Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
Lesson 3
Test № 2
Выберите правильный ответ.
1. When was Krasnoyarsk founded?
a) at the beginning of the 17th century;
b) at the end of the 17th century;
c) in the 18th century.
2. What are the outskirts of Krasnoyarsk?
a) valleys and rivers;
b) mountains and taiga;
c) lakes and waterfalls.
3. Dmitry Khvorostovsky is a …
a) painter; b) choreographer; c) opera singer.
4. What is Gremyachy Log?
a) a memorial of Stone Age;
b) an ancient building;
c) a modern building.
5. Krasnoyarsk scientific center is situated in …
a) Vetluschanka; b) Mira Prospect; c) Academic town.
6. How many educational institutions are there in Krasnoyarsk?
a) 15; b) 13; c) 14.
7. What is the leading branch of Krasnoyarsk industry?
a) ship-building; b) chemistry; c) non-ferrous metallurgy.
8. How many tributaries has Enisey?
a) more than 600; b) more than 400; c) more than 500.
9. The Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Power Station is …
a) the biggest in Europe;
b) the most powerful in Eurasia;
c) is depicted on ten-ruble banknotes.
10. When was the Communal Bridge built?
a) in 1976; b) in 1961; c) in 1986.
11. Was Krasnoyarsk the capital of Winter Spartakiads?
a) yes, it is; b) yes, it was; c) yes, it has;
12. When was the reservation “Stolby” founded?
a) in 1930; b) in 1905; c) in 1925.
13. What makes for the development of tourism in Krasnoyarsk?
a) artificial ice; b) marvellous nature; c) numerous guests.
14. How many metals and elements are produced in the city?
a) about 30; b) more than 40; c) more than 30.
15. What is the favorite resting place of our citizens?
a) the reserve; b) Afontova Hill; c) the Organ Hall.
Grammar: степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий; употребление артиклей; прошедшее простое и прошедшее продолженное время (Past Indefinite, Past Continuous Tenses)
Словарный минимум
department/ faculty | факультет |
professor | профессор |
docent | доцент |
academician | академик |
doctor of Sciences | доктор наук |
master of Sciences | кандидат наук |
gymnasium | гимназия |
college | колледж |
term/ semester | семестр |
time-table | расписание |
graduate выпускник
post-graduate аспирант
found/ to establish | основывать |
enroll | зачислять, принимать |
consist of/ include | состоять из |
incorporate | включать |
train/ to teach | обучать, готовить |
graduate from окончить (вуз)
the total enrollment | общее количество принятых студентов | ||||
the teaching staff | профессорско-преподавательский состав | ||||
the Academy of Sciences | Академия Наук | ||||
the day department | дневное отделение | ||||
the evening department | вечернее отделение | ||||
the correspondence department | заочное отделение | ||||
a full-time student | студент очного отделения | ||||
a part-time student | студент вечернего отделения | ||||
a correspondent student | студент заочного отделения | ||||
University branch | филиал университета | ||||
to function on the basis of | функционировать на основе | ||||
vocational school | лицей | ||||
а preparatory department | подготовительное отделение | ||||
the research basis | научно-исследовательская база | ||||
a computer centre | вычислительный центр | ||||
a computer class a training farm | компьютерный класс учебное хозяйство | ||||
the scientific cooperation | научное сотрудничество | ||||
to receive a scholarship | получать стипендию | ||||
to take exams | сдавать экзамен | ||||
to pass exams | сдать экзамен | ||||
a first (second, third, fourth, студент первого (второго, третьего,
fifth) year student четвертого, пятого) курса
Названия факультетов:
Agronomy Department | Агрономический факультет |
Ecobiotechnology Department | Экологобиотехнологический факультет |
Land Surveying Department | Землеустроительный факультет |
Animal Husbandry Department | Зооинженерный факультет |
Veterinary Medicine Department | Факультет ветеринарной медицины |
Food Processing Department | Факультет пищевой и перерабатывающей промышленности |
Engineering Department | Факультет механизации |
Energytechnology Department | Энерготехнологический факультет |
Law Department | Юридический факультет |
Economy Department | Экономический факультет |
Business and Management Department | Факультет управления и бизнеса |
Foreign (International) Department | Международный факультет |
the preparatory Department | подготовительное отделение |
Vocabulary Exercises
Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык:
specialist, university, department, teaching staff, test, examination, practice, to enter, to graduate from, Bachelor, Master, term (semester), schedule, syllabus, electives, optional.
Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:
университет, факультет, был основан, профессорско-преподавательский состав, научно-исследовательская база, студент дневного (вечернего, заочного) отделения, семестр, бакалавр, магистр, готовить (обучать) студентов, библиотека, лаборатория, компьютерный центр, выпускник, сдавать (сдать) экзамен, проводить научную работу, поступить (закончить) университет, усердно заниматься.
Упражнение 3. Найдите и прочитайте определение слов, данных слева, в колонке справа:
1) a full-time student | a) is the lowest degree awarded to a student |
2) a part-time student | b) contains schedules |
3) a graduate student | c) are subjects or courses which are optional, not compulsory |
4) grant | d) a Degree obtained after a Bachelor’s Degree |
5) Bachelor’s Degree | e) studies at a university all the time |
6) Master’s Degree | f) a faculty |
7) University Calendar | g) a student who also works somewhere else |
8) schedule | h) is one who has already obtained one university degree |
9) a department | i) money paid for a student to study |
10) electives | j) a plan for different activities; a time-table |
Text. The Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
The Krasnoyarsk Agricultural Institute was founded in September, 1953 and had three departments: Mechanization, Animal Husbandry and Agronomy departments. The first rector was the master of Sciences in Agriculture, the docent G.A. Chyeryemisinov.
In 1991 the Agricultural Institute was reorganized into the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University.
At present, the university has 13 departments: Agronomy, Ecobiotechnology, Land Surveying, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Medicine, Food Processing, Engineering, Energytechnology, Law, Economy, Business and Management, Foreign (International), Preparatory. The total enrollments include the students of the day department and correspondence department. The teaching staff includes doctors and masters of Sciences.
The department branches function on the basis of the Gymnasium, vocational schools, colleges, and the preparatory department.
The research basis of the University is modern incorporating the computer centre, various research laboratories, the training farm, the scientific library, the Publishing House. The students are trained according to the basic scientific schools. The graduates can take the postgraduates’ courses. The University has established the international scientific cooperation with research and educational Institutions in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Holland, Australia.
The academic year begins on the 1st of September and ends in June. The academic year has two terms (semesters): the winter term and the summer term, when all the students take exams.
The system of Higher Education is being reformed now, as far as it is divided into Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree.
The University Calendar is issued once each year. It contains schedules (timetables), syllabuses. The syllabus is a part of the curriculum that will be examined. There are also electives, which are the subjects or courses which are optional, but not compulsory, dependent on choice.
Text Exercises
Упражнение 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
1. When was the Krasnoyarsk Agricultural Institute founded?
2. Why did the Krasnoyarsk Agricultural Institute become the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University?
3. How many departments does the Agrarian University have at present? What are they? What specialists does it train? What department do you study at?
4. What are the forms of studying? Do you regularly attend lectures and tutorials?
5. What is the basis of the University departments?
6. What is the research basis of the University?
7. Do you agree that the teaching staff is highly-qualified?
8. With what foreign countries has the University established international scientific cooperation?
9. How is the system of higher education reformed?
10. What is a Bachelor’s Degree?
11. What is a Master’s Degree?
12. What does the word “schedule” mean?
13. What are the conditions for students to prepare for lectures?
14. How are the best students supported?
15. What terms does the academic year consist of?
16. What are your plans for the coming holiday?
Упражнение 2. Вставьте вместо пропусков нужные по смыслу слова.
1. The Agricultural Institute … into the Agrarian University in 1991.
2. At present the University has … departments: … .
3. The department branches function on the basis of … .
4. The research basis incorporates … .
5. The University has established the international scientific cooperation with … .
6. The academic year has … terms: … .
7. The system of Higher Education is being reformed now, as far as … .
8. The University Calendar is issued … .
9. The syllabus is the part of … .
10. The electives are the subjects, which … .
Упражнение 3. Определите главную мысль в каждом абзаце текста. Напишите план для пересказа.
Упражнение 4. Перескажите текст “Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University” на английском языке, используя план пересказа.
Упражнение 5. Аудирование. Прослушайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
“At the Library”
The Krasnoyarsk Agrarian University Library consists of the main library in the central campus and numerous branch libraries in faculties. The library exists to serve the information needs of students and teaching staff of the University. In addition it maintains a wide range of basic reference materials. It provides library instructions and assistance to readers, makes available books relating to all subjects taught at the University, and maintains a range of supporting services. The main library provides a lot of seats for readers.
1. What libraries does the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University consist of?
2. What are the aims of the University library?
3. What additional literature can the students use?
4. What books does the library make available for all the students?
5. Does the library serve the information needs of the teaching staff?
Упражнение 6. Составьте диалоги на основе прослушанного текста.
Упражнение 7. Обсудите в парах (микрогруппах) деятельность вашего факультета.
Упражнение 8. Подготовьте доклад об одном из старейших университетов России.
Grammar Exercises
Упражнение 1. Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных:
long, large, thick, comfortable, interesting, good, bad, much, little, few, necessary, possible, difficult
Упражнение 2. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания и предложения на русский язык:
a) a better classroom, my best friend, the youngest brother, the most comfortable chair, the worst picture, to know less, to know more, read better
b) 1. In summer the days are longer than in winter.
2. It is difficult to say what profession is the best or better.
3. The longest day of the year is the 21st of June.
4. This article is the most difficult for me.
5. It is much more interesting to read books in English than in Russian.
6. This is the best topic for your report.
7. Our university is one of the biggest in our city.
8. This lecture-hall is the largest in this building.
9. This building of our university is the most ancient; it is much older than the other buildings.
10. Nick is the best sportsman in our group.
11. He devotes less time to English than other students.
12. English is easier than some other foreign language.
13. The university trains the best specialists.
14. The library has the more modern stock of books.
15. This idea is more rational, than that one.
Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие словосочетания и предложения на английский язык.
а) самая хорошая аудитория, самая большая картина, лучше, чем, хуже, чем, самый молодой, выше, чем, самый чистый, самая интересная книга, самый короткий семестр, старше меня, моложе его, гораздо меньше, гораздо больше, гораздо лучше, гораздо интереснее, гораздо труднее, гораздо удобнее.
б) 1. Это самый длинный и самый трудный текст в учебнике.
2. Я знаю английский лучше, чем мой брат.
3. Моя сестра знает английский лучше, чем немецкий.
4. Эта комната больше, чем та.
5. Вы должны выполнить эту работу лучше.
6. Чей доклад короче и интереснее?
7. Какая книга вам больше всего нравится?
8. Его доклад информативнее других докладов.
9. Кто самый внимательный в вашей группе?
10. Кто самый занятый (более занят) завтра?
11. Какое здание самое высокое в Москве?
12. Какое учение самое древнее?
13. Осенью чаще идёт дождь, чем снег.
14. Понять эту концепцию намного легче, чем кажется.
15. Этот преподаватель намного добрее, чем мы думали.
Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие пословицы на русский язык. Составьте ситуации, в которых данные пословицы можно использовать.
1. Better late than never, but better never late.
2. Say well is good, do well is better.
3. Those do least who speak most.
4. East or West home is best.
5. It’s better to see once than to hear twice.
Упражнение 5. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What day of the week is the best?
2. What day of the year is the longest?
3. Who is the best sportsman in your group?
4. What is the shortest way to the University?
5. Who is the most attentive student in your group?
6. What is the most comfortable classroom at your department?
7. Why do you think the monitor of the group is the most diligent?
Упражнение 6. Объясните употребление или отсутствие артиклей в следующих предложениях.
1. I met him in a small town. 2. A girl is waiting for you in the room. 3. I have got a father. My father is an engineer. He works at the plant. The plant is big. 4. My son is a pupil. He is not at school now. He is at home. He is having dinner. He is eating soup and bread. 5. I have got a small black dog. It likes meat very much. 6. This is a house. This is Tom’s house. 7. Where is your sister? She is in the library. 8. Mary is studying English and chemistry this year. 9. At the bottom of the hill there was a house. 10. The day was beautiful, there were no clouds in the sky, and the sun shone brightly. 11. Knowledge is power. 12. Jack was the first to come to the finish. 13. The window is made of glass. 14. Peter is my friend. 15. The dinner was well prepared. After dinner he went home. 16. He plays the leading part. 17. I’ve bought an apple and a pear. 18. The kids are at school. 19. I walked past the school this morning. 20. I have a great deal of work.
Упражнение 7. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. … imagination and … creativity are … most important things that we can teach … children. 2. … sky is clear and … moon is shining. 3. … elephant is … biggest animal that lives on … land. 4. John is … politician, but he used to be … professional footballer. 5. I’m always suspicious of … politicians – they want to change … world. 6. What … lovely day! Let’s take … car for … trip to … country. 7. … life isn’t always easy for … rich. 8. Did you taste … fish that Henry cooked? – No, I don’t eat … fish. 9. Why aren’t you at … school today, Alan? – Because … school is closed – the roof fell in yesterday. 10. I live in … house in London. … house has got three bedrooms. 11. You are always asking for … money. What happened to … money I gave you … last week? 12. I think … computers have made life much more simple. – Really? … computers at work are always going wrong. 13. What are ... children doing? – They are doing what … children everywhere do – they are fighting. 14. Jerry studied Maths at … University of East Anglia. – Oh, I didn’t go to … university. I studied at … Royal Academy of Music. 15. I want to be … actor. – I don’t think that’s a good idea. … actors have a very hard life. 16. I’m sure I heard … sound. – Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure it was only … sound of the traffic inside. 17. Pat has written … novel. – Oh, what’s … novel about? 18. Is John still in … bed? – Yes, we bought him … new bed yesterday. 19. Are your children learning to play … piano? – Yes, they are, but unfortunately we haven’t got … piano at home. 20. … beer contains a lot of vitamins. – I know. But … beer in this pub is not very nice.
Упражнение 8. Измените по лицам глагол-сказуемое в следующих предложениях.
1. I had two lectures yesterday. 2. I had no tutorials yesterday. 3. I was in the library last night. 4. I listened to the president’s press-conference the week ago. 5. I visited London last year.
Упражнение 9. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite.
1. He (to stay) at the university after classes. 2. I (to know) all the words well. 3. She (to study) English at the University. 4. She (to write) the letter. 5. Some years ago she (to live) in the country. 6. She (to make) an interesting report. 7. Last year he (to work) at the farm. 8. Yesterday we (to go) home by taxi. 9. It (to take) me half an hour to get home. 10. We (to see) the film a week ago. 11. She (to find) time to help us. 12. He (to do) the translation without a dictionary. 13. He always (to do) his best to understand us. 14. Last night we (to watch) a hockey math over TV. 15. She (to leave) Moscow the day before yesterday.
Упражнение 10. Измените глагол-сказуемое, поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму (по образцу).
E.g.: I worked at my design. – I did not work at my design.
I wrote a letter. – I did not write a letter.
1. We had our breakfast at the dining room. 2. We wanted to go to London during the holidays. 3. Our English lesson began at 10 o’clock. 4. Last night I got a letter from my friends. 5. It snowed. 6. Dark clouds appeared in the sky.
Упражнение 11. Сделайте следующие предложения утвердительными.
1. He did not go home after the lectures. 2. We did not do these exercises. 3. We did not finish our work in time. 4. I did not see this man. 5. He did not know your name. 6. He did not attend classes last term. 7. Her son did not become an architect. 8. It did not rain yesterday. 9. We did not watch TV last night. 10. They did not go home by bus. They took a taxi.
Упражнение 12. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, используя Past Indefinite Tense.
1. Who did you prepare your homework with? 2. Did your friend see the new film yesterday? 3. Where did you have your supper? 4. Did you watch TV last Sunday? 5. What time did you go to bed at? 6. What did you do before classes? 7. Did you hear the latest news over the radio?
Упражнение 13. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.
1. It was raining the whole day yesterday. 2. We were sitting and talking for a long time. 3. We were having dinner when my brother came back. 4. What were you doing last night when I saw you? 5. Mother was reading a newspaper while Ann was preparing her homework. 6. It was snowing when you went out of the house. 7. We were working from 3 to 5 o’clock yesterday. 8. It was impossible to stay indoors because the sun was shining brightly.
Упражнение 14. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, используя Past Continuous Tense.
1. Я читал вчера весь день. 2. Вчера целый день шёл снег. 3. Она переводила статью в то время, когда мы смотрели телевизор. 4. Я встретил друга, когда он шёл домой. 5. Мы стояли на автобусной остановке, когда прибыл автобус.
Упражнение 15. Составьте диалоги. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям, используя:
а) степени сравнения прилагательных; б) Past Indefinite Tense; в) Past Continuous Tense
1. The Agrarian Institute is older than Agrarian University.
2. At present the University has more departments than in 1953.
3. It is much more interesting to be a full-time student, than a part-time student.
4. A good time-table is the most important thing.
5. The best students get grants.
6. The first rector was the Master of Sciences in Agriculture G.A. Chyeremisinov.
7. The scientific cooperation was established with different countries.
8. The new Departments were founded.
9. The system of Higher Education was reformed.
10. The State supported the best students.
11. The syllabuses were being changed when we entered the University.
12. Our professor was delivering a lecture when we came into the classroom.
13. We elected two courses which we considered to be significant.
14. We were speaking English when the conference began.
15. We were discussing the new schedule, when our professor came in.