Different people have different communication skills. This can influence their relationships.

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Interpersonal perception is an area of research in social psychology which examines the beliefs that interacting people have about each other. This area differs from social cognition and person perception by being interpersonal rather than intrapersonal (глибоко личный), and thus requiring the interaction of at least two actual people.

Lecture 3. Speech as communication

Semantic Structure of the Word and Its Changes

Lecture 3


1.Semantics / semasiology. Different approaches to word-meaning.

2.Types of word-meaning.

3.Polysemy. Semantic structure of words. Meaning and context.

4.Change of word-meaning: the causes, nature and results.

List of Literature:

1. Антрушина, Г.Б.Лексикология английского языка: учебник для студ. пед. ин-тов по спец. № 2103 "Иностр. яз." / Г.Б. Антрушина, О.В. Афанасьева, Н.Н. Морозова; под ред. Г.Б. Антрушиной. – М.: Высш. школа, 1985. – С. 129–142, 147–160.

2. Воробей, А.Н. Глоссарий лингвистических терминов / А.Н. Воробей, Е.Г. Карапетова. – Барановичи: УО "БарГУ", 2004. – 108 с.

3. Дубенец, Э.М.Современный английский язык. Лексикология: пособие для студ. гуманит. вузов / Э.М. Дубенец. – М. / СПб.: ГЛОССА / КАРО, 2004. – С. 74–82, 123–127.

4. Лексикология английского языка: учебник для ин-тов и фак-тов иностр. яз. / Р.З. Гинзбург [и др.]; под общ. ред. Р.З. Гинзбург. – 2-е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Высш. школа, 1979. – С. 13–23, 28–39, 47–51.

5. Лещева, Л.М. Слова в английском языке. Курс лексикологии современного английского языка: учебник для студ. фак-в и отдел. английского языка (на англ. яз.) / Л.М. Лещева. – Минск: Академия управления при Президенте Республики Беларусь, 2001. – С. 36–56. (Электронный ресурс).

List of Terms:



functional meaning

grammatical meaning

lexical meaning

denotational meaning

connotational meaning



a model of polysemy

lexical-semantic variants

basic meaning

peripheral meaning

primary meaning

secondary meaning



lexical context

grammatical context

thematic context


differentiation of synonyms

linguistic analogy



restriction of meaning

extension of meaning

ameliorative development of meaning

pejorative development of meaning.


1. The factors determining interpersonal perception: factor of superiority, attractiveness, attitudes.

2. The mechanisms of human perception and understanding: identification, reflexion, stereotyping.

3. Problems in communication and communication barriers. Communication barriers: aesthetic, intellectual, motivational, moral, emotional. Loneliness, autism and estrangement in communication. Shyness as a communication obstacle.


1.The factors determining interpersonal perception: factor of superiority, attractiveness, attitudes.

I explored some basic communication principles in my column in the Nov. 12 issue of Biz Times Milwaukee. In this column, I’ll extend those principles by discussing the process of interpersonal perception.

Another way that people differ is the way they perceive the world. It is tempting (заставлять) to assume (принять) that human behavior is a response to objective reality but as the comedian Lily Tomlin has observed, “Reality is nothing more than a collective hunch.(догадка)” The same stimulus may be present in our environment, but what we do with that stimulus is affected by individual differences.

How can we wind up with such diverse (разнообразные) and even contradictory (противоречащие) impressions? Chalk it up to individual differences in perception, which can be defined as, “the process by which we select, organize, and evaluate the stimuli in our environment to make it meaningful for ourselves.”