Classication of phraseological units according to their functions suggested by A.V.Koonin.
1) nominative phraseological units are represented by word-groups, including the ones with one meaningful word and coordinative phrases of the type wear and tear, well and good. This class also oncludes word-groups with a predicative structure as the crow flies, predicative phrases as see how the land lies, ships that pass in the night
2) nominative-communicative phraseological units include word-groups of the type to break the ice –the ice is broken, that is, verbal word-groups which are transformed into a sentence when verb is used in the Passive voice.
3) interjectional phraseological units, phraseological units which are neither nominative nor communicative.
4) communicative phraseological units are represented by proverbs and sayings.
1. G.B. Antrushina “English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1999
2. I.V. Arnold “The English Word”, “Vyssaja skola”, M. 1973, 1989
3. S.I. Ginsburg “A Course in Modern English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M. 1979
4. R.Z. Ginaburg “A Course in Modern English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1973
5. T.I. Arbekova “English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1977
Additional literature:
1. A.V. Minajeva, B.K.Trnolieva “Modern English Lexicology”, 1989
2. E.M. Mednikova “Seminars in English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1978
Internet sources:
1. file: // A: // lexicographical problems.htm.
2. file: // A: // ling. Dictionaries.htm.
6. ftp: //
7. file: // A: / Lora. Doc/ from.Latin.htm-2003
8. Electronic book of the university:
Электронный учебник по лексикологии английского языка.
Составители: Сыздыкова Г.Н., Булатова С.М. Алматы, 2001
9. Multimedia lectures and seminars compiled by the instructor of English lexicology: senior teacher Asanova G.S.
Problematic questions:
- What are the distinctive features of thematic or etymological classification of phraseological units?
- What are the distinctive features of semantic classification of phraseological units?
- What are the distinctive features of structural classification of phraseological units?
- What are the distinctive features of syntactical classification of phraseological units?
- What are the distinctive features of classification of phraseological units according to their functions?
-Why is it important to classify phraseological units according to the structure, semantics, functions, etymology, syntactics?
Subtheme # 5: “The main functions of phraseological units in comparison with proverbs”
Sometimes people also confuse proverbs as phraseological units. But they are different. If one compares proverbs and phraseological units in the semantic aspect, proverbs sum up the collective experience of the community, for example they moralize, give advice, give warning, criticize, admonish. No phraseological unit ever does any of these things. They do not stand for whole statements as proverbs do but for a single concept. The function of phraseological units in speech is purely nominative (they denote an object, an act, etc.), the function of proverbs in speech is communicative (they impart certain information). Professor A.V.Koonin includes proverbs in his classification and calls them communicative phraseological units. From this point of view one of the main criteria of a phraseological unit is its stability. If the quotient of phraseological stability in a word-group is not below the minimum. It means that we are dealing with a phraseological unit. That is why we may say that there does not seem to exist any rigid or permanent borderline between proverbs and phraseological units as the latter rather frequently originate from the former.
1. G.B. Antrushina “English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1999
2. I.V. Arnold “The English Word”, “Vyssaja skola”, M. 1973, 1989
3. S.I. Ginsburg “A Course in Modern English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M. 1979
4. R.Z. Ginaburg “A Course in Modern English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1973
5. T.I. Arbekova “English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1977
Additional literature:
1. A.V. Minajeva, B.K.Trnolieva “Modern English Lexicology”, 1989
2. E.M. Mednikova “Seminars in English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1978
Internet sources:
1. file: // A: // lexicographical problems.htm.
2. file: // A: // ling. Dictionaries.htm.
6. ftp: //
7. file: // A: / Lora. Doc/ from.Latin.htm-2003
8. Electronic book of the university:
Электронный учебник по лексикологии английского языка.
Составители: Сыздыкова Г.Н., Булатова С.М. Алматы, 2001
9. Multimedia lectures and seminars compiled by the instructor of English lexicology: senior teacher Asanova G.S.
Problematic questions:
- What are the functions of phraseological units and proverbs in speech?
- What scholar represented proverbs as communicative phraseological units in his classification?
- What is phraseological stability?