Information About State Standards
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QuestionS for SELFcheck
A conventional views and drawings of soldered and glued joints are in State Standard 2.313-82.
The place of joints of parts must be represented by a continuous line 2S thick.
For drawing of the soldered and glued joints conditional marks are used which put on lines – leader by a continuous mainline: C- for a soldering, K- for glued joints. The soldered joint is shown in fig. 4.43 (a), glued joint – in fig. 4.43 (b).
a b
Figure 4.43 – Drawing of the soldered (a) and glued (b) joints
Joints, executed on the closed line, must be marked by a circle with diameter from 3 to 5 mm, drawing a thin line (fig.4.44). The sizes of joints and denotation of roughness of the surface should be pointed out on drawing of a soldered joint in case of necessity.
Figure 4.44 – Joints, executed on the closed line
1. What types of joints do you know?
2. What is a screw-thread?
3. What types of screw-thread do you know?
4. What thread fixing do you know?
5. Classification welded joints.
After the State system of standardization of Ukraine normative documents for standardizations divide into such categories: State Standards of Ukraine; branch standards of Ukraine; standards of scientific and technical and engineerings societies and unions of Ukraine; technical regulation of Ukraine; factory standards. The state standards of the former USSR (abbreviation is GOST) on territory of Ukraine are acknowledged intergovernmental and keep the same abbreviation.
In obedience to the intergovernmental agreement accepted in 1992 years part of operating standards of the former USSR is taken to implementation, including the existent standards of the Unified system of designer document (ESKD), which was entered from January, 1, 1971. In 1996 year the order of national Standard of Ukraine is bring System of designer document into an action (SKD) (State Standard 3321 – 96).
SKD is the complex of terms and determinations of elements and basic concepts of designer document which is made and apply organizations and enterprises of Ukraine.
Main setting of SKD State Standard 3321 – 96, as well as ESKD, to set the unique terms and determinations of basic concepts of designer document, governed and position in relation to the order of development, registration and appeal of designer document which is developed and used organizations and enterprises.
The national standard of Ukraine accepted classification of normative documents for standardizations, which answer International Standard Organization (ISO).