VIII. Match the words with their definitions.

Make some sentences of your own with the above expressions

VII. Increase your vocabulary

extra charge - наценка

loan charge – плата за кредит

rental charge – плата за прокат

sales charge – комиссия за продажу (акций)

service charge – плата за обслуживание

tuition charge – плата за обучение

fixed charges – постоянные издержки

interest charges – платежи процентов

management charges – административные расходы

overhead charges – накладные расходы

shipping charges – расходы по погрузке

transportation charges – транспортные расходы

1) Incentive a) the difference between the buying and selling price of goods
2) profit margin b) being or employed in the sale of goods in large quantities and usually at low prices
3) cost с) an organization, esp. a business firm
4) item d) an act of asking for something, esp. politely
5) request e) the amount of money paid or needed for buying, doing, or producing something
6) wholesale f) a single thing on a list or among a set
7) owner   g)something which encourages one to greater activity
8) enterprise h) a person who has something, esp. by lawful right  


IX. Choose one of the words from the previous task to make the sentences complete

1. The police examined several___ of clothing.

2. High production_____________ lead to high prices in the shops.

3.His interest gave me an________ and I worked twice as hard.

4.They cost $50 in the stores, but the price is $35.

5.The President's______________ for an increase in the defense budget

has been turned down by Congress.

6.Our_______is very low.

7.He is now the proud__________of a new car.

8.This company is one of the largest_________ of its kind.