Non-semantic grouping

1) The simplest, most obvious non-semantic grouping, extensively used in all branches of applied linguistics is the alphabetical organization of written words, as represented in most dictionaries. The theoretical value of alphabetical grouping is almost null, because no other property of the word can be predicted from the letter or letters the word begins with. Only in exceptional cases some additional information can be obtained on a different the etymological level. F: words beginning with W are mostly native, and those beginning with ph borrowed from Greek. But such cases are few.

2) The second type of non-semantic grouping of written words is the rhyming, here the words are arranged according to similarity of their ends. These dictionaries are intended for poets. They may be also used, if but rarely by teachers when making up lists of words with similar suffixes.

3) A third type of non-semantic grouping of written words is based on their length, the number of letters they contain. This type, worked out with some addititional details, may prove useful for communication engineering, for automatic reading of messages and correction of mistakes.

4) A fourth type of non-semantic grouping of written words is for isolated lexical units is based on a statistical analysis of their frequency. Frequency counts carried out for practical purposes of lexicography, language teaching and enable the lexicographer to attach to each word a number showing its importance and range of occurrence.

(the alphabetical organization, rhyming, length of written words, frequency of lexical items)



1. G.B. Antrushina “English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1999

2. I.V. Arnold “The English Word”, “Vyssaja skola”, M. 1973, 1989

3. S.I. Ginsburg “A Course in Modern English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M. 1979

4. R.Z. Ginaburg “A Course in Modern English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1973

5. T.I. Arbekova “English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1977


Additional literature:

1. A.V. Minajeva, B.K.Trnolieva “Modern English Lexicology”, 1989

2. E.M. Mednikova “Seminars in English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1978


Internet sources:

1. file: // A: // lexicographical problems.htm.

2. file: // A: // ling. Dictionaries.htm.




6. ftp: //

7. file: // A: / Lora. Doc/ from.Latin.htm-2003

8. Electronic book of the university:

Электронный учебник по лексикологии английского языка.

Составители: Сыздыкова Г.Н., Булатова С.М. Алматы, 2001

9. Multimedia lectures and seminars compiled by the instructor of English lexicology: senior teacher Asanova G.S.


Problematic questions:

- Why should the vocabulary be studied as a system?

- What are the theoretical and practical values of different groupings?

- What properties of the word can be predicted by the alphabetical organization, the rhyming, the length, the frequency?



Subtheme # 2: “Morphological grouping”

