Stress interchange

Sound imitation

Words are made by imitating different kinds of sounds that may be produced by animals, birds, insects, human beings and inanimated objects. It is the way of word-building when a word is formed by imitating different sounds. a) sounds produced by human beings, to whisper, to giggle, to mumble, to sneeze, to whistle; b) sounds produced by animals, birds, insects, to hiss, to buzz, to bark, to moo; c) sounds produced by nature and objects, to splash, to rustle, to clatter, to bubble, to tinkle.

They can be mostly met in verbs and nouns of Romanic origin: nouns have the stress on the first syllable and verbs on the last syllable. F: ‘accent-to ac’cent, to con’flict –‘conflict, to ex’port- ‘export.



1. G.B. Antrushina “English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1999

2. I.V. Arnold “The English Word”, “Vyssaja skola”, M. 1973, 1989

3. S.I. Ginsburg “A Course in Modern English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M. 1979

4. R.Z. Ginaburg “A Course in Modern English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1973

5. T.I. Arbekova “English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1977


Additional literature:

1. A.V. Minajeva, B.K.Trnolieva “Modern English Lexicology”, 1989

2. E.M. Mednikova “Seminars in English Lexicology”, “Vyssaja skola”, M.1978


Internet sources:

1. file: // A: // lexicographical problems.htm.

2. file: // A: // ling. Dictionaries.htm.




6. ftp: //

7. file: // A: / Lora. Doc/ from.Latin.htm-2003

8. Electronic book of the university:

Электронный учебник по лексикологии английского языка.

Составители: Сыздыкова Г.Н., Булатова С.М. Алматы, 2001

9. Multimedia lectures and seminars compiled by the instructor of English lexicology: senior teacher Asanova G.S.


Problematic questions:

- What is word-building process?

- What are the classification types of minor ways of word-formation in English?

- Why are they considered to be minor types of word-formation in English?


Module # 2


Lecture # 5. Theme: “English vocabulary as a system” (2 hours)


Subtheme # 1: “Non-semantic grouping”



The majority of linguists nowadays agree that the vocabulary should be studied as a system. Why, because we should make different functions, structures so as to be fit for a new use, a new environment or a new situation. Being as a system the vocabulary is constantly adjusting itself to the changing requirements and conditions of human communications and cultural and other needs. The speaker chooses from the existing stock of words such words that in his opinion can adequately express his thought and feeling. To find the expression he needs he coins a new one, but here we should take into account the influence of extra-linguistic reality. That is why when we speak about the English vocabulary as a system we should differentiate different types of lexical groupings: 1) non-semantic grouping; 2) morphological grouping; 3) lexico-grammatical grouping; 4) emotionally neutral and emotionally coloured grouping; 5) stylistically neutral and stylistically coloured grouping.