Ignition System

The ignition system enables the engine to start and keep running. It depends on the type of engine and the fuel used. Petrol engines are typically ignited by a precisely timed spark, and diesel engines by compression heating.

The ignition is located either on the side of the steering column or on the dashboard. It is a multifunction switch, into which you insert your key, in order to energize the electrical circuits and activate your starter motor.

The spark plugignites the fuel and air mixture in each cylinder. This process is called “combustion” and it takes place in the “combustion chamber”.


Electricity for the igniting process or ignition is supplied by an alternator and a battery. The current is then carried to a coil, then to a distributor and finally to the spark plugs.

The car’s starting system consists of two components: the electric starter motor and the starter solenoid. As you turn the ignition key to the start position, the starter solenoid gets activated and this energizes the starter motor. The starter motor spins the engine a few revolutions allowing the combustion process to begin and the car to start moving.



ignition system, n. – система зажигания двигателя

ignite, v. – воспламенять

spark plug, n. – свеча зажигания

combustion chamber, n. – камера сгорания

alternator, n. – генератор переменного тока

current, n.ток

coil, n. – катушка

distributor, n. – распределитель зажигания

spin, v.– крутить

V. Read the text “Cooling system” and describe the cooling system operation.

Notes: overheating, n. – перегрев wear out, v. – изнашиваться

emit pollution, v. – выделять загрязнение

air-cooled, adj. – с воздушным охлаждением

liquid-cooled, adj. – с жидкостным охлаждением

coolant, n.– охлаждающая жидкость

water pump, n. – водяной насос flow around, v. – обтекать

liquid, n. – жидкость hose, n. – шланг

belt, n. – ремень fluid, n. – жидкость

freezing point, n. – точка замерзания

boiling point, n. – точка кипения