Verbs with infinitives

Verbs with gerunds


Список літератури


І. Основна


1. Карп'юк О. Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для 11-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Рівень стандарту. – Тернопіль: "Видавництво "Астон", 2011. – 296 с.: іл.

2. Мясоєдова С.В. Англійська мова: 11 клас. Робочий зошит до підручника О. Д. Карп'юк. – К.: "Видавництво "Ранок", 2011. – 102с.

3. Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor. Real life. Intermediate. Students’ book. – Person Education Limited, 2010. – 135 c.:іл.

4. Patricia Reilly, Marta Uminska, Dominika Chandler. Real life. Intermediate. Workbook. - Person Education Limited, 2010. – 136 c.

5. Bob Hastings, Marta Uminska, Dominika Chandler, Kristof Hegedus. Exam activator. Classroom and self-study exam preparation. - Person Education Limited, 2010. – 232 c.:іл.


ІІ. Додаткова


6. Барановська Т. В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навчальний посібник. – К.: Логос, 2002. – 368 с.

7. Бех П. О. Посібник з англійської мови. – К.: Либідь, 1993. -217с.

8. Верба Л.Г., Верба Г.В. Граматика сучасної англійської мови. Довідник. – К.: Логос, 2002. – 352 с.

9. Верба Л.Г., Верба Г.В., Верба Г. Г. Довідник граматики з англійської мови (з вправами): Навч. Посібник. – 5-те вид., доопрац. – К.: Освіта, 2001. - 414 с.

10. Голіцинській Ю. Граматика-збірник вправ. -К.: Методика, 2005. – 205 с.

11. Raymond Murphy. English grammar in use. – CUP, 2005. - 350 c.


Sometimes two verbs in an English sentence follow one other. The first verb can be followed by the gerund or infinitive form of the second:

I hate swimming. (hate is followed by the gerund swimming)

I want to study medicine. (want is followed by the infinitive to study)



Some verbs are followed by the gerund. Common verbs that take the gerund are:

avoid, can't stand, consider, enjoy, give up, hate, like, love, miss, not mind, practise, prefer, start, stop, suggest

I suggest going to the cinema instead of the theatre.


• The gerund can be the object of the sentence:

I prefer playing football to watching it on TV.


• The gerund can be the subject of the sentence:

Eating sweets is not allowed in the classroom.


• We usually use the gerund after a preposition, for example:

interested in, angry about, excited about, dream of:

Have you thought of moving to another country?



Some verbs are followed by the infinitive. Common verbs that take the infinitive are: afford, agree, choose, decide, expect, help, hope, learn, manage, need, offer, plan, promise, seem, want, wish, would like/love

My father learned to drive when he was seventeen.


• The infinitive is often used with the verb to be and adjective (be + adjective + infinitive):

It was easy to solve this puzzle.

Other expressions often used in this way are: it's difficult, it's expensive, it's cheap, it's good, it's better.


• The infinitive is also used to give a reason for doing something (infinitive of purpose):

I'm calling to invite you to my party.