Lecture 3. International Arbitral Institutions
Verbals (Non-finite forms)
The Infinitive could be used in 2 cases - the Nominative and the Dative:
Þu meaht sinZan. (N.) (You can sing) ManiZe comen to bycZenne Þa ÞinZ.(D.) (Many [people] came to buy those things)
There existed Participle I (formed by means of the suffix –ende ) and Participle II (the 3rd form of the verb).
Sittende – Zesitten, writende – Zewritten, seonde – ZeseZen.
Both the participles were inflected for gender, number and case.
4.The negative particle ne is used before verbs, but sometimes it is blended with the verb, when the initial h and w are dropped :
Ne habban – nabban, ne wat – nat, ne wille – nylle.
Multiple negative is possible:
Nan mann ne bude benorDan him. (No man lived north of him).
5. Compairing the OE verb system with the Gothic one shows that many changes took place between the 4th and the 7th centuries. The system of inflections has been reduced (e.g. we find person distinctions only in the singular, plural forms having fallen together) and new ways of expressing verbal categories began to develop (e.g. analytical forms).
You know that OE was characterised by the developed system of inflections. This feature is connected with the free word order. The numerous endings allowed this freedom as the relations between words in a sentence were clear. Very often sentences included several subordinate clauses linked with the help of conjunctions.
1. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
1. 1. The activity and purposes of the ICC.
1. 2. The ICC International Court of Arbitration (functions and competence).
1. 3. ICC International Centre for ADR
2. London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA).
3. Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)
4. Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
1. 1. About International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) -The World Business Organization. - http://www.iccwbo.org/
The International Chamber of Commerce, founded in 1919, is to further the development of an open world economy with the firm conviction that international commercial exchanges are conducive to both greater global prosperity and peace among nations.
The aims of the ICC are:
- to promote international trade, services and investment, while eliminating obstacles and distortions to international commerce;
- to promote a market economy system based on the principle of free and fair competition among business enterprises;
- to foster the economic growth of developed and developing countries alike, particularly with a view to better integrate all countries into the world economy.
Whereas the International Chamber of Commerce is committed to fighting protectionism in all its forms, expanding the international flow of goods, services, capital and technology, making policy recommendations on a wide range of international issues and translating its principles into practical services to the business community to facilitate commercial exchanges across frontiers.
Therefore, it is governed by the following Constitution. According the Constitution (Article 1): Name, Purposes, International Headquarters
1. The Organisation is called International Chamber of Commerce, also known as the "World Business Organisation" or by the acronym "ICC".
2. ICC brings together the various economic sectors in market economy countries and acts to:
a. represent trade, industry, finance, transport, insurance and, in general, all sectors of international business;
b. ascertain the views of corporations, companies, organisations, firms and individuals involved in international trade and related business operations and voice them to the relevant intergovernmental institutions and, through its National Committees, Groups and Direct Members, to their governments and other bodies in their respective countries;
c. assure effective and consistent action in the economic and legal fields in order to contribute to the harmonious growth and the freedom of international commerce;
d. provide practical and expert services to the international business community;
e. encourage effective rapprochement and cooperation among businessmen* in different countries and among the organisations that bring them together.