Computer Diagnostic Testing
Computers are also commonplace in modern repair shops. Service technicians compare the readoutsfrom computerized diagnostic testing devices with benchmarked standards given by the manufacturer. Deviations outside of acceptable levels tell the technician to investigate that part of the vehicle more closely.
The On-Board Diagnostics, or the OBD, in an automotive context, is a general term referring to a vehicle's self-diagnostic. The OBD systems inform owners or repair technicians about state of health for various vehicle sub-systems. Modern OBD systems use a standardized digital communications port to provide real time data in addition to a standardized series of Diagnostic Trouble Codes, or DTCs, which allow service technicians rapidly identify and remedy malfunctions within the vehicle.
High technology tools are needed to fix the computer equipment that operates everything from the engine to the radio in many cars. In fact, today, most automotive systems, such as the braking, transmission, and steering systems are controlled primarily by computers.Additionally, luxury vehicles often have some integrated global positioning systems, accident-avoidance systems, and other new features with which technicians will need to become familiar.
readout, n.–показание прибора
deviation, n.–отклонение
investigate, v. – изучить
On-Board Diagnostics, n. – бортовая (встроенная) диагностика
trouble code, n. – код неисправности
remedy, v. – исправлять
malfunction, n.– неисправность
benchmarked, n. – сопоставительные испытания