1. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics, its subject-matter and relations with other branches of linguistics. The word as a two-facet unit. Types of word meanings.
2. Historical and descriptive (synchronic and diachronic) approaches in lexicology.
3. Motivation, types of motivation.
4. The morpheme as a two-facet unit. The word and the morpheme: their similarity and distinctions.
5. Classification of morphemes (3 principles: semantic, as to the place and function).
6. Structural analysis of words. Morphemic analysis versus derivational analysis.
7. Types of morphemic segmentability of words.
8. Word formation, its definition. Types and ways of forming new words.
9. Prefixation. Classification of prefixes.
10. Suffixation. Classification of suffixes.
11. Compounding as a way of creating new words. The criteria of compounds.
12. Classification of compounds.
13. Conversion. Types of semantic relations in conversion.
14. Substantivation of adjectives.
15. Shortening as a way of forming new words. Types of shortenings.
16. Miner ways of replenishing the Modern English vocabulary: blending, back-formation, sound interchange, onomatopoeia. Change of stress.
17. Etymological peculiarities of Modern English: the native word stock vs. the borrowed element.
18. Latin borrowings.
19. Greek borrowings.
20. French borrowings.
21. The Scandinavian vocabulary segment.
22. Miner borrowings.
23. Assimilation of borrowings,
24. Stylistic classification of the English vocabulary.
25. Terms. Poetic words and archaisms.
26. Neologisms.
27. Special colloquial words: slang, jargonisms, professional words, dialectal words, vulgar words.
28. Synonymy. Synonymic dominant. Sources of synonymy.
29. Classification of synonyms: absolute synonyms, ideographic synonyms, stylistic and phraseological synonyms.
30. Antonymy. Classification of antonyms.
31. Semasiology. Semantic changes of meaning, their causes and nature.
32. Extension and narrowing of meaning. Elevation and degradation of meaning.
33. Transfer of meaning: metaphor and metonymy.
34. Polysemy. The semantic structure of polysemantic words.
35. Homonymy: sources of homonymy. Classification of homonyms.
36. Free word groups vs. set expressions. Criteria and classification of set expressions.
37. Classification of borrowings according to the source language: a) words of Celtic origin; b) words of Latin origin; c) Greek borrowings; d) French borrowings; e) principal phonetic peculiarities of later adoptions from French; f) Scandinavian loan-words; g) Slavonic borrowings; h) minor borrowings (self-study with research elements – to present a report or a project paper)
38. Stylistic differentiation in English (self-study with research elements – to present a report or a project paper)
39. Characteristics of world Englishes (self-study with research elements – to present a report or a project paper)
40. English lexicography. Types of dictionaries (self-study with research elements – to present a report or a project paper)
1. Антрушина Г.Б. Лексикология английского языка / Г.Б. Антрушина, О.В. Афанасьева, Н.Н. Морозова. – М.: Дрофа, 2007. – 287 с.
2. Гороть Є.І. Лексикологія сучасної англійської мови: Курс лекцій / Є.І. Гороть. – Луцьк: РВВ «Вежа» Волин. держ.ун-ту ім. Лесі Українки, 2007. – 144 с.
3. Гороть Є.І. Notes on Modern English Lexicology / Нариси з лексикології сучасної англійської мови / Є.І. Гороть, С.В. Бєлова. – Луцьк: РВВ «Вежа» Волин. держ.ун-ту ім. Лесі Українки, 2008. – 372 с.
4. Кубрякова Е.С. Типы языковых значений: Семантика производного слова / Е.С. Кубрякова. – М.: Изд-во ЛКИ, 2008. – 208 с.
5. Манакин В.Н. Сопоставительная лексикология / В.Н. Манакин. – К.: Знання, 2004. – 326 с.
6. Ніколенко А.Г. лексикологія англійської мови – теорія і практика / А.Г. Ніколенко. – Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2007. – 528 с.
7. Jackson H. Words and their meaning / H. Jackson. – NY: Longman, 2005. – 279 p.