Lesson 5

Great Britain (2)

Grammar: будущие времена (Future Indefinite, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous); формы выражения будущего времени (to be going to, to be about to); употребления настоящих времён для выражения будущих действий


Словарный минимум


scenery пейзаж

gold золото

silver серебро

copper медь

district район, участок

coast побережье

boundary граница

hill холм

pride гордость

castle замок

rig вышка

helicopter вертолет

emerald изумруд

causeway путь, тропа

linen полотно, холст; льняной

root корень

pottery гончарные изделия, керамика



wide широкий

harsh резкий, суровый

damp влажный, сырой

cliff крутой, отвесный

incredible невероятный, неслыханный

basic основной



mark отмечать

develop развивать

divide делить, разделять

associate ассоциироваться

flow течь

disappear исчезать

occupy занимать

bound связывать


Vocabulary Exercises

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте, используя транскрипцию, следующие географические названия.

Cymry [′kimri] Уэльсцы

Snowdonia [snu′duniә] Сноудония (область)

Cardiff [′ka:dif] Кардифф

Edinburgh [′edinbәrә] Эдинбург

Belfast [′belfa:st] Белфаст

Arctic Circle [′a:ktik′sә:kl] Северный полярный круг

Cheviot Hills [′teviәt′ hilz] Чевиот-Хилс (горы)

Hebrides [′hebridi:z] Гебридские острова

Orkney Islands [כ:kni′ailәndz] Оркнейские острова

Shetland Islands [etlәnd ′ailәndz] Шетландские острова

Loch Ness [′lk ′nes] Лох-Несс

Aberdeen [,әebә′di:n] Абердин

Ulster [Λlstә] Ольстер


Упражнение 2. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, перевод которого дан в начале ряда:


1. Глубокий a) deepen b) deep c) deeply
2. Борьба a) struggle b) luggage c) language
3. Корень a) rootlet b) root c) rooster
4. Занимать a) occur b) occlude c) occupy
5. Район a) disturb b) distrust c) district
6. Невероятный a) incredible b) incredulity c) increscent
7. Включать a) incline b) enclose c) include
8. Условие a) condiment b) condition c) conduct
9. Холм a) hill b) hilt c) hike
10. Ассоциироваться a) assist b) associate c) assuage
11. Долина a)value b) velour c) valley
12. Городской a) urbane b) urban c) urgent
13. Вертолет a) helicopter b) helix c) heirloom
14. Делить a) divert b) divest c) divide
15. Замок a) castle b) caste c) cast


Text. Great Britain:

Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland


The Welsh call their country Cymru, and they call themselves Cymry. The population of Wales is almost three million people. About 75 per cent of the people of Wales live in towns and urban districts.

Wales is a highland country of old, hard rock. North Wales is a country of mountains and deep valleys; South Wales is a land of high hills and wide valleys. The pride of Wales in scenery is Snowdonia, the region of high mountains. Snowdon (1,085) is the highest mountain in England and Wales.

Except for coal, mineral resources are limited and include gold, silver and copper. South Wales is more developed; during the industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries, the valleys of South Wales became the iron and steel capital of the world. Nowadays, coal-mining, steel production, electronics, electrical engineering and chemicals can be found here.

The capital of Wales is Cardiff, the largest city of Wales. Cardiff is situated near the mouth of the Taff River. It’s an important industrial city and port, and administrative and educational centre.

As a tourist, you might want to visit the castle and Llandaff cathedral, or the National Museum of Wales. If you like music, there is the famous national concert hall, St. David’s Hall, or the New Theatre, which is the home of the Welsh National Opera Company.

Although Scotland takes up one third of the territory of the British Isles, its population is not very big. It is the most northern part of the island of Great Britain and is not very far away from the Arctic Circle. That’s why it is not densely populated: its population is a little over 5 million people.

The Cheviot Hills mark the boundary between England and Scotland. Apart from this land link with England, Scotland is surrounded by sea. Scotland includes the Hebrides off the west coast, and the Orkney and Shetland Islands off the north coast. It is bounded by the North Sea in the east.

Scotland is divided into three regions: the Highlands, which is the most northern and the most under populated area with a harsh climate; the Lowlands, which is the most industrial region, with about three quarters of the population; and the Southern Uplands, with hills, which border on England.

The Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in the world. They reach their highest point in Ben Nevis (1,343 m). Many valleys between the hills are filled with lakes, called lochs. The best-known is Loch Ness, where, as some people think, a large monster lives. The most important city here is Aberdeen which is the oil centre of Scotland. Ships and helicopters travel from Aberdeen to the North Sea oil rigs. Work on an oil rig is difficult and dangerous.

Edinburgh is an administrative, commercial and cultural centre of Scotland. It has been the capital since the 15th century. It is associated with the names of George Gordon Byron, Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Burns and Arthur Conan Doyle. It is also associated with the world-famous Edinburgh Festival of Music and Drama.

Northern Ireland is the smallest component of the United Kingdom. It contains six of the nine counties of the historic province of Ulster and that is why the name “Ulster” is sometimes used as equivalent to Northern Ireland. The population of Northern Ireland is about 1,5 million people. 53 per cent of the total population lives in urban areas.

If one asks an Irishman away from home what he misses most about Ireland, he will probably say ”the greenness”. Irish poets call Ireland “the Emerald Isle”. The fact is that the winds usually blow in from the Atlantic Ocean and make the air and soil warm and damp. Grass grows well in such a climate and it makes the island look so beautiful. There are low hills and peaks of rocks in the north-west, while the northeast sector of the island is a plateau. The rivers of Ireland are short, but deep. The largest river is the Shannon. The Giant’s Causeway may be the eighth wonder of the world. The Causeway is a mass of stone columns standing very near together. The tops of the columns form stepping stones leading from the cliff foot and disappearing under the sea. Over the whole Causeway there are 40,000 of these stone columns.

The whole economy of Northern Ireland is closely integrated with that of Great Britain. It has its roots in three basic industries – agriculture, textiles and shipbuilding. The largest industry is agriculture conducted for the most part on small family farms. It occupies about 72 per cent of the land area.

Belfast is one of the youngest capital cities in the world and it has grown incredible fast. Today the city has a population of 400 000. The city is well-known for ship-building – it was here that the “Titanic” was built and sent out on her fatal voyage. Tourists can visit an Art Gallery, step into Belfast Cathedral, or go souvenir hunting for the Irish linen, pottery and hand-cut glass in Belfast’s covered arcades. If the sun is shining they can drive out to Stormont, the former Parliament building and walk through the parkland. The Botanic Gardens contain rare plants; some of them are 100 years old! In the evening tourists can go to the theater, the Grand Opera House, or a concert at the Ulster Hall – home of the Ulster Orchestra.


Text Exercises

Упражнение 1. Выразите согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями. Свое согласие выразите, начиная предложение словами That`s right …, а несогласие, начиная словами That`s wrong…

1. About 75 per cent of the people of Wales live in towns and urban districts.

2. The capital of Wales is Belfast, the largest city of Wales.

3. As a tourist, you might want to visit the castle and Llandaff cathedral, or the National Museum of Scotland.

4. The population of Scotland is a little over 5 million people.

5. The Cheviot Hills mark the boundary between England and Scotland.

6. Scotland includes the Hebrides off the west coast, and the Orkey and Shetland Islands off the north coast.

7. Belfast is an administrative, commercial and cultural centre of Scotland.

8. Northern Ireland is the biggest component of the United Kingdom.

9. Ireland is called “the Diamond Isle”.

10. Belfast is one of the youngest capital cities in the world and it has grown incredible fast.


Упражнение 2. Спросите своего друга по-английски:


- знает ли он, каково население Уэльса;

- что он может сказать о Северном Уэльсе;

- что он может сказать о Южном Уэльсе;

- знает ли он столицу Уэльса;

- знает ли он, какие достопримечательности можно посетить в Уэльсе;

- знает ли он, каково население Шотландии;

- знает ли он, на сколько регионов можно поделить Шотландию и как эти регионы называются;

- знает ли он столицу Шотландии;

- знает ли он, каково население Северной Ирландии;

- знает ли он столицу Северной Ирландии;

- знает ли он, что могут купить туристы в Белфасте.


Упражнение 3. Аудирование. Прослушайте, о чём говорят туристы, путешествующие по Шотландии на автобусе, и ответьте на вопросы. Воспроизведите диалог в парах.


Tourist 1: Excuse me.

Guide: Yes?

Tourist 1: There’s a pottery shop just ahead. Can we stop and go there?

Guide: Yes, of course. It sells pottery and other kinds of gifts.

Tourist 1: Thanks you.

They go into the shop.

Assistant: Can I help you?

Tourist 1: No, I’m just looking, thank you.

Assistant: That’s fine.

Tourist 2: Excuse me.

Assistant: Yes?

Tourist 2: Is all the pottery made in Scotland?

Assistant: Yes, everything is made here: we have a workshop at the back.

Tourist 3: Are these gifts all made in Scotland?

Assistant: Yes, everything that you see is made in local workshops and factories.

Tourist 3: Even these films and cameras?

Assistant: Er, no. The film is made in the USA, and the cameras are made in Japan. Everything else is produced here in Scotland, and most of the products are handmade.

Tourist 1: I’d like this vase, please.

Assistant: Thank you.

Tourist 2: I’m going to buy this tin of shortbread.

Tourist 3: I’m going to get some of these small bottles of whisky.



1. What does a pottery shop sell?

2. What goods are made in Scotland?

3. Are most of the products handmade?

4. What did the tourists buy in the shop?

5. What would you buy in that shop?


Упражнение 4. Прослушайте текст о поездке Смитов в Шотландию.

The Smiths Go To Scotland.

During the half-term holiday, Paul, Sue and Mary Smith went to a short break to a hotel in Scotland. They visited several castles, craft shops and a whisky distillery. They spent a day in Edinburgh, and another day walking near Loch Ness (but they didn’t see the monster). Mary wrote this short description of the economy of Scotland to show her teacher:

“Scotland can be divided into three geographical regions: the Southern Uplands, the Central Lowlands and the Highlands. The Southern Uplands are sparsely populated moorland; the Central Lowlands is where most of the population lives and where the main cities are situated; the Highlands is the most beautiful and mountainous part. The main industries of the Highlands are forestry, fishing and tourism. The main industries of the Central Lowlands used to be coal mining and heavy industry, but these declined in the 1980s. Fortunately, oil and gas were discovered in the North Sea in the 1970s. Other important products are whisky and woolen goods.

The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, but the biggest city is Glasgow. Scotland is part of the United Kingdom, but since 1999 it has its own parliament.


Упражнение 5. Опираясь на содержание приведённого выше текста, подберите английские эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям.

1. Decline a) завод по изготовлению алкогольных напитков
2. Description б) чудовище
3. Discover в) описание
4. Distillery г) область, зона
5. Monster д) редко, не густо
6. Moorland е) торфянистая местность
7. Region ж) снижаться
8. Sparsely з) обнаруживать

Упражнение 6. Определите, верны или неверны следующие утверждения.

1) The Smiths saw the Loch Ness Monster.

2) There are not many people in the Southern Uplands.

3) Edinburgh and Glasgow are in the Central Lowlands.

4) Most Scots live in the Highlands.

5) The main industries of the Central Lowlands are coal mining and heavy industry.

6) The biggest city in Scotland is Edinburgh.


Упражнение 7. Используя текст в качестве образца, напишите об экономике хорошо известной вам страны.


Упражнение 8. Кроссворд «Отрасли промышленности». Переведите следующую группу слов на английский язык. Запишите их в соответствующие клеточки. Решив кроссворд, в колонке по вертикали вы прочтёте ещё одно слово по текущей теме.

Pемёсла, электроника, машиностроение, рыболовство, лесная промышленность, товары, гончарные изделия, ресурсы.




Grammar Exercises

Упражнение 1. Ваш друг собирается поехать в Великобританию на каникулы. Задайте вопросы, используя эту ситуацию и слова, данные в скобках.

1. (How long / stay?)

2. (When / leave?)

3. (Go / alone?)

4. (Go / by train?)

5. (Where / stay?)


Упражнение 2. Shall или Will?

1. I … help you tomorrow. 2. We … never leave our friends who need us. 3. They … receive the freedom of the city! 4. the two brothers … never be separated again! 5. I … pay my account at the end of the month. 6. He … feel cold without an overcoat in December. 7. We … all grow old, sooner or later. 8. It … cost a lot of money to live in such a fine hotel. 9. You … understand English much better in twelve months’ time. 10. People say that the world … grow cold in 20,000,000 years. 11. A fine summer … guarantee a good harvest. 12. A fish out of water … die very quickly.

Упражнение 3. Выберите ту видовременную форму глагола, которую уместно употребить при переводе следующих предложений:

1. Она уберет квартиру к их приезду.

а) will clean;

б) will be cleaning;

в) will have cleaned.

2. Ему потребуется полчаса, чтобы добраться до университета.

а) takes;

б) will take;

в) will have taken.

3. Мой друг будет учителем через два года.

а) will be;

б) will have been;

в) is.

4. Я буду готовиться к контрольной в 5 часов завтра.

а) prepare;

б) will be preparing;

в) will prepare.


Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, употребив формы the Future Simple или the Future Continuous.

1. I can’t understand this letter. I (call) my son. He (translate) it for you. 2. What you (do) when you grow up? – I (be) a pilot. 3. This time next month I (sit) on a beach. 4. In a few days time we (go) to London. 5. That tree makes the house very dark. – Very well, I (cut) it down. 6. My brother has just returned from America. – Oh, good, we (ask) him to come to our next party. 7. I’ll come at six o’clock. – Good, I (wait) for you. 8. You look frozen. Sit down by the fire and I (make) you a cup of tea. 9. Don’t ring her up at 9; she (put) her children to bed. Ring up later. 10. My son (be) in the fifth form next year. That means that he (learn) English. 11. I (know) the results in some days.


Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки, употребив формы the Future Perfect или the Future Perfect Continuous.

1. I (finish) this book by tomorrow evening. 2. By next winter I (save) the necessary sum of money. 3. I (translate) the article for an hour before you come. 4. By the end of January he (work) at the University for 10 years. 5. On September 26 they (be married) for twenty-five years. 6. By the end of the month we (live) in this house for two years. 7. If I continue with my diet I (lose) 10 kilos by the end of the month. 8. The train (leave) before we reach the station.


Упражнение 6. Переведите предложения, употребив нужную форму глагола будущего времени.

1. Я буду работать в библиотеке завтра (завтра с 2 до 3). 2. Мой друг будет читать (прочитает) книгу через несколько дней (к вечеру). 3. Он сдаст экзамены к трем часам завтра (на следующей неделе). 4. Вы будете слушать свою любимую музыку завтра (в два часа завтра).


Упражнение 7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous.

1. If you don’t work hard you (not pass) your exams. 2. Will you lend me your season ticket? – No, I (not lend) it to you because it is against the law. 3. You (be) angry if I refuse to help you? 4. I (wait) for you when you come out. 5. Don’t ring her at 9.00. She still (sleep). 6. When I get home my dog (sit) at the door waiting for me. 7. You (have) lunch with me? – I’d love to, but I’m afraid I (do) my exam at that time. 8. It’s beginning to get dark, the street lights (go on) in a few minutes. 9. We (to buy) a new flat if we have enough money. 10. The lift (not start) until you press the button. 11. 1 (finish) reading this book by tomorrow evening. 12. By the end of the year my mother (work) at school for twenty years. 13. I’m going to Hyde Park to hear the people making speeches. – By the time you get there they (finish) their speeches and everybody (go) home. 14. When I leave school our family (live) in Minsk for ten years. 15. He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says that by the end of next year he (plant) 1,000. 16. I hope they (repair) this road by the time we come back next summer. 17. I (not wear) glasses when you see me next. I (wear) contact lenses. You probably (not recognize) me. 18. This time next week I (have) my first skating lesson. 19. He says he (meet) us at the bus stop, but I’m sure he (forget) to do it. 20 The first day of the term (be) horrible, for everybody (talk) about their holidays and (show) photographs of foreign beaches and as I haven’t been anywhere I (feel) terribly out of it. 21. That oak tree still (stand) there fifty years from now. 22. By the end of next year he (work) for this company for 10 years.


Упражнение 8. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме.

1. We (have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come? 2. I (not / go) away for my holidays next month because I haven’t got enough money. 3. (you / go) away? 4. The concert (start) at 7.30 this evening. 5. George, is it true that you (get married) next week? 6. The art exhibition (open) on 3 May and (finish) on 15 July. 7. What time (the next train / leave)? 8. Ann, we (go) to town, (you / come) with us?


Упражнение 9. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме.

1. The S.S. Blue Star (arrive) on Monday according to plan. 2. The examinations (take place) next month as announced. 3. The office (close) an hour later than usual tomorrow. 4. We (have) breakfast very early tomorrow so that we can leave home before even. 5. He usually works at the station but next month he (work) at the docks for a few days each week. 6. I’m sorry I can’t accept your invitation. I (have) lunch with some business people next Wednesday. 7. We always go to Paris on holiday. Next year I (go) to Spain for a change. 8. Saturday is his day off, usually. However, he (play) in the finals of a tennis tournament next Friday so the firm (give) him both days off. 9. My Uncle John from Zigzag (visit) us soon. 10. As a result of the bad weather, airplanes (not / take off) tonight.


Упражнение 10. Раскройте скобки, используя оборот to be going to.

1. I (finish) it next week. 2. He (go) there tomorrow. 3. We (be) at the meeting. 4. I (return) and (ask) him. 5. The teacher (explain) the next lesson to us tomorrow. 6. We (attend) that conference in St Louis next month. 7. I (study) my English lesson with my friends tonight. 8. Mr Wilson and Mr Johnson (be) in the office all afternoon. 9. The men (repair) the roof of the house the day after tomorrow. 10. There (be) an important meeting here next Thursday evening.


Упражнение 11. Выберите из скобок нужную форму глагола.

1. I (will go / am going) to a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come too? 2. According to the weather forecast it (will rain / is raining) tomorrow. 3. I’m sure Tom (will get / is getting) the job. He has a lot of experience. 4. I can’t meet you this evening. A friend of mine (will come / is coming) to see me. 5. Don’t worry about the dog. It (won’t hurt / isn’t hurting) you.


Упражнение 12. Переведите предложения, используя оборот to be going to.

1. Я куплю шесть ножей, две кастрюли и пару ложек. 2. Я буду моряком. 3. Я не собираюсь повторять свою ошибку. 4. Он не собирался продолжать поиски. 5. Он сказал, что прибудет немедленно. 6. Он сказал, что не будет торопиться.


Упражнение 13. Допишите предложения, используя оборот to be going to и слова в скобках.

1. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It (rain).

2. It’s 8.30. Jack is leaving his house. He has to be at work at 8.45 but the journey takes 30 min. He (be late).

3. There are holes in the bottom of the boat. A lot of water is coming through the holes. The boat (sink).

4. Emma is driving. There is very little petrol in the tank. The nearest petrol station is a long way away. She (run out).


Упражнение 14. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в будущем или настоящем времени.

1. I wonder if he (laugh) all day. 2. She will buy a new hat when she (come) to Angela’s. 3. Read the letter to me while I (eat) lunch. 4. I shall stay here till he (come). 5. Tell her about it if she (want). 6. She wonders when somebody (come and tell) her what to do. 7. Do you know if your cousin (return) from his trip tomorrow? 8. They don’t realize that no changes (take place) until they (do) something about it. 9. I only know that if he (object) I (give up) the plan. 10. She knows that her father (phone) her as soon as anything (be known). 11. Don’t tell her about it before she (ask). 12. I shall cut some sandwiches in case we (be hungry). 13. I shall know all about it when I (get) the letter from him. 14. She knows that she (catch) bad cold unless she (go and change) her wet shoes. 15. I wonder when you (be) ready and if we (be) in time. 16. I am not sure when she (return). 17. Will you wait until he (come)? 18. Please book a return ticket if you (go) to York.


Упражнение 15. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Если они выйдут в половине пятого, они приедут в шесть. 2. Когда мы накроем на стол, мы пойдем встречать гостей на остановку. 3. Не беспокойся. Я встречу их, если Томсон не согласится подвезти их на машине. 4. Сколько времени займет дорога? 5. У нас будет концерт на следующей неделе. Мы примем в нем участие. 6. – Что ты делаешь, Джек? – Я решаю задачу. – А что ты делал час назад? – Я учил английский. – А что ты будешь делать через час? – Я буду бить тебя, если ты не перестанешь задавать глупые вопросы. 7. К экзамену я выучу все темы. 8. Мы скоро будем читать Достоевского. 9. Мы приедем к часу. Секретарь уже придет. 10. Они начнут строительство в ближайшие дни и закончат к концу года. 11. Не звоните ей в одиннадцать. Она уже будет спать. 12. Что ты собираешься делать в воскресенье? 13. Поезд отходит завтра в семь. 14. Вы позвоните мне завтра? 15. Мы поедем за город, если погода не будет дождливой. 16. Папа приедет к нам, если у него будет свободное время. 17. Карен не знает, что вы приедете в воскресенье. 18. Если мы достанем билеты, то пойдем в кино. 19. Я не смогу написать вам, пока не вернусь. 19. Они не знают, когда он придет, но когда он придет, они ему все расскажут. 20. Если вы останетесь еще на пару дней, мы сможем посетить музей.