АКУЛИЧ Людмила Давыдовна
The Open Universities
This is one development in education in which Britain can to have led the world. It was started in 1969. It allows people who do not have the opportunity to be ordinary 'students' to study for a degree. Its courses are taught through television, radio and specially written coursebooks. Its students work with tutors, to whom they send their written work and with whom they then discuss it, either at meetings or through correspondence. In the summer, they have to attend short residential courses of about a week.
1. What is the compulsory school age in Britain?
2. The story of British schools: After 1944 almost all children attended one of two kinds of school. What were they called? What was the difference between them? In the 1960s this system was changed. What kind of school was introduced? What effect did the change have?
3. The private sector: Is the public school system socially divisive? Can state education be as good as the private system?
4. Name the two basic public examinations to assess English pupils at the age of sixteen and after another two voluntary years of schooling.
5. Educational reforms in the 1980s: Is the introduction of the National Curriculum likely to have good results?
6. What is the structure of the British Higher education?
7. What in your opinion, are the strengths and weaknesses of Britain,s education system compared to Belarus?
Для студентов
специальности I-020306-01 “Английский язык”
Подписано в печать _________ . Формат 80х64 1/16.
Бумага писчая № 1. Печать офсетная. Усл. п.л.
Уч.-изд. л.______ . Тираж ______экз. Заказ
Учреждение образования
"Гомельский государственный университет
имени Франциска Скорины"
246019, г. Гомель, ул. Советская, 104
Отпечатано с оригинала-макета на ризографе
Учреждения образования
"Гомельский государственный университет имени Франциска Скорины"
246019, г. Гомель, ул. Советская, 104