Unit 11. Auto Mechanic Safety
I. Scan the text about car paint repair to find answers to these questions.
III Read the dialogue.
- Hello, Alex. I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?
- Hello, Peter. I’m fine, thanks. I’m glad to meet you very much. You see, I’ve bought a car, a second-hand Ford, not very old and in a good condition. But today it doesn’t start.
- What’s wrong with your car?
- I don’t know yet. I can’t trace the fault. And if I’m not mistaken, you, Alex, are a driver of long standing. Can you help me with my car?
- Sure. Let me have a look at your car right now. We should check three things first: the battery, the fuel level and the spark plugs. It’s easy to repair these faults. By the way, when did you have your plugs checked?
- Last week when I filled my car at the petrol station.
- Well, have a look at the petrol gauge once more.
- All right. The tank is half full. It must be another fault.
- You are right. Your engine is misfiring. I guess the battery has run down. It needs recharging.
- It’s awful! My car must be in order as soon as possible. I have to drive a lot in my business.
- Don’t get upset. It won't take you long to have your battery recharged. There is a good service station in 10 minutes drive from here not far from the MacDonald restaurant. Do you know the place?
- I think so. Thank you for your help.
- Don’t mention it. You’re welcome.
trace the fault, v. – обнаружить неисправность
petrol gauge, n.– датчик топлива
misfire, v. – давать перебои в зажигании
recharge the battery, v. – перезарядить батарею
Section B. Car Paint Repair
1. What do car painters do?
2. What do you know about scratches effects on a car?
3. What can be easily fixed with touch-up pens?
4. When will you need to buy a spray gun?
5. What is the best weather for car painting?
6. Why should you observe all recommendations for car painting?
Car painters repair car bodywork. They apply prime coats and repair paint surfaces. They know the standard chassis, motor and electrical device constructions and are able to carry out basic maintenance work.
Car painters remove, mark out and replace vehicle body parts, prepare vehicle surfaces, treat the vehicle with protection chemicals, apply prime coats and remove rust. They use workshop tools such as sanding machines and know different sanding techniques and materials, fillers, primers and rustproofing chemicals, insulating, and filling paints.
No scratch is the same; each scratch differs in size and depth. Depending on how deep the scratch is, you will use different car paint repair techniques. There are 4 layers that the scratch can go into: the first is a clear coat, the second is the paint, the third is the primer and the fourth is the metal. Most scratches penetrate only the clear coat leaving remaining layers intact. These scratches can be easily removed with a little sanding, some buffingand waxing.
Small chips and scratches can be easily fixed with touch-up pens. Long and medium size scratches can be brushed with paint. Large areas can be fixed by using spray cans. If you are planning on re-painting a whole car or one of the auto body parts, you will need to buy larger quantities of paint and a spray gun.
No matter what touch-up paint you choose, make sure it is of a good quality. Because even if you do everything right, a cheap low quality paint will not give you the professional result you are looking for.
Remember that the best weather for car painting is 50% humidity. Avoid painting in the direct sun and in the windy conditions. Temperatures above 80F (26°C) and below 55F (13°C) can compromise your paint job. Since all areas have different weather, try to get to the recommended conditions as close as you can. During cold winter, it is a good idea to use a heated garage.
prime coat / primer, n.–грунтовкаspray gun, n.– краскопульт
remove rust, v. – снимать ржавчинуclear coat, n. – прозрачный лак
sanding machine, n.– шлифовальный станокbuffing, n. – полировка
rustproofing, n. – предотвращение ржавления insulating, n.– изолирующий