Use of reflexive pronouns



Use of past perfect

Wh- questions



Список літератури


І. Основна


1. Карп'юк О. Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для 11-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Рівень стандарту. – Тернопіль: "Видавництво "Астон", 2011. – 296 с.: іл.

2. Мясоєдова С.В. Англійська мова: 11 клас. Робочий зошит до підручника О. Д. Карп'юк. – К.: "Видавництво "Ранок", 2011. – 102с.

3. Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor. Real life. Intermediate. Students’ book. – Person Education Limited, 2010. – 135 c.:іл.

4. Patricia Reilly, Marta Uminska, Dominika Chandler. Real life. Intermediate. Workbook. - Person Education Limited, 2010. – 136 c.

5. Bob Hastings, Marta Uminska, Dominika Chandler, Kristof Hegedus. Exam activator. Classroom and self-study exam preparation. - Person Education Limited, 2010. – 232 c.:іл.


ІІ. Додаткова


6. Барановська Т. В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навчальний посібник. – К.: Логос, 2002. – 368 с.

7. Бех П. О. Посібник з англійської мови. – К.: Либідь, 1993. -217с.

8. Верба Л.Г., Верба Г.В. Граматика сучасної англійської мови. Довідник. – К.: Логос, 2002. – 352 с.

9. Верба Л.Г., Верба Г.В., Верба Г. Г. Довідник граматики з англійської мови (з вправами): Навч. Посібник. – 5-те вид., доопрац. – К.: Освіта, 2001. - 414 с.

10. Голіцинській Ю. Граматика-збірник вправ. -К.: Методика, 2005. – 205 с.

11. Raymond Murphy. English grammar in use. – CUP, 2005. - 350 c.



We form the past perfect with had + past participle of the main verb.


  + -
I/You/He/She/ It/We/They had (’d) gone to bed. had not (hadn't) gone to bed.


General questions Short answers
Had I/you/he/she/it/ we/they gone to bed? Yes, No, I/you/he/she/it/ we/they had. hadn't.


How many times had you seen Beth before she moved to Spain?


• We use the past perfect to talk about a past event which happened before another past event. We use the past simple for the later, main event:

On the way to the airport I remembered that I had left my passport at home.

(the second event happened before the first = first I left my passport, then I remembered)


• When we use the past simple and past perfect in one sentence to talk about two past events, we often combine the two clauses with when, just, already, recently, before or after:

He was very sleepy because he'd just gotout of bed.

I didn't offer them anything to eat because they had already had dinner.



  Singular Plural
1 st person (I, we) myself ourselves
2nd person (you) yourself yourselves
3rd person (he, she, it, they) himself/herself/itself themselves



• We use reflexive pronouns to talk about actions where the subject and object are the same person or thing:

Tom cut himself while he was making breakfast.

Don't jump into water, boys! You can hurt yourselves.

• We often use reflexive pronouns with verbs such as cut, hurt, enjoy, look after:

They are old enough to look after themselves.


• Some verbs are reflexivein many languages but not in English (for example, wash, dress, shave, feel, relax, concentrate).