D) productivity.
a) productive – er, -ize, -ly, -ness
b) semi-productive – eer, -ette, -ward
c) non-productive – ard, -th
1. G.B. Antrushina “English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1999
2. I.V. Arnold “The English Word”, “Vyssaja skola”, M. 1973, 1989
3. S.I. Ginsburg “A Course in Modern English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M. 1979
4. Electronic book of the university:
Электронный учебник по лексикологии английского языка.
Составители: Сыздыкова Г.Н., Булатова С.М. Алматы, 2001
5. Multimedia lectures and seminars compiled by the instructor of English lexicology: senior teacher Asanova G.S
Problematic questions:
- What are the differences between prefixes, suffixes and infixes?
- Can you name native and borrowed, productive and non-productive affixes?
- What are the primary and secondary functions of affixes?
- What are the classifications of suffixes?
- What are the theoretical and practical value of affixes?
Tutorial # 3. Theme: “ The etymology of English words. Borrowings and assimilation of borrowings.” (2 hours)
Subtheme # 1: “Etymology of lexical units in English”
It is true that English vocabulary, which is one of the most extensive amongst the world’s languages contains an immense number of words of foreign origin. Explanations for this should be sought in the history of the language which is closely connected with the history of the nation speaking the language. An important distinctive feature that Lexicology deals with is etymology. Etymology is the origin of the words. According to origin the word stock may be subdivided into two main sets. The elements of one are native, the elements of the other are borrowed.
A native word is a word which belongs to the original English stock, as known from the earliest available manuscripts of the Old English period. A loan word, borrowed word or borrowings is a word taken over another language and modified in phonemic shape, spelling, paradigm or meaning according to the standards of the English language.
The native words are further subdivided by diachronic linguistics into the Indo-European stock and Common Germanic origin. The words having cognates in the vocabularies of different Indo-European languages form the oldest layer. Words belonging to the subsets of the native word-stock are for the most part characterized by a wide range of lexical and grammatical valency, high frequency value and a developed polysemy, they are often monosyllabic, show great word-building power and enter a number of set expressions.
The part played by borrowings in the vocabulary of a language depends upon the history of each given language, being conditioned by direct linguistic contacts and political, economic and cultural relationships between nations. It is the vocabulary system of each language that is particularly responsive to every change in the life of the speaking community. The source, the scope and the semantic sphere of the loan words are all dependent upon historical factors. The very fact that up to 70% of the English vocabulary consist of loan words, and only 30% of the words are native is due not to an inherent tolerance of foreign elements but to specific conditions of the English language development.
1. G.B. Antrushina “English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1999
2. I.V. Arnold “The English Word”, “Vyssaja skola”, M. 1973, 1989
3. S.I. Ginsburg “A Course in Modern English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M. 1979
4. Electronic book of the university:
Электронный учебник по лексикологии английского языка.
Составители: Сыздыкова Г.Н., Булатова С.М. Алматы, 2001
5. Multimedia lectures and seminars compiled by the instructor of English lexicology: senior teacher Asanova G.S
Problematic questions:
- Why does the English vocabulary contain an immense number of words of foreign origin?
- What is the percentage of borrowed words in English language?
- Do borrowed words change or remain the same?
- What are the characteristic features of international words?
- What is meant by the native element of English vocabulary?
Subtheme # 2: “Native and borrowed affixes”
The process of affixation consists in coining a new word by adding an affix or several affixes to some root morpheme. From the etymological point of view affixes are classified into two large groups as words: native and borrowed.