. Protection and provision of stability of ruble
2. Development and strengthening of bank system of the Russian Federation.
3. Provision of effective and uninterrupted functioning of a settlement system.
The bank of Russia (BR) carries out following functions:
• develops and conducts the uniform state monetary and credit policy directed on protection stability of ruble;
• Exclusively performs issue of cash and will organize their circulation;
• is the last resort lender for the credit organizations, will organize refinancing system;
• establishes rules of realization of calculations in the Russian Federation;
• establishes rules of carrying out of banking activities
• performs the state registration and the supervision of activity of the credit organizations
• will organize and performs currency control as directly, and through authorized banks according to the legislation of the Russian Federation;
• takes part in development of the forecast of a paying balance and the economy of the Russian Federation;
• performs other functions according to federal acts.
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is accountable to the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
The bank of Russia has the right to perform following operations with the Russian and foreign credit organizations and the Government of the Russian Federation:
1) to buy and sell government securities on "public market";
2) to buy and sell bonds, deposit certificates and other securities with terms of repayment no more than 1 year;
3) to buy and sell foreign exchange, and also documents of payment and obligations in the foreign exchange, exposed by the Russian and foreign credit organizations;
4) to buy, store, sell precious metals and other currency values;
5) to open accounts in the Russian and foreign credit organizations in territory of the Russi
6) to expose checks and bills in any currency;
7) to perform any banking activities on its own behalf if it isn't forbidden by the law.