Diagnosing a Car
When mechanical or electrical troubles occur, technicians first get a description of the problem from the owner or, in a large shop, from the repair service estimatoror service advisor who wrote the repair order. To locate the problem, technicians use a diagnostic approach. First, they test to see whether components and systems are secure and working properly. Then, they isolate the components or systems that might be the causeof the problem. For example, if an air-conditioner malfunctions, the technician might check for a simple problem, such as a low coolant level, or a more complex issue, such as a bad drive train connection that has shorted out the air conditioner.
As part of their investigation, technicians may test drive the vehicle or use a variety of testing equipment, including onboard and diagnostic computers. Accuracy and efficiency are critical in diagnosing and repairing vehicles, as parts are increasingly expensive, and timely repairs allow shops to take on more business.
estimator, n.–оценщик
advisor, n. – консультант
repair order, n.– ремонтный заказ-наряд
diagnostic approach, n. – диагностический подход
secure, adj. – надежный
cause, n.–причина
malfunction, v.–работать неисправно
coolant level, n. – уровень охлаждающей жидкости
drive-train, n. – зубчатая передача
investigation, n.–обследование, изучение причин
salvageable, adj. – для повторного использования
accuracy, n.–точность
timely repairs, n.–выполненный в срок ремонт
V. Read the text “Computer Diagnostic Testing” and say what role the On-Board Diagnostics plays in modern cars.