V. Finish the sentences and translate them into Russian

IV. Answer the following questions

III. Learn the following words

privately owned — частный, находящийся в частном владении

indeed — действительно; в действительности

enduring debate— продолжительные дебаты (-ая дискуссия)

to focus on — фокусировать внимание, концентрироваться

free enterprise system — система свободного предпринимательства

to emphasize — акцентировать, придавать большое значение

private ownership — частная собственность

commercial output — коммерческая продукция

limits to free enterprise — ограничения свободного предпринимательства

primarily responsible for — в первую очередь отвечает за

administration of justice — управление правоохранительной системой

defense — вооруженные силы

antitrust laws — антимонопольное законодательство

to surmount — преодолевать

beyond the reach — вне пределов досягаемости

welfare — социальная поддержка

unemployment — безработица

encounter — встреча

aged — пожилой

low-cost loans — низкопроцентные займы

to suffer losses — терпеть убытки

natural disasters — природные катаклизмы

exploration of space — исследования космоса

progressive taxation — прогрессивное налогообложение

to cast a vote — проголосовать за кого-либо

to voice concerns — высказывать опасения

to pose a threat — представлять угрозу

to far outnumber — значительно превосходить числом

sharp long-term trend — легко обнаруживаемая долгосрочная тенденция

self-employment — самостоятельная занятость

1. What kind of economy does the USA have?

2. What does American free enterprise system emphasize?

3. What is the role of consumer in the American economy?

4. What are the examples of services better performed by public enterprises?

5. Why is the government often being asked to intervene in the economy?

6. How does the government regulate the economy?

7. How does the government address issues beyond the reach of market forces?

8. Who pays for the cost of the medical care for the aged?

9. What concerns did consumers voice in recent years?

10. What were the changes in the US economy lately?

1. The most enduring debates of American economic history ...

2. The US has a mixed economy because ...

3. Private businesses produce ...

4. The consumer role is so great that ...

5. In the US the government is primarily responsible for ...

6. The Government often is asked to intervene in the economy to ...

7. The US government uses antitrust laws to ...

8. The Government plays the leading role in the exploration of space, which is ...

9. Individuals can help guide the economy through ...

10. As the US economy grows statistics reveal that ...


VI. Write sentences using the words:

Mixed economy; privately owned businesses; public sector; free enterprise system; private ownership; commercial output; administration of justice; antitrust laws; market forces; low-cost loans; progressive taxation; to cast votes; to voice concerns; to pose threats; promote welfare; sharp long-term trend; self-employment.