Washer 20.01.016 State Standard 11371-78.



Table 4.8

Nominal thread diameter dn d1 type d2 S
17.5 3.0

Figure 4.20 – Types of washers

Basic types of joints with the use of considered previously connecting elements are connection by a bolt, screw, stud, and also pipe joints. These types of joints (except of a pipe) have the three depictions: structural, simplified and conventional.

The structuraldepiction suits all structural elements of the parts of a joint.

The simplifieddepiction is used for details without chamfers, a thread is represented along the length of a bar of a thread part, a clearance between a bar and an opening is not shown.

A conventionaldepiction is used in those cases, when the diameter of a bar on a drawing less than 2 mm. State Standard 2.315:2008 is used for simplified joints.

Pipe joints are done only structurally.


A bolt joint consists of a bolt – 3, a nut –5 and a washer –3 (fig.4.21, а). There are two parts in the bolt joint also (d1 and d2 – their thickness).

At the structural drawing of a thread connection opening diameter equals 1.1×dn (where dn is a nominal diameter of a bolt thread). Actual working length of a bolt is found as a sum of the followings parameters: L=d1+ d2 +Hn +Sw + 0.25×dn,

where d1 and d2 – the thickness of connecting parts, Hn– the thickness of a nut, Sw – the thickness of a washer, dn – the nominal diameter of a thread. The received sum is rounded to the nearest from the resulted standard row of workings lengths – L at table 4.9.


Table 4.9

Working length of a bolt L, mm Threaded length l0 according to the set nominal diameter of a thread dn


At the simplified drawing of a bolt joint for the calculation of working length of a bolt - L the dependence is used:

L=d1 + d2 +1,3×dn,

where d1 and d2 – the thickness of connecting parts, dn – the nominal diameter of a thread.

The parameter 1,3×dn approximately takes into account the structural sizes of the thickness of a washer, the height of a nut and stocked on length of a bolt. For the implementation of the simplified drawing of a bolt joint the followings correlations are used:

D=2´ dn; Dw=2,2´ dn; H=0,8´ dn; Sw=0,15 ´ dn; h=0,7´ dn.

The structural drawing of a bolt joint is presented in figure 4.21, a and it is simplified – in figure 4.21, b.

а) b)

Figure 4.21 – The bolt joint