V.I. Narolina, I.F. Shamara
Kursk – 2008
Printed according the decision
of the editorial-publishing
council of the KSMU
The book “Professional and Communicative Competence Development in Medical Students” has been recommended for edition and practical use in medical universities and academies of Russia by the Problem Intruction Supervizing Board in Foreign Languages of the Russian Ministry of Public Health and Social Development.
Narolina V.I., Shamara I.F.Professional and Communicative Competence Development in Medical Students. Second Edition. - Kursk: KSMU, 2008. – 128 р.
This book has been designed to provide the students of the medical and pediatric faculties with communicative skills composing the integral part of their professional identity. It is based on the modern task-based approach of teaching and learning English as a foreign language with communicative purpose.
The book may be used in the course of training groupwork in class fascilitated by the teacher. The students may also use it for self-directed learning with the purpose of developing their reading and speaking abilities.
The topics supposed for dialogic and polylogic discussions are connected with students’ studies at the medical university and their future doctor’s work.
All communicative tasks are supplied with necessary informative materials, speech patterns, words and word combinations.
The authors thanks are due to professor T.P. Shchedrina head of Foreign Languages Department of the Moscow State Medical University who has been kind enough to read and comment on the draft parts of this book, who gave her time and ideas to improve the contents of the book and to the associate professor head of Methodology of Foreign Languages Department of Kursk State University V.I. Buzhinskiy for his useful recommendations on methodological issues of the communicative approach.
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