
When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do

Traveling all over the world gets easier and easier. We live in a global village, but how well do we know and understand each other?

The European community began to increase in size, several guidebooks appeared giving advice on international etiquette. People understood that they had a lot to learn about how to behave with their foreign business friends.

For example, the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink during the meal; the Japanese prefer not to work while eating. Lunch is a time to relax and get to know one another, and they rarely drink at lunch time.

The Germans like to talk business before dinners; the French like to eat first and talk afterwards.

Taking off your jacket and rolling up your sleeves is a sign of getting down to work in Britain and Holland, but in Germany people regard it as taking it easy.

The Japanese have perhaps the strictest rules of social and business behaviour. Seniority is very important. You must exchange business cards immediately on meeting because it is essential everyone’s status and position. When it is handed to a person in a superior position, it must be given and received with both hands, and you must take time to read it carefully, and not just put it in your pocket.


Cultural Differences

To be successful in international business and to be a good citizen of the international community one should learn how to respect his own culture and also to develop appreciation, tolerance and respect for other cultures. Representatives of other nations doing business in China or other Asian country gain a real advantage when they show knowledge of local culture and cultural differences.

Status.A person’s position or rank is much more important in Asian countries than in the United States. In Japan, for example, when business people meet, the first thing they do is exchanging business cards. This allows the members of the group to establish1 their rank or importance. Only after this has been determined2 they can continue with the tasks assigned to them.

Tone of voice.In China voice is very important. A person lowers his voice when asking a favour or attempting3 to show respect. It should be noted also that the voice only raised in negotiations, or when in a confrontation with an enemy. The voice is often lowered in threatening4 situation to show that a confrontation is not desired.

Group versus individual behaviour. Most Americans find their strength in individualism. They judge success on advancement towards individual career and personal goals, and their motivation derives from the ethic of individual effort which embodies competitivebehaviour, individual responsibility and accountability. By contrast, the cultures of Asia tend to be motivated toward group rather than individual effort5. In addition, Asians tend to be disturbed by aggressive behaviour. According to their culture, one does not have the right to venture6, to question, to request, proof or make changes.

Chinese “Yes” versus American “Yes”. One of the great difficulties embarrassing communication between the American and Asian cultures is their concept of what is polite. The Chinese, as many Asian people, have a great fear of offending7 others. Promises and commitments8 will have a greater relationship to the desire to be courteous9 and to please than to the actual fact or the real intent. A Chinese will immediately avoid any kind of behaviour that will offend or cause inconvenience. If an American business person wants to make an appointment with his associate, he will call him, and they will agree on a date and time for the meeting. It is expected that both business persons will be present at the appointed time. All this is understood when an American says “Yes”. In the same situation, saying “Yes” does not mean that a Chinese will meet at the agreed time and place. In this culture, an individual will agree to meet even if he has another obligation at the same time. The reason for this is that in the Asian culture, the desire to please – not to offend or cause immediate inconvenience10 – is much more important than the fact that the individual cannot meet at the appointed time.



1. to establish – устанавливать

2. determine – определять

3. to attempt – пытаться

4. threatening – угрожающий

5. effort – усилие, попытка

6. to venture – рисковать

7. to offend – обижать

8commitment – обязательство

9. courteous – вежливый

10. cause immediate inconvenience – причинить неудобство в данный момент

Cultural Differences – Quiz


• You are doing practical training in London.

• Your mentor is Phil, a 40-year old Londoner.

• Phil doesn't speak German and has never met people from a German speaking country before.

What would you do in the following situations?

1) Small-talk – you want to break the ice. Which topic would you choose?

a) family b) weather c) politics

2) There is a difference of opinion between you and Phil. How do you tell him that he is not right?

a) You are not right. b) I think this is not true. c) I understand your point of view, but ...

3) Phil accidently treads on your foot. How do you react?

a) Sorry. b) Never mind. c) Ouch!

Речевой этикет

Выберите правильную ответную фразу:

1) Glad to meet you.

a) Thank you very much. с) I’m here.

b) That’s all right. d) Glad to meet you too.

2) Hostess: “Would you like some tea or coffee?”

Guest: “_____”

a) Very well indeed, thanks. c) Here you are.

b) No, thanks. Don’t trouble yourself, please. d) Help yourself.

3) Friend: “_____”

You: “Sure, here it is.”

a) I wonder, if I can have your pen, please?

b) Can I use your pen, please?

c) Want your pen.

d) Is there anybody to lend me a pen?

4) Student: “__________.”

Teacher: “Yes, certainly. So…”

a) Slow down! c) What?

b) Could you repeat that, please? d) Say it again.

5) Student: _____

Teacher: Not really. Why can’t you come?

a) Is it OK if I miss the English lesson tomorrow?

b) I won’t attend the English lesson tomorrow.

c) I am going to miss the English lesson tomorrow.

d) I don’t want to attend the English lesson tomorrow.

6) Waiter: “Are you ready to order?”

Guest: “_____”

a) A meat sandwich, please. c) Hi! How are you?

b) I want a meat sandwich. d) Bring me a meat sandwich.

7)Committee member: “_____”

Dean: “He is not a Bachelor - student, he is studying for a master.”

a) I consider him to be a Bachelor student.

b) We want to know everything about his studies.

c) He is a master student, isn’t he?

d) Isn’t he studying for a master degree?

8) Receptionist: “Hello, how can I help you?”

Guest: “____________.”

a) I’d like to make a reservation, please. c) I want a room.

b) I need to book a room here. d) One room, please.

9) Guest: “I want to speak to the manager!”

Receptionist: “___________.”

a) She is not available at the moment. Can I help you?

b) She is busy now.

c) You can’t do so.

d) You have to wait for some time. Be patient, please!

10) Shop assistant: “Can I help you?”

Customer: “___”

a) No, that’s not necessary.

b) No, it's all right, thanks, I'm just looking.

c) Oh, good. I'm so glad to have met you.

d) Fine.


11) Mate: “Did you pass the exam in physics?”

Paul: “___”

a) I didn't like this subject.

b) Actually we passed all the necessary credits in physics.

c) In fact, I have no idea of what you mean.

d) I did it with honours.

12) Receptionist: “Can I help you?”

Guest: “_____”

a) Would you mind reserving a table in the restaurant for me if you’ve got a moment?

b) You must book a table for me.

c) I need a table.

d) Can you book a table for me in the restaurant this evening?