IV. Answer the questions on the text.
II. Find English equivalents to the following Russian words and word-combinations.
I. Read and translate the text.
X. Imagine you are a manager of a big firm. Write about your company.
IX. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1. Опытные менеджеры принимают вину на себя.
2. Хороший менеджер знает, как управлять своим штатом сотрудников.
3. Менеджер объявляет выговор за плохое выполнение работы.
4. Опытные менеджеры создают атмосферу, в которой люди чувствуют свободу для самовыражения.
5. Мы не знаем, чем мы будем заниматься через 10 лет.
6. Хороший менеджер передает свои знания и умения другим членам команды.
Вариант 2
I. Active vocabulary:
integrating – объединение
to set objectives – устанавливать цели
precise – точный
to allocate – размещать
manageable – управляемый
a unit – (зд.) вид деятельности
to attain – достигать
a team – команда
to supervise – контролировать
performance – работа
a subordinate – подчиненный
What is Management?
Peter Drucker, the well-known business professor and consultant, suggests that the work of a manager can be divided into the planning, organizing, integrating (motivating and communicating), measuring, and developing people.
· First of all, managers (especially senior managers such as company chairmen and directors) set objectives, and decide how their organization can achieve them. This involves developing strategies, plans and precise tactics, allocating resources of people and money.
· Secondly, managers organize. They analyze and classify the activities of the organization and the relation among them. They divide the work into the manageable activities and individual jobs. They select people to manage these unitsand perform the jobs.
· Thirdly, managers practice the social skills of motivation and communication. They also have to communicate objectives to the people responsible for attainingthem. They make the people who are responsible for performing individual jobs form teams. They make decisions about pay and promotion. As well as organizing and supervising the work of their subordinates, they have to work with people in other areas and functions.
· Fourthly, managers have to measure the performance of their staff, to see whether the objectives are being achieved.
· Lastly, managers develop people - both their subordinates and themselves.
Председатель компании; включать в себя развитие стратегий, планов и тактик; классифицировать действия организации; индивидуальные рабочие места; навык общения, продвижение по службе, работа штата.
1. Who suggests that a work of a manager can be divided into several aspects?
2. What are the main aspects of a manager’s work?
3. Is it easier to set objectives or to organize the work of the staff? Why?
4. How do managers organize the activities of the company?
5. Have you ever directed the work of big staff?
6. Who forms teams?
7. Must the managers measure the performance of their staff? Why?
8. How can managers develop their subordinates and themselves?