Automotive Tools and Instruments
Notes:power tool, n. – инструмент с электроприводом
exhaust systems, n. – системы выпуска двигателя
grinding machine, n.–шлифовальный станок
wrench / spanner, n. – гаечный ключ machine tool, n.–станок
lathe, n.–токарный станок rebuild, v.– восстановить
flame-cutting, n. – газопламенная резкаwelding, n.–сварка
jack, n. – домкрат hoist, n.–подъемник
screwdriver, n.– отвертка pliers, n.–плоскогубцы
Service technicians use a variety of tools in their work. They use power tools, such as pneumatic wrenches to remove bolts quickly; machine tools like lathes and grinding machines to rebuild brakes; welding and flame-cutting equipment to remove and repair exhaust systems; and jacks and hoiststo lift cars and engines.
They also use common hand tools, such as screwdrivers, pliers, and spanners to work on small parts and in hard-to-reach places.
Technicians usually provide their own hand tools and many experienced workers have thousands of dollars invested in them. Employers furnish engine analyzers, and other diagnostic equipment. Some common tools and automotive equipment are shown below.
Tyre Repair Tools (TRT)
Cut Pliers Spark-Plug-Spanners Digital Wheel Balancer
III. Translate the text “Specialization in Types of Repairs”. Use dictionary if necessary.