IX. Translate from Russian into English the following sentences.
VIII. Write all the adjectives out of the text and write their degrees of comparison.
VII. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.
V. Read the text again. Agree or disagree with the following statements.
IV. Answer the questions on the text.
III. Find English equivalents to the following Russian words and word-combinations.
Сформировать товарищество, права и обязанности, юридическое соглашение, вкладывать деньги, предусматривать, пассивный партнёр, иметь преимущество, управленческий талант, быть освобожденным от отчетности, федеральный налог, налоговое управление, главный недостаток, постоянный разногласия
- What does the legal agreement specify?
- What is a “silent partner”?
- What are the advantages of the partnership?
- What is the difference between the partnership and the corporation?
- How do individual partners pay federal taxes?
- What are the disadvantages of the partnership?
- Is shared decision-making an advantage or disadvantage of the partnership?
- When a proprietor wants to expand a business, he organizes another company.
- A partnership is a business owned by two or more partners.
- A “silent partner” provides the company with clients.
- Federal taxes are paid by individual partners on their share of earnings.
- Each member of the partnership is liable for all its debts.
- Partnership members make their decisions separately.
- The business is bound to suffer if the partners do not discuss their future perspectives.
VI. Complete the sentences with the information from the text.
- A partnership is a business formed for ....
- The rights and duties of the partnership are regulated …
- A partnership agreement may provide for …
- Federal taxes are paid …
- Each member of the partnership is liable for…
- If one partner squanders a large amount of money from the business, …
- If partners have serious and constant disagreements …
1. The rights and duties of a partnership are regulated by laws of the state.
2. One part
ner may be qualified in production, another in marketing.
3. Federal taxes are paid by individual partners on their share of earnings.
4. The act of any partner is legally binding upon all the others.
5. If one partner squanders a large amount of money, the others must pay the debt.
6. If partners have constant disagreements, the business is bound to suffer.
1. Права и обязанности товарищества регулируются в соответствии с законами государства.
2. Обычно юридическое соглашение определяет сумму денег, которую вкладывает каждый партнёр, и обязанности, которые каждый из них берёт на себя.
3. «Пассивный партнёр» не принимает участия в управлении, а только вкладывает деньги в бизнес.
4. Товарищество, подобно индивидуальной собственности, освобождено от большинства отчетов, которые правительство требует от корпораций.
5. Если один партнер берет крупную сумму денег из предприятия и тратит ее, то остальные компаньоны должны уплатить долг.
6. Если между партнёрами имеются постоянные разногласия, то в результате страдает бизнес.