Car Instruments
III. Memorize the terms describing interior components of a car.
1. steering wheel 2.windscreen wipers 3. distributor 4. spark plug 5. coil 6. air filter 7. engine 8. fan 9. battery 10. headlight 11. dynamo / alternator 12. side light / indicator light 13. steering box 14. front suspension 15. drum brake 16. starter motor 17. gearbox 18. brake pedal 19. clutch pedal 20. gear stick lever 21. propeller / cardan shaft 22. universal joint 23. shock absorber 24. rear spring 25. petrol tank 26. filler cap 27. rear lights 28. rear axle | 1. рулевое колесо 2. стеклоочиститель 3. распределитель зажигания 4. свеча зажигания 5. катушка зажигания 6. воздушный фильтр 7. двигатель 8. вентилятор 9. аккумуляторная батарея 10. передние фары 11. генератор переменного тока 12. указатель поворота 13. рулевой механизм 14. передняя подвеска 15. колодочный тормозной механизм 16. стартер 17. коробка передач 18. педаль тормоза 19. педаль сцепления 20. рычаг переключения передач 21. карданная передача 22. карданный шарнир 23. амортизатор 24. задняя рессора 25. бензобак 26. крышка топливного бака 27. задние фары 28. задняя ось |
IV. Read the text “Car Instruments” and say what role car instruments play.
In order to be able to operate the vehicle safely, a driver must know the functions and locations of all the interior mechanisms of the car. The instrument panel contains gauges which include the following:
· a speedometer, which indicates speed in both miles and kilometers per hour;
· a tachometer, which indicates rotations in the engine in revolutions per minute(RPMs);
· an odometer, which indicates the total number of miles your car has been driven since it was manufactured;
· a fuel gauge, which shows the fuel level in your car's fuel tank;
· an oil gauge, which shows the oil level;
Warning lights are provided on the car's instrument panel. They light up in case of a serious problem.
There are three kinds of warning lights:
· Oil Pressure Warning Light
· Temperature Warning Light
· Battery Low Warning Light
An Oil Pressure Warning Light: this light goes on when the engine oil is not circulating at the required pressure. Some vehicles have an oil pressure gauge that reads LOW when the engine's oil pressure is too low. If you see an oil pressure warning while driving, STOP immediately at a safe place and turn off the engine.
A Battery Low Warning Light: when this light goes on or the battery gauge reads LOW, this means that the battery power is running out.
gauge, n.–измерительный прибор
rotation, n.–вращение RPMs, n.–обороты в минуту
odometer, n. – одометр
total number, n. – общее количество
fuel gauge, n.–измеритель горючего
oil gauge, n. – масляной манометр
warning light, n. – лампа аварийной сигнализации
oil pressure, n. – давление масла required, adj.–требуемый
light up, v. – загоратьсяLOW, adj.–низкий уровень