Unit 7. Automobile Safety

I. Match the terms describing the appearance of a car.

Unit 6. Automobile Design

1. windscreen / windshield 2. windscreen / windshield wiper 3. steering wheel 4. bonnet / hood 5. grille 6. bumper 7. headlight 8. rear light / tail light 9. break light 10. wheel 11. tyre 12. wing / fender 13. wing mirror / side mirror 14. rear view mirror 15. aerial / antenna 16. door lock 17. side panel 18. number plate / license 19. petrol / gas tank flap 20. boot / trunk 21. trade mark / badge 22. exhaust pipe 1. стеклоочиститель 2. рулевого колеса 3. колесо 4. решетка радиатора 5. выхлопная труба 6. боковое зеркало 7. фонарь заднего хода 8. шина 9. капот 10. стоп-сигнал крыло 11. зеркало заднего вида 12. антенна 13. стоп-сигнал 14. передняя фара 15. фирменный знак 16. молдинг 17. номерной знак 18. крышка топливного бака 19. багажник 20. лобовое стекло 21. дверной замок 22. бампер

I. Read the text and say what terms “active” and “passive” safety mean.

Automobile safetyis the study and practice of vehicle design, construction, and equipment to minimize the occurrence and consequences of automobile accidents. "Active safety" is the technology assisting in the prevention of a crash and "passive safety" to the components of the vehicle such as airbags, seatbelts and the physical structure of the vehicle that help to protect the occupants during a crash.