Lecture 5. Subject: Culture of the Renaissance
1. Humanistic principles of the ideology of the renaissance, its main stages.
2. Artistic creativity and spiritual culture of the Renaissance, its achievements and outstanding representatives.
3. Features of formation and development of the Northern Renaissance.
Basic oncepts: Italian Renaissance, Renaissance, the ideology of humanism, the Northern Renaissance, the Reformation, man'yeryzm, church reaction and the Inquisition, the titans of the High Renaissance, a national literary language, the crisis of medieval foundations, rannoburzhuazni trends, artistic masterpieces.
5.1. Cultural and historical processes that entered the literature, science and consciousness of Europeans under the name "Renaissance" is, without exaggeration, a phenomenon in the evolution of the continent. Then emerged and established themselves in many ways a unique phenomenon of human culture, spirituality, art, beautiful designs which went far beyond geographical Europe. The best manifestation of the human spirit, significant changes in outlook and worldview of that era led to major trends in the further establishment of traditional European society. Humanistic ideals of the era have become the cornerstone of civilized society, born in contradictions and struggle, and later became the basis for social and political life of European nations.
Late XIV - early XV century. South - Western Europe - namely, in Italy, began to form new rannoburzhuazna culture, called the Renaissance (Renaissance, Rinashymento).Chronologically, the Renaissance era encompasses XIV-XVI century. in Italy and XV-XVI centuries. in countries located north by the Alps. In the Italian Renaissance, which has the longest history, distinguish several major phases:
• Preparatory phase or Protorenesans (Peredvidrodzhennya), the end of the XIII - XIV century beginning;
• Early Renaissance stage, mid XIV - 70 years of the fifteenth century;
• High Renaissance era, the end of the XV - beginning of XVI century;
• the late Renaissance, XVI - early XVII century.
However, in other European countries to the north of Italy, has been a somewhat different phenomenon - the so-called Northern Renaissance, which is divided into two main stages:
• evolution of Renaissance culture until the Reformation, which caused the split from the Roman Catholic Church (RCC);
• cultural development in conditions of acute inter-confessional and political struggle of 1530's until the late Renaissance.
The term "Renaissance" pointed out above, the connection of a new culture of antiquity, with its outstanding achievements. To the scientific circulation the term "Renaissance" was first introduced and continue to use the Italian artist and art historian Giorgio Vasari (1514-1574 biennium). At this time the Italian society begins to be interested in the culture of ancient Greece and Rome, the researchers searching for forgotten or lost monuments of literature and art. In addition, many Renaissance marked a significant change in the minds of people, especially in comparison with the Middle Ages. In particular, the strengthening of secular motives in European culture, while more independent to become church art, philosophy, literature, education, science. The focus of activists and thinkers of the Renaissance man finds himself, and therefore outlook carriers of this culture defined by the term humanism (from Lat. - Human). A kind of manifesto of ideological humanism became philosophical treatise "speech about human dignity," sponsored by a prominent thinker day Count Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494 biennium).
It should be noted that the Renaissance humanists believed that the person is not important to its origin or social status, and personal qualities, in particular such as intelligence, creative energy, enterprise, self-esteem, freedom, enlightenment. The ideal person recognized as a strong, talented and fully developed person, person-maker himself and his fate. In the Renaissance the human person acquires previously unseen values, the most important feature of the humanistic approach to life is individualism. All this helps to spread the ideas of liberalism and generally raising the level of freedom of people in society. We emphasize that humanists in general, not speaking against the institution of religion, without denying the basic provisions of Christianity, the role assigned to God the Creator, who led the current movement in the world still does not interfere in people's lives. Ideal as a person, according to humanists, is a "universal man", man - the creator, encyclopaedic. Renaissance humanists believed that human knowledge capabilities are endless, because the human mind is like a divine, and man himself is like a death god. Educated and talented people in this period was surrounded by an atmosphere of general admiration, adoration, their revered almost like the Middle Ages, Christian saints.Characteristic of the spiritual atmosphere of the time were manifestations pidzabutoho ancient hedonism. Pleasure mortality became an indispensable part of the worldview and culture of the Renaissance.
One motivation deployment processes updated in the then Europe was gradual and steady access to the historic urban center stage entrepreneurs, the bourgeoisie. It is this population is increasingly felt the discrepancy between their growing material wealth, its economic success and is still low social status associated with belonging burghers, bourgeois to disadvantaged and disfranchised "third state". These routines feudal system caused increasing resistance to the active, enterprising part of society, motivated her to act decisively, sometimes revolutionary action, until the overthrow of the ruling dynasties and monarchs. The desire of the bourgeoisie to gain recognition of their civil, political rights could not affect and on the spiritual and cultural processes that their society was going through during the decomposition of feudalism and the medieval foundations. Historically quickly born and capitalism characteristic of them form social and cultural life, a new ethics, morality, new aesthetic, artistic preferences, after a new spiritual situation in the countries and societies that turbulent time.
5.2. This bright night would be impossible without an equally bright, prominent figures.By the galaxy of the most prominent representatives of the ideology of humanism, the original leaders of the day belong to Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Boccaccio, Leonardo da Vinci (Italy), Michel de Montaigne, Francois Rabelais (France), Ulrich von Hutten, Albrecht Dürer (Germany), William Shakespeare (England), ErasmusRotterdam (Netherlands). At the root of the Renaissance in Italy was great Dante Alighieri (1265-1321 biennium). The peak of creativity Dante has epic poem "divine comedy", which narrates the journey of the poet supernatural afterlife, and includes descriptions of hell, purgatory and paradise, where the author found a real historical person and mythical characters. In the poem shows, full test, the path of the soul, which lost to heavenly bliss. In heaven Dante accompanied his beloved Beatrice, whose image in the poem becomes a symbol of wisdom and beauty. However, the founder of humanism believe the poet and philosopher Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374 years), who first opposed the medieval theology - divina studia (divine knowledge) a new outlook - humana studia (human knowledge). Peru Petrarch are philosophical treatises, biography "Letter to posterity," but the main thing - love lyrics.Sonnets dedicated to Laura, - a kind of poetic diary, which reflected the conflict between the ascetic of the Middle Ages and the affirmation of a new vision of the world. Follower F. Petrarch Giovanni Boccaccio was (1313-1375 years), author of "Decameron" - a collection of realistic short stories, connected by a common humanist ideal. "Decameron" - it is 100 stories, which describe how during the "black death" (plague) in 1348 at Florence, 10 young people (boys and girls) are serving in the suburban villa and there for 10 days (December Decameron - ten days), in addition to other fun, tell everyone one story a day.
It should be emphasized that it was Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio were the creators of literary Italian. Their works are on life have gained wide popularity not only in Italy but also abroad, they entered into the treasury of world literature. In general, the life of the Renaissance was closely associated with art, it was for them what until then was religion. Painters and sculptors glorifying the beauty of the human body, inspired his face, individual characteristics. Architects, by contrast, were built mostly secular buildings, palaces, has changed even church architecture. Thus, if the Gothic cathedral, because of its huge size, it is difficult to understand the view, the Renaissance building can cover only one eye, to assess the proportionality of the strange parts. Renaissance artists drew attention real earthly world, they understand the nature and depicted it, using scientific advances (eg, using the laws of perspective, open Brunelleschi). The founder of a new trend in European art Giotto di Bondone was (1266-1337 biennium). In the restrained plastic forms Giotto passed the depth of human experience and a new sense of human dignity that is characteristic of early Renaissance painting.
One of the founders of the Early Italian Renaissance art - Masaccio (1401-1428 biennium). He first used in painting the scientific laws of perspective, open Brunelleschi and his monumental murals differ are printed on the shape - bulky. Laws applied perspective in his work the sculptor Donatello (1386-1466 years), its graceful statue of young David is the first since antiquity nude sculpture at full height. During this period in architecture was an interest in creating harmonious designs as opposed to directed to the spiritual height contours of Gothic churches. The name of the architect Brunelleschi (1377-1446 biennium) associated bold breaking stereotypes and medieval proportions and appeal to the traditions of ancient architecture. Simple geometric forms and creatively rethought ancient principles give the appearance of buildings Brunelleschi majestic calm. Prominent architect Bramante era (1444-1514 years) rebuilt the Vatican, drafted by the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome - the largest Catholic church in the world, one of the strangest works of human genius.
Special attention is given time peak of humanist culture in Italy. It was then with the greatest fullness and power were the ideas of honor and dignity of man, his high purpose on Earth. The culmination of the Italian Renaissance falls on the High Renaissance, when they saw the world nayhenialnishi still outstanding examples of high art. Titans Renaissance faces three phenomenal personality - Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael and Michelangelo Buonarroti Santi. L. da Vinci (1456-1519 years), one of the strangest people in history, he had a versatile talent and gifts. In particular, he was an artist and theorist of art, sculptor, architect, mathematician, physicist, astronomer, physiologist, anatomist, but this is not a complete list of the main directions of its activity, and almost all the science he has enriched the ingenious assumptions. One of his most important works of art - "The Last Supper" - a fresco in Milan monastery, which shows the time of supper after the words of Christ "One of you shall betray me." World renowned master yet another masterpiece - a portrait of a young florentiyky Mona Lisa, which has another name - "La Gioconda." The extreme depth and significance of art made "La Gioconda" symbol of the Renaissance.
Great painter Raphael Santi (1483-1520 years) is the world's largest piece of painting - "Sistine Madonna": a young Madonna, easy treading bare feet in the clouds, brings her infant son, baby Jesus. An outstanding representative of the culture of the High Renaissance was Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564 biennium) - sculptor, painter, architect and poet, creator of the famous statue of David, sculpted figures of "Morning," "Evening," "Day", "Night." Michelangelo painted the ceiling and walls of the Sistine Chapel Vatican Palace, one of the most impressive of his frescoes - scenes of Doomsday. In Michelangelo's work more clearly than his predecessors - Leonardo and Raphael - sound the tragic note, due to awareness of the limits as for the human understanding of the limitations of human capabilities.
All the Titans does not diminish the greatness of achievements and accomplishments, which also took place in the Italian Rinashymento: great Renaissance artist was Giorgione (1477-1510 years), in his famous paintings "Judith," "Sleeping Venus", "Thunderstorm" he showed the unity of human and nature.Life-asserting the beauty of man and nature have become a central theme creations of another famous artist of the era - Titian (1477-1576 years), who used in his paintings of mythological subjects ("This," "Venus with a Mirror," "Venus and Adonis"). In mythological themes and wrote his paintings of Botticelli (1445-1510 years), made it poetically summarized carnal pagan images imbued with elevated spirituality ("Spring", "Birth of Venus").
Analyzing the contents of that memorable day, not be overlooked and the following - Italy, birthplace of the Renaissance, and became the first country where the Catholic church started the reaction. In the 40s of the XVI century. here has been reorganized and strengthened the Inquisition, which persecuted the leaders of the humanistic movement. Thus, in the middle of the XVI century. Pope Paul IV was made "Index of prohibited books", which was subsequently repeatedly replenished with new pieces.This list includes works that are forbidden to read the faithful in danger of excommunication from the church because they contradicted the opinion of the church, the main provisions of the Christian religion and adversely affect the thoughts of people. To the "Index" also brought the works of some Italian humanists, in particular, G. Boccaccio. Forbidden books burned, the same fate could easily befall and their authors, and all dissidents, which actively defended his views and did not want to compromise with the Catholic church. Many advanced, progressive thinkers and scientists were killed in the fires of inquisition. In 1600, in Rome on a large area was burned Giordano Bruno (1554-1600 years), author of the famous work "On the infinite, the universe and the world."
Under conditions of repression of many painters, poets, sculptors, architects abandoned the ideas of humanism, seeking to acquire only the "manner" great figures of the Renaissance. It appeared in European art artistic style associated with the crisis and called the Renaissance art historian and artist George Vasari man'yeryzmom. This style differs subjectivism, oddness images, sophisticated form.The most important artists-mannerist Pontormo were (1494-1557), Bronzino (1503-1572), sculptor and goldsmith B. Cellini (1500-1573). It continued to develop a realistic tradition in painting Veronese (1528-1588), Tintoretto (1518-1594), Caravaggio (1573-1610). The last artist had many imitators in the Netherlands, Flanders, France and Spain. However, the interpenetration of cultures grew deeper, gradually formed a pan-European culture and civilization.
5.3. It should be emphasized that the humanistic movement was a pan-European phenomenon: in the XV century. Humanism beyond Italy and quickly spread to all Western European countries. However, each country had its own peculiarities in the formation of culture of the Renaissance, its national achievements, their leaders. Yes, in Germany the ideas of humanism are known in the mid XV century., Exerting a strong influence on the university community and the progressive intelligentsia. An outstanding representative of German literature was a humanist Johann Reyhlin (1455-1522), who sought to show the divine in man himself. Fighting Reyhlina with Catholic theologians, is aimed at protecting freedom of scientific research has been supported by many humanists. A colorful figure of the German Renaissance - Ulrich von Hutten (1488-1523), writer, political activist and enlightener. He - one of the authors well-known satire "Letters dark people," which exposed the moral degradation, ignorance of the clergy, scholastic science.
Renaissance in Germany is closely connected with the phenomenon of the Reformation - the movement for reform (from Lat. - Converting) catholic church for a "cheaper church" without charges for extortion and ordinances for the treatment of Christian doctrine from the wrong provisions inevitable in the centuries-old history of Christianity . He headed the Movement for the Reformation Martin Luther (1483-1546), doctor of theology and avhustynskoho monk monastery. He believed that faith is the inner state of man, that salvation given to man directly from God and that you can come to God without the mediation of the Catholic clergy. Luther and his supporters refused to return to the bosom of the Catholic Church and protested to demand to renounce their views. By doing so, they initiated the Protestant movement in Christianity. Luther first translated the Bible into German, which further contributed to the success of the Reformation.
The victory of the Reformation in the middle of the XVI century. caused social progress and the growth of the national culture. Flourished, in particular, art. Painter and engraver Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) created a series of engravings "Apocalypse" in which he reached unprecedented artistic expression. One of the leading figures of German Renaissance - Lucas taps Senior (1472-1553). The painting "Escape to Egypt" - typical example of his painting. Notable progress has also German literature. The greatest German poet of the Reformation era was Hans Sachs (1494-1576), who wrote many instructive fables, songs, dramas, and Johann Fishart (1546-1590) - author hostrosatyrychnyh works, the last representative of the German Renaissance.
The founder of the Reformation in Switzerland was Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531). In 1523 he spent church reform in Zurich, at which have been simplified religious rituals and worship, canceled a number of religious holidays, closed some of the monasteries carried secularization of church lands. Thereafter, the Swiss Centre for Reformation moved to Geneva, and the movement led by Jean Calvin (1509-1562), creator of the most consistent and radical direction of the Reformation. He believed that the indication that the person is on the right track, it is the "chosen of God," is its success in the profession, which largely depends on personal commitment and diligence. Reformation in Switzerland won the 40s of the XVI century., And this victory is largely a general cultural atmosphere in society: excessive luxury, lavish celebration, fun condemned, but shvalyuvalysya honesty, hard work, dedication.These ideas have received special support in the Nordic countries.
The most representative cultural Renaissance in the Netherlands was Erasmus (1496-1536). The value of works of the great humanist and educator, including his famous "Praise of folly" for the education of free, critical attitude towards scholasticism, superstition, really neotsinymo. Satirical works of Erasmus gained wide popularity in Germany, France, Spain and England. Beautiful in form, deep in meaning, they are about more than one century find their readers. RSM Erasmus of Rotterdam is merit in implementing pershodrukovanoho edition of the New Testament in Greek and its translation into Latin. He created his own teaching "Philosophy of Christ", based on the idea of personal connection with God.
Art of this country marked by such figures as representative of the Netherlands Early Renaissance Jerome Bosch (1450-1516). His paintings are full of bizarre images of devilish creatures ("Pleasure Garden"), they are impressive elegance of the imagination. Religious subjects depicted are not saints, but ordinary people, they act as if the artist moved to the Netherlands today, they exhibited in caricature form a variety of human vices. The greatest artist of his time was Pieter Brueghel the Elder (1525-1569). His paintings of peasant life have given rise to genre painting, his canvases often heard topic of suffering and death.
In England the focus of humanistic ideas was Oxford University, where he worked advanced scientists of the time. The development of humanistic beliefs in social philosophy associated with the name of Thomas More (1478-1535), author of "Utopia." In it the author brought to the court an ideal reader, in his view, human society: it is all level, no private property, and gold is worth. That T. Mora can be considered the founder of communist ideas, which had continued its historical existence and many supporters. The founder of classical English literature and English language has become Jeffrey Chaucer (1340-1400). His most famous work - a collection of poems and prose novels "Canterbury story" in which he showed himself a fine stylist and a psychologist. However, the greatest figure of the English Renaissance - a William Shakespeare (1564-1616), creator of world famous tragedy "Hamlet," "King Lear" "Macbeth," "Othello," historical drama "Henry VI», «Richard III», many sonnets. Outlook for the playwright's life and work changed considerably. Thus, the optimism inherent in his first comedy, but later, in historical dramas, he solves the problem of law and government, and the outlook becomes more pessimistic.
Renaissance in Spain was more controversial than in other European countries: many humanists are not opposed to Catholicism and the Catholic Church. However, art is marked by such names as the great Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616). His main work - the immortal novel "Don Quixote" in which organically combines realism, romanticism and heroic. Parodying Knight's novel, the writer has created a comprehensive panorama of the then Spanish society. The founder of the Spanish national drama - the great Lope de Vega (1562-1635), author of more than 1,500 literary works, including such as "Dog in the Manger," "Dance Teacher".Significant success achieved as a Spanish painting. Special place it occupies El Greco (1541-1614), his paintings of religious scenes are filled with emotional stress.
In France, the humanistic movement begins to develop only at the beginning of XVI century. An outstanding representative of French humanism was the writer Francois Rabelais (1494-1553), who created the famous satirical allegory novel "Gargantua and Pantagruel." In the 40s of the XVI century. in France there is a literary movement that went down in history under the name "Pleiades." Headed this direction famous poet Pierre de Ronsard (1524-1585) and Zhoaken du Bele (1522-1566). Poets 'Pleiades' saw his main task is, to raise the French language on a par with classical Greek and Latin. The most important theme in celebration of love was poetry.Illustrative in this respect is the sonnets of Pierre Ronsard, who was nicknamed the "prince of poets", as it was he had a very strong influence on French poetry in general. The most representative of French culture of the XVI century. Michel de Montaigne was (1533-1592). Brought glory Montaigne written in solitude, in the genitive of the castle, "Experiences" which gave the name of general trends in European literature - essays (from Fr .- experience). In fine and free in form, apparently not linked, eseyah Montaigne were developed tradition of freethinking French Renaissance. The first artist in France, which has consistently embodied the aesthetic principles of the early Renaissance, was Jean Fouquet (1420-1480). In a realistic manner it was executed miniatures and book illustrations, including the "Decameron" Boccaccio.
Thus, the Renaissance was the actual end of Middle Ages, and although it was still perhidnoyu era, kept in a lot of elements and traditions of the previous stage of development of European culture in general, the Renaissance became a challenge to conservative practices and procedures, established new trends in spiritual progress is not only Europe but the whole of Western civilization in general. Renaissance was the eve of new era in European and world history, it led to a large extent, the basic principles of modern Western culture.
Questions for self-control:
1. Discover the meaning of the terms "Renaissance" and "humanism."
2. What are the ideological foundations of culture of the Renaissance?
3. What are the main areas of Renaissance art.
4. Which of the outstanding figures of artistic culture of the Renaissance you know?
5. As revealed Renaissance influences in Ukraine?
6. What social values and scientific ideas promoted by the European humanists?
7. In which countries the ideology of Renaissance art and achieved major results?