
Вид аптечних заготовок

1-концентровані розчини;

2- напівфабрикати.

а) самостійно після розведення або у суміші з іншими інгредієнтами;

б) самостійно після розфасування або у суміші з іншими інгредієнтами.

70.Вкажіть правильну послідовність при визначенні вартості одиниці серійно виготовленого лікарського засобу:

а)визначення вартості посуду з гумовим корком та алюмінієвим ковпачком в опто­вих цінах;-

б)визначення вартості пропису та посуду;

в)визначення вартості пропису, посуду і витрат на один виготовлений лікарський засіб;

г)визначення вартості пропису;

д)визначення відпускної вартості виготовленої лікарської форми;

е)визначення середньої суми витрат аптеки на один виготовлений лікарський засіб за місяць;

ж)визначення суми торгової націнки.




The educational discipline “Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics” is complex and consists of two modules: M1 is Descriptive Geometry (first term); M2 is the Engineering and Computer Graphics (second term). Two modules are the organic whole, where one part develops and complements the other one.

Engineering graphics is based on the method of projected depictions and studies the set of state standards of convention, simplification and features of application of this method to the exposition of graphic project-designed documentation. The subject of engineering graphic is a construction and reading of drawings, sketches, charts, which are graphic facilities of jigging, maintainance and transmission of technical ideas in the process of their development and realization. Engineering graphic foresee acquisition of the students’ abilities and skills to express technical ideas with the help drawing, and also to understand the interaction of component parts and the principle of action of the technical articles represented on drawings.

Knowledge, abilities and skills, gained in the process of learning, are necessary for the study of different disciplines, for doing term-papers and diploma projects, and also in the future engineering activity. Mastering drawing as the mean of expression of the technical idea, and the production document takes place during the process of study at the university.

As a result of learning the module:”Engineering and Computer Graphic” a student must:

¨ know the methods of construction of depictions (including axonometry projections) of objects, and also conventions in ESKD, concerning these objects;

¨ be able to define the geometrical forms of the parts, according to their depictions to draw these depictions from life and from the drawing of general view of mechanism;

¨ be able to do the drawing of timber atticles, sectional and unsectional connections;

¨ be able to read and to make drawings of the general view and frame-clamping units, and also to do these drawings, taking into account the requirements of standards of ESKD.

Engineering and computer graphic arts contains three content modules, in particular:

M1 is the Geometrical and projected drawing;

M2 is Depiction of connected parts;

M3 is the Design documentation.

Computer graphics is a modern instrument of automation, upgrading and acceleration of planning. The principles of computer graphics are taught out on the basis of the system “KOMPAS”.

Drawing — Drawing may be defined as the representation of an object by systematic lines. Ordinarily, the idea conveyed by the word ‘drawing’ is a pictorial view in which an object is represented as the eyes see it. A pictorial view shows only the outside appearance of an object.

Engineering Drawing — Engineering drawing is a graphic language which has its own rules. It gives complete description of an object or a machine part as regards shape, size and all other internal details from which it can be constructed or manufactured.

Machine Drawing — Machine drawing may be defined as the representation of a machine component or machine by lines according to certain set rules. A machine drawing generally gives all the external and internal details of the machine component from which it can be manufactured.