X. Speak about a famous manager, and describe how he realizes the main aspects of management.

IX. Write about the aspects of management, the points you agree and disagree with.

VIII. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

VII. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

VI. Complete the sentences with the information from the text.

V. Read the text again. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1. Peter Drucker suggests that a work of a manager can be divided into planning, organizing and negotiating with people.

2. Senior managers set objectives.

3. Any organization can achieve objectives through developing strategies, plans and precise tactics, allocating resources of people and money.

4. Managers set the activities of the organization and the relation among them.

5. Managers never select people to manage the set objectives.

6. People are organized in teams to attain goals.

7. Managers have to measure the performance of their staff to see whether their orders are being carried out.


1. Peter Drucker suggests that the work of a manager can be divided …

2. Managers set objectives and decide how …

3. This involves developing plans and allocating …

4. Managers divide the work into …

5. Managers also must communicate objectives to the people …

6. Managers have to measure …

7. Managers develop …

1. Peter Drucker suggests that the work of a manager can be divided into planning and organizing.

2. Managers decide how their organization can achieve the objectives.

3. They can divide the work into the manageable activities and individual jobs.

4. They must select people to manage the units and perform the jobs.

5. They make the people form teams.

6. Managers must see whether their objectives are being achieved.

7. Managers have to develop people and themselves.

1. Питер Друкер предлагает разделить работу менеджера на планирование, организацию и объединение.

2. Председатели компаний и директора ставят цели и решают, каким образом их компания может достичь их.

3. Достижение поставленных целей включает в себя разработку стратегий, планов и точной тактики.

4. Хороший менеджер должен продумать то, как правильно разместить денежные и людские ресурсы.

5. Менеджеры анализируют и классифицируют действия организации.

6. Они подразделяют работу на управляемые действия и индивидуальные задания.

7. Они должны сообщать цели людям, ответственным за их достижение.



Вариант 3



I. Active vocabulary:

consumer requirements – запросы потребителя

to evaluate – оценивать

long-term – долгосрочный

an objective – цель

sales volume – объем продаж

an innovation – новшество

selection – выбор

an opportunity – возможность

key – (зд.) основной

to take time – уделять время

decision-making – принятие решений