
Grammar Review



Грамматика: 1. Множественное число существительного ( ) 2. Глаголы to be и to have ( ) 3. Структура предложения и порядок слов английском предложении ( ) 4. Повелительное наклонение ( ) Устная тема: Higher Education

Поставьте следующие существительные в форме множественного числа:

picture, money, box, library, mouse, bush, day, month, city, news, child, shelf, foot, life, lady, wife, dress, play, person, animal, watch, knife, roof, student, bottle, coin, company, tomato, seaman, piano, friend, tooth, fish.


Переведите словосочетания на английский язык:

большие города, интересные книги, красивые картины, высокие дома, белые зубы, длинные реки, зеленые деревья, серые мыши, много друзей, деревянные полки, маленькие дети, короткие дни.


Заполните пропуски глаголами to be, to have в соответствующем времени:

1. There … many higher education institutions in our city.

2. Their university … founded in 1890.

3. Every faculty … its own computer centre.

4. Our library … a great number of books and magazines in all branches of science and technology.

5. We … industrial training in the third year.

6. Last year we … at school, next year we … the second year students.

7. Our institute … one of the oldest technological institutes in this country.


Составьте предложения из следующих слов в соответствии с порядком слов в английском предложении:

1. has, buildings, our, several, institute.

2. subjects, students, many, first-year, study.

3. third-year, had, last, students, training, industrial, summer.

4. problems, many, scientists, important, solve, our.

5. course, five, of, at the university, lasts, years, study.

6. next, dean, a lecture, deliver, our, week, will.

7. students, more, institutes, this entered, one, a million, than, year.


Прочитайте модель и измените следующие предложения, используя отрицание:

Model: Go to the cinema. – Don’t go to the cinema.

1. Speak English. 2. Come into the room. 3. Write a letter. 4. Read the words. 5. Give me these documents. 6. Speak louder, please. 7. Bring me the book.


Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму повелительного наклонения и переведите предложения:

1. Let’s (to go) home.

2. Let me (to help) you to choose the dessert.

3. Let us (not \ to go) home now because it is early.

4. (not \ to be) so lazy! Please, (to do) this work now!

5. (not \ to let) the boys play with matches.

6. Let’s (to have) supper now.

7. Let me (to ask) you a question.


Попросите по-английски:

1. Дайте мне меню, пожалуйста.

2. Передайте мне соль, пожалуйста.

3. Закройте эту книгу и принесите мне.

4. Не открывайте окно, пожалуйста.

5. Не курите здесь.

6. Позвольте мне помочь вам.

7. Давайте встретим наших друзей в аэропорту.


Text 1

Russian educational system is rather developed. Higher education is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for accreditation and licensing of higher education establishments. It is also responsible for developing and maintaining State Educational Standards. Only accredited higher education establishments have the right to issue state diplomas and degrees. Russian diplomas are covered by international agreements on mutual recognition.

There are the following types of higher education establishments:

1) University is a higher education institution with activities aimed at developing education, science and culture by performing fundamental scientific research and training at the levels of higher, post-higher and further education within a wide range of Natural Sciences, Humanities and other directions of science, technology and culture.

2) Academy is a higher education institution aimed at developing education, science and culture by performing fundamental scientific research and training at the levels of higher, post-higher and further education, mainly in one specific area of science, technology and culture.

3) Institute is an independent higher education institution or a part (structural unit) of the University and Academy that applies vocational educational curricula in specific areas of science, technology, culture and is involved in scientific research.

Academic Year and Exams. Academic year starts on the first of September and ends at the end of spring term (semester). Semester is a study period of 16 weeks in autumn term and a study of 15 – 16 weeks in spring term during witch a course is taught. Each semester ends with an assessment week during which students take course tests, present assignment work and defend course projects.

Exam Session. Two or three weeks period is set aside each semester for examinations and completion of final assessments.

System of Evaluation. The present system of evaluation of students in Russia has four grades:

“2” – “unsatisfactory”

“3” – “satisfactory”

“4” – “good”

“5” – “excellent”

Levels of Higher Education.

1) Incomplete higher education lasts within 2 years.

2) Basic higher education (Bachelor Degree) lasts 4 years

3) Postgraduate higher education. After graduating from Bachelor degree programme students are admitted to enter the Specialist Diploma (1 year) and Magistr’s (Master’s) degree (2 years) programmes.