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Vital functions performed by full-service banking institutions

The credit function
the trust function



the brocerage function
the insurance function
The modern bank
The investment/planning function
The payment function
The cash management function
The thrift or savings function
the investment banking or underwriting function


The essence of bank’s activities is the collection of deposits through current accounts and deposit accounts and the use of these funds to provide loans or funds for investment.


Safe keeping –на хранении

Mortgages – ипотека, закладная

Household – семья, домочадцы; домашнее хозяйство

Intermediation – посредничество

Thrift – бережливость

Underwrite – гарантировать размещение

Source of credit – источник кредитов

Control level – ручка управления, средство воздействия (контроля)


1. What kind of organization is a bank?

2. Are banks among the most important financial institutions in the economy?

3. How must banks be identified?

4. What are banking’s principle roles?

5. Name the vital functions performed by full-service banking institutions?

6. What are bank’s main activities?



Terms Definitions
Capital a) A sum of money to a shareholder out of profit in relation to his investment
Dividend b) An account in a bank from which money can be drawn by cheque
Deposit account c) Profits not paid out as dividends and added to the surplus
Retained profits d) The money value of the shareholders state in the bank or company
Current account e) An account in a bank on which the depositor receives money interest



Teller Funds Policy Dividends


1. An employee in a bank who pays out and receives money is called …

2. The Board may distribute…to the shareholders out of profits once or twice a year

3. The…may be high even after all the bank’s expenses are paid

4. The Board will discuss the bank’s…in other businesses

1. Банки выполняют много функций в экономике любой страны

2. Мы не могли оформить ипотеку в коммерческом банке

3. Сумма страхования была не очень большой

4. Центральный банк управляет циркуляцией денег

5. Мы оформили кредит в банке, но проценты были очень высокими

6. Торговая деятельность нашей компании не очень успешна

7. Мы снимаем деньги с текущего счета

8. Вкладчик получил проценты на депозитный счет

9. Банки принимают вклады от населения

10. Банковская система построена по двухуровневой схеме

6. True – false statements

1. Current account is an account in a bank on which the depositor receives money interest

2. Banks play only a narrow role in the economy

3. Banks are among the most important financial institutions in the economy

4. The second level of credit system is commercial bank

5. Credit system is built in three level scheme

6. Banks cannot fulfill cash management function


Тема «Особенности строения банковской системы»