Metaphor is the transfer of name based on the association of similarity. It is the application of a name or a descriptive term to an object to which it is not literally applicable.E.g.: the head of Parliament, the head of the army, eye of a needle. This type of transference is also referred to as linguistic metaphor.

Metaphor may be based on the resemblance of two physical objects: the neck of a bottle; Rus.: ушко иголки.

Metaphoric change of meaning is often observed in idiomatic compounds.

The meaning of the word “branch” is “limb or subdivision of a plant or tree”; but there is also “a branch of industry or art”, so it brings us to understanding that transference based on resemblance association is possible between a concrete object and an abstract concept. The noun “star” in the meaning of “heavenly body” has developed a meaning of “a famous actor” with a slightly ironical colouring. Then the ironical colouring was gone. The word has acquired a much wider usage as a football star, a pop-star etc. This meaning implies a God-like look with rays of glory. The original meaning is weakened and erased.

The meaning formed on resemblance often occur in slang of informal speech: carrot or ginger for a red-haired person, rat for the one who is given to spying etc. Both these meanings are used metaphorically. The slang meanings of words such as “nut”, “onion” (head), “saucers” (eyes) were all formed by transference based on resemblance.

The transfer of name based on the association of similarity is as often in English as in Ukrainian. The transfer of name based on the association of similarity of nouns has the pattern animal – human being:

Consider the following examples:

English Ukrainian
Fox- a cunning person Лис-хитра, підступна людина
Sheep-an easily led or unimaginative, silly person Вівця-покірна, ляклива людина
Dog-an ugly, boring or rude person Пес-погана, негідна людина, посіпака, прислуга
Parrot-a person who, without thought or understanding, merely repeats the words of other people Папуга-той, хто не має власної думки
Hen-a woman esp. busybody or gossip Квочка-жінка, що опікується тільки дітьми
Pig-a person of piglike character or behavior, esp. one who is fat, greedy, selfish  
Swine-a coarse, brutishly sensual person Свиня-брудна чи нечесна, підла людина
Cock-a leader, chief person Півень-хоробрий, бадьорий, що іноді має зверхній вигляд
Rabbit-a person who is poor at sport, esp. golf, cricket, tennis Кролик-немає відповідника, але заєць-боягуз
Cow-a large, obese, slovenly woman Корова-незграбна, товста, негарна жінка
Bull-a large, solidly built person Бугай- здоровий непрацьовитий чоловік
Ass-a stupid, foolish, stubborn person Віслюк-нерозумна вперта людина
Goat-a licentious or lecherous man; lecher Цап- a borowing from Russian and means the same
Hawk-any person who pursues an aggressive policy in business, government etc. Яструб-войовничий
Dove-an innocent, gentle, tender person Голуб, голубка-пестливе звертання до чоловіка, жінки
Magpie-a talkative person, noisy character Сорока- балакуха
Viper- a false or treacherous person Гадюка-зла, підступна людина
Snake- an insidious enemy, a treacherous person Змія-зла підступна людина
Owl- a ;person of owllike appearance or solemnity Сова-людина, що пізно лягає і плідно працює вночі
Lark-a merry, carefree adventure, frolic, escapade Жайворонок-людина, що рано встає і плідно працює зранку
Goose- a foolish or silly person Гусак, гуска-бундючний, зарозумілий, але дурний чоловік
Shark-a person who preys greedily on others, as by cheating or usury Акула-хижак; у бізнесі людина, здатна на все заради вигоди
Jackal-a person who performs dishonest or base deeds as the follower or accomplice of another Шакал-негідник, який діє підло, зненацька
Cat-a woman given to a malicious or spiteful gossip Кішечка, киця-пестливе, хоч і дещо зневажливе звертання до жінки
Puppy-a conceited or empty-headed young man Щеня-зарозумілий молодий чоловік
Ducky-dear, sweetheart, darling Качка- відповідника немає
Peacock-a vain, self-conscious person Павич-гордовита, пихата людина
Bear-gruff, burly, clumsy, bad-mannered or rude person Ведмідь-незграбний, неповороткий чоловік
Mouse-a quiet,timid person Мишка-непримітна, тиха людина (переважно жінка)
Rat -a scoundrel, a person who betrays his party, esp. in the time of trouble Пацюк-товста людина
Wolf-a cruelly rapacious person, who makes amorous advances to many women Вовк-уособлення злості й жадібності
Crocodile-a person who makes a hypocritical show of sorrow Крокодил-страховисько
Cuckoo-a crazy, silly, foolish person Зозуля-жінка, яка відмовляється від дітей

Verbs denoting animals’ cries are used metaphorically with reference to human beings: bark - to utter an abrupt, explosive cry; cackle- to produce a shrill, broken cry or sound as of a hen.