Курсовая работа: Development of creative abilities at English lessons
Course paper on a theme:
Development of creative abilities at English lessons
Performed by: the fourth-year student,
Faculty of foreign languages,
Group 4.2.2.
Kochetova S.A.
Scientific superviser: Znamenskaya A.V.
I. Chapter I. Development of independent creative activity in the teaching process
1.1 Teaching of independent activity at foreign language lessons
1.2 Formation and development of skills of the independent creative activity with the usage of educational game at the English language Lessons
Chapter I Conclusion
II. Chapter II. Practical application of methods and ways of development of independent creative activity of pupils at lessons at an average comprehensive school
2.1 Development of skills of independent creative activity in the course of teaching a foreign language
2.2 The forms of teaching promoting development of skills of Independent activity of pupils at lessons
Chapter II conclusion
The List of the Used Literature
English as one of the means of a dialogue and knowledge around the world takes a special place in the system of modern education owing to the social, informative and developing functions.
Teaching a foreign language is connected with the development both thinking and emotions and other spheres of a person. Importance and necessity of including of motivational and emotional spheres of a person of a pupil is underlined in the methodical literature of last years on teaching foreign languages. Mastering of the language in artificial conditions, that is out of the surroundings where it is spoken, demands creation of the imagined situations, being able to stimulate a communicatoin in the language. Learnt is also connected with the development of imigration.
Process of studying a foreign language promotes the formation of creative independence as there is a possibility of using creative tasks and exercises within the limits of the given subject which demands independent work from pupils. They are taught to use a language material for expression of their thoughts in a dialogical and monologic speech.
Teaching English can and should provide the achievement of practical, educational and developing aims. Besides, the practical purpose theleading. The other purposes are reached in the course of mastering English in the conditions of pupils’ active informative of power of apprehension and activity. Pedagogics, guiding and synthesising these aspects, defines vision of a problem from its specific point of view.
The urgency of the given term paper consists in insufficient research of methods and ways of development of skills of independent creative activity in the course of teaching a foreign language.
The object of the course paper are methods and ways of process of teaching a foreign language.
The subject of the given term paper is development of skills of independent creative activity in the course of teaching a foreign language.
We shall deal with the studying of methods and ways of development of skills of independent creative activity in the course of teaching a foreign language which also promotes the formation and development of intellectual abilities among pupils that will raise the efficiency of teaching and educational process.
It will be clear from what has been said above. The problems of the given course paper are:
1) To consider concept - «independent creative activity in the course of teaching a foreign language»;
2) To analyze the notion “educational game” as means of formation and development of language abilities;
3) To consider practical application of methods and ways of development of independent creative activity at the English lessons;
4) To consider practical application of methods and the teaching forms, promoting development of skills of independent activity of schoolchildren in the course of training;
Methods of research of the given work is studying the scientific works connected with revealing its psychological aspects, approaches to a technique of the organisation of creative activity at school, criteria of an estimation of its efficiency etc. providing success of formation and development of the person’s creative abilities. Great attention of consideration of methodological aspects of a problem of complex formation of creative abilities, formations of its creative potential was paid to works of the famous scientists.
The structure of our course paper consists of the introduction, two chapters, the conclusion, the list of the used literature.
Chapter I. Development of independent creative activity in the teaching process.
1.1 Teaching of independent activity at foreign language lessons
The aspiration to carry out the tasks demanding display great intellect, imagination, desire to get knowledge, dream, - here are necessary conditions of occurrence of a great interest in subjects. Independent work is considered to be the specific form of the schoolpupils’ educational activity characterising by all its features. As a matter of fact, it is the form of self-education connected with educational activity of the pupil in a class. The concept of independent pupil’s work of modern didactics is sure to correspond with the organizing a teacher’s role.
Various kinds of individual and collective pupil’s activity mean independent work. They are carried out by them in class and extra activity at home according to the tasks without direct teacher’s participation. Learning a foreign language at home and somewhere else out of class, assumes as a basis of consideration of independent pupils’ activity. It represents various kinds of activity with education and bringing up of the pupil’s character himself, his independent work should be realised as free for choice, internally motivated activity. It assumes performance by the pupil of number of actions entering into it, the comprehension of the purpose of the activity, acceptance of an educational problem, giving a personal sense to it, submission of other interests to performance of this problem and forms of employment of the pupil, self-organising in the distribution of educational actions in time, self-checking in the course of performance and some other actions.
Mastering a foreign language is connected with the formation of pupils’ pronounciation, lexical, grammatical, spelling and other skills. This is the basis of abilities to understand oral speech, to improve speaking, reading and writing. As far as it is known, skills are developed only during regular performance of certain actions of a teaching material, i.e. such actions which allow to listen, say, read and write repeatedly in studied language.
Oral speech and first of all speaking practice is carried out directly in the presence of the interlocutors which role at school is carried out by the teacher and schoolmates. However teaching speaking is supposed to have certain stages for which independent work is the most adequate form.
It is also necessary to include certain links of work on a language material in independent work – acquaintance to it and partially training in its usage. As to reading, this kind of activity is made by the reader mainly alone with itself, hence, independent work quite corresponds to it. Attentive listening to English speech takes place now not only in a class, without preparation, in the presence of the teacher, from its voice or in phonorecord, but there are also audiotexts for independent pupils’ work, and this form of work is quite applicable to the given kind of speech activity. Training of writting also assumes certain stages. Speaking of independent work and pupils’ work in a class the first one is of more significance.
The lesson-performance is effective and productive mode of study. Usage of works of art of the foreign literature at foreign language lessons improves pupils’ pronounciation skills, provides creation of communicative, informative and aesthetic motivation. Performance preparation is a creative work which promotes the development of skills of children’s language dialogue and disclosing of their individual creative abilities.
Such kind of work stirs up pupils’cogitative and speech activity, develops their interest to the literature, serves the best mastering of culture of the country of studied language, and also extends of language. Thus there is a process of storing of vocabilary. At the same time formation of the school children’s vocabilary leads to the so-called passive-potential vocabulary. It is important that pupils are satisfied with such kind of work.
The modern approach to studying of English language assumes not only getting of any sum of knowledge in a subject, but also development of own position, own relation to the reading: mutual wondering, empathy, interfaces and author's "I".
The dictionary of short terms treats the concept "essay" as a sketch version in which the leading role is played both by fact of reproduction and the image of impressions, meditations, associations.
At the English lessons pupils analyze the selected problem, defend their position. Pupils should be able to estimate the read works critically, to state thoughts in written form according to the put problem, to learn to defend their point of view and to make their own decision in an understanding way in a class. Such form of a lesson develops mental pupils’ functions, logic and analytical thinking and that is important, ability to think in a foreign language.
The lesson in the form of a musical play promotes development socio-cultural competence and acquaintance with the cultures of the English-speaking countries. Methodical advantages of song creativity in teaching a foreign language are obvious. It promotes aesthetic and moral education of schoolchildren, opens creative abilities of each pupil more fully. Thanks to musical singing at a lesson the favorable psychological climate is created, the weariness decreases, language activity is stirred up. In many cases’ it serves also as a discharge reducing pressure and restors pupils’ working capacity.
Recently the method of projects gets more and more supporters. It is directed to develop child’s active independent thinking and to teach him to remember and reproduce knowledge which are given to him by school, and to be able to put them into practice.
The design technique at work differs by a co-operative character on the project. Activity carried out is creative in its essence and focused on the person of the pupil. It assumes a high level of individual and collective responsibility for performance of each task on project working out. Teamwork of the group of pupils over the project is inseparable from active communicative interaction of pupils. The design technique is one of forms of the organisation of research informative activity in which pupils take an active subjective position. Theme of the project can be connected with one subject sphere or have a interdisciplined character. At selection of a theme of the project the teacher should be guided by interests and requirements of pupils, their possibilities and the personal importance of the forthcoming work, the practical importance of the result of work on the project. The executed project can be presented in the most different forms: an article, recommendations, an album, a collage and many other things. Forms of presentation of the project are also various: a report, a conference, a competition, a holiday, a performance. The main result of work on the project will be actualisation of available and getting new knowledge, skills and abilities and their creative application in new conditions. Work on the project is carried out in some stages and usually is beyond educational activity at lessons: a choice of a theme or a project problem; formation of group of executors; working out of the plan of work on the project, definition of terms; distribution of tasks among pupils; fulfilment of the tasks, discussion the results of fulfilment of each task in a group; registration of joint result; the report under the project; an estimation of performance of the project.
Work by a design technique demands from pupils a high degree of independence of search activity, coordination of their actions, active research, performing and communicative interaction. The role of the teacher consists in preparation of pupils for work on the project, choice of a theme, in rendering assistance by the pupil at scheduling, in the current control and consultation of pupils on a course of performance of the project with function of participator.
So, the basic idea of a method of projects consists in transferring accent from a various kind of exercises on active cogitative activity of pupils during joint creative work.
The specified forms of work are comprehensible in all classes. It is natural that its volume and character of management of it on the part of the teachers differ.
In the methods it is accepted to allocate following levels of independent work:
- Reproducing (copying);
- The semicreative;
- The creative.
Reproducing level of independent work is very important at learning a foreign language as it underlies its other levels, and it is responsible for formation of pronouncing -lexical and grammatical base, for creation of samples in the pupil’s memory.
Independence is treated in pedagogy, as one of the person’s properties. This property is characterised by two factors. The first factor includes set of means – knowledge, abilities, skills which the person possesses. The second factor – the relation of the person to activity process, its result and conditions of the realisation, and also communications developing in the course of activity with other people.
One of significant problems in pedagogy is the problem of forming – self-dependence means to make, to organize, to generate. We hold that opinion that formation is a process in the course of which there is a creation of something new on the basis of available qualities of the person as genesis character, and acquired. In works of scientists on problems of informative independence, depending on the aspect of research, the definition of concept of informative independence is revealed a condition, methods, structure of development of pupils’ creative abilities through independent kinds of activity.
Independent work can be carried out in various organizational forms: individually, in pairs, in small groups and the whole class.
Each of the named forms urged to create and develop organizational, information, informative and communicative abilities of pupils. These abilities will provide advancement of pupils in language mastering in the unity with the development of their methods.
One of the main tasks formulated within the limits of the concept of modernisation of a Russian education for the period till 2010, a role of independent work of pupils and strengthening of responsibility of teachers increase the development of skills of independent work, education of their creative activity and the initiative.
Independent work at the present stage is an obligatory part of the curriculum and one of the major components of the educational process the result of which is development of subject knowledge, the skills, considered as the integrated characteristic of readiness for the decision of problems. Independent pupils’ work should be devoted to mastering the ways of informative activity by pupils. At the same time independent work, its planning, organizational forms and methods, and also system of tracing of results are not investigated in the pedagogical theory in a full way of an education modernisation context.
The problem of the organisation of independent work is especially significant at foreign language studying. Moreover, at the present moment development communicative language can be seen in the majority of pupils. In this connection it’s necessary to change the way of organizing of independent work. The effect from independent work can be received only in that case when it will be organised and realised in teaching and educational process as the complete system penetrating in to all grade levels. At the present stage such system should include information computer support. Introduction of means of an information technology allows to solve such actual methods of teaching of problem foreign languages as: a problem of the control, an individualization and comfort of teaching foreign languages; nonlinear giving of the information, the account of different types of perception in teaching foreign languages; absence of the language surroundings.
Use of means of an information technology allows to provide learning of foreign languages at an individual rate, to raise independence and responsibility of the children, to build teaching according to the interests and the purposes of each child, to enter an intercultural component into training process.
Independent work in turn should be considered as the specific form of educational activity of the pupil, characterised by all its features. It is the higher form of its educational activity. As a matter of fact it is the form of self-education connected with educational activity of the pupil in a class.
1.2 Formation and development of skills of the independent creative activity with the usage of educational game at the English language Lessons
As far as we can judge, the great value in the organisation of educational process promotes a played motivation of the doctrine. Thinking activization causes interest to this or that kind of task, to filfilment of this or that exercise. The ways of training satisfying requirement of children in novelty of the studied material and a variety of carried out exercises are the strongest motivating factor. Usage of various ways of teaching promotes fastening of the language phenomena in memory, create more proof visual and acoustical images, maintenance of interest and activity of pupils. The foreign language lesson is considered as the social phenomenon where the class audience is a certain social surroundings where educational process is an interaction of all present. Thus, the success in teaching is a result of collective use of all possibilities for teaching.
Great opportunities for formation and development of skills of independent creative activity are given by use of game in the course of teaching a foreign language.
Game makes active aspiration of pupils to contact with each other and with the teacher, creates equality conditions in speech partnership, destroys a traditional barrier between the teacher and the pupil. Game gives the chance the shy to break an uncertainty barrier. In it everyone receives a role and should be the active partner in speech dialogue. In games pupils seize such elements of a dialogue as ability to begin conversation, to support it, to interrupt the interlocutor, from time to time to agree with his opinion or to deny it, ability to listen to the interlocutor purposefully, to ask specifying questions etc. Language games help to acquire various aspects of language (phonetics, lexics, etc.) They devide on: phonetic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic.
The main objective of phonetic games is statement (correction) of a pronunciation, training in a pronunciation of sounds in words, phrases, working off intonation. They are used regularly, mostly at the initial stage of teaching a foreign language (an introductory-corrective course) by way of the illustration and exercises for working at the most difficult sounds for a pronunciation, intonation. In process of advancement forward phonetic games are realised at the level of words, offers, rhymings, tongue twisters, verses, songs. The experience got in games of this kind, can be used by pupils further on speaking foreign language.
Lexical games concentrate attention of pupils exclusively on a lexical material. They help to get the vocabulary and to increase it, to illustrate and fulfill the use of words in dialogue situations. There are various kinds of lexical games:
Grammatical games urged to provide ability of pupils practically to apply knowledge on grammar, to stir up their cogitative activity directed on the use of grammatical designs in natural situations of a dialogue.
Stylistic games pursue the aim of teaching pupils to distinguish official and informal styles of a dialogue, and also to apply each of them correctly in different situations.
Speech games teach the skill of using language means in the course of fulfilment of the speech act and make a start from a concrete situation in which speech actions are carried out.
Games for training urge to help reading and listening with the decision of the problems connected with data VRD. And in the basis they assume work of pupils with the text: coding and an illustration, guess, designing, paraphrase, compression/expansion etc.
Games are very important for forming pupils’ informative interests. They promote the realised development of a foreign language. They promote development of such qualities as independence, initiative; to educate the feeling of a collectivism. Pupils work actively, with enthusiasm, help each other, listen to the companions attentively; the teacher only operates educational activity. It is necessary to note efficiency a role game as a methodical way of training raises, if the teacher defines duration of speech dialogues correctly. Duration of optimum working capacity of pupils of elementary grades in a dialogue reaches five minutes. The expediency of use of role games, in 1-4 th forms is caused by the fact that children prefer the group form of study. For them joint activity and a dialogue get the personal importance, they aspire the development of new forms and ways of a dialogue, knowledge of other people of a dialogue, the organisation of mutual relations with contemporaries and adults.
At all variety of plots in games the same maintenance essentially is activity of the person and the relation of people in a society. Essential psychological feature of children's role game isn’t its utilitarian character defining appeal of the process of game. Participation in it is accompanied by the diverse and strong emotions connected about breakdown of own forces, self-affirmation. Role game is under construction on interpersonal relations which are realised in the course of a dialogue.
Game use in class allows to form and develop pupils at trained skills and abilities to find out the necessary information, to transform it, to develop on its basis plans and decisions, both in stereotypic and unstereotypic situations. It means that educational game can act as the means of pedagogical science. Most active educational game is used on fulfilment in foreign languages that speaking features of the given subject overall an objective – teaching language as a dialogue means. Game helps to provide a mutual dialogue of all participants and motivates participants’ active speech. It is necessary for formation of creative independent initiative thinking:
1) to create the external and internal conditions providing a high emotional inclusiveness (by principles of good, fascinating games) through:
- Children’s creation and understanding a freedom in choosing the ways and means of achievement of the purpose at lessons;
- Understanding of possibility of "loss" at wasteful actions and the overestimated claims;
- Comprehension of dependence of "prizes" from own knowledge, skills, from ability of risking, which is well-grouned;
2) the teacher shouldn’t be in a position of «the senior companion» or the partner equal in rights, and the commentator and the leader of game-lesson, the adviser;
3) to give pupils independence in their actions, to create conditions at which they should not count on the help of the teacher. Such lessons combine with lessons-consultations. Children, besides, have the additional information materials facilitating fulfilment of a problem;
4) in every possible way to encourage originality, a non-standard, efficiency of thinking.
Conclusion on chapter I
In this light, we will underline that fact that formation of creative activity – the activization of suprime aim, but it is impossible to ignore its lower steps. Drawing up and a presentation of the tasks intensifying learning-informative and (wtat is more important) creative process at a foreign language lessons represent a content matter. Its other side is the organisation of the made active study. Value of this method is great enough, but increasing efficiency is necessary to combine it with other forms. Tasks for face-to-face work can be directed on activization:
1) memory process;
2) process of logic thinking on the basis of available skills and knowledge;
3) creative activity and search of new knowledge. Specificity of a foreign language consists on the one hand on, mastering by speech activity. Speaking another language represents rather labour-consuming intellectual process demanding mobilisation of their attention from pupils, memory, purposefulness, will, and with another – process of mastering a foreign language stimulates the further knowledge of the world and cultural wealth of the people of other countries, their psychology, a way of life.
Any subject of a school course does not demand such constant, regular work of pupils as a foreign language, which mastering demands abilities, not much knowledge. The fewer meetings of schoolchildren with the teacher in a class, at the lessons the more especially necessety of significancy for formation of learning-informative motivation. There is a purposeful independent work of pupils during free time at school and at home.
Chapter II. Practical application of methods and ways of development of independent creative activity of pupils at lessons at an average comprehensive school
2.1 Development of skills of independent creative activity in the course of teaching a foreign language
Work of the teacher is always a very difficult process. And presently, when prestige of a trade falls everything complicates greatly. In the sphere of art the circle of the problems facing the teacher, is especially wide, from here there is special complexity of our trade. All our activity assumes the creative approach to work. Maybe, it is the basic of difficulty.You cannot learn to be a creative person, but it is possible to learn, to work creatively. For this purpose we also aspire to form in pupils character, will, persistence in mastering of knowledge, love to work. All these qualities help to bring up a professionally competent teacher. To teach the pupil to approach creatively to employment, the teacher should aspire, not present all in an open kind, and always to give "food" for reflexion in homework. Pupils should be able to listen and hear, observe and do the pupil selection. In the conditions of globalisation and information of a modern society new demands are made to XXI-st century formation. According to researches of sociologists the most "required" abilities in the modern world is ability to creative development and self-development, ability to acceptance of the creative decision in the course of a dialogue. Therefore it is necessary to give special attention to development not only intellectual, but also creative abilities of trainees.
According to our research the creative activity, gives pupils of comprehensive schools opportunities for display of own individuality. Direct, active participation of schoolchildren in the given activity, at the level of complexity, opens the big prospects in business of complex development and formation of creative potential of the person. Besides, comprehending secrets of English language, schoolchildren get acquainted with private world of the western person, with its outlook etc.
Creative level of independent work is connected with formation of skills and abilities to carry out search at the decision of more difficult communicative problems, both in oral speech, and at reading, for example, to operate according to offered circumstances and the role taken on, to prepare the message on a certain theme, to hear the message and to express the relation to its maintenance; to read the story, and to answer problem questions in connection with the substantial-semantic plan of the text, to interpret the main idea of the text, to stimulate formation of learning-informative motives.
Practice has shown that positive transformations of society cannot be reached within the limits of traditional model of training. For realisation of the purposes of the formation which have been put forward at the given stage, change of fundamental bases of training, working out of effective training technologies is necessary. It is especially actual, when many educational institutions prefer, disregarding the exit which has outlined today on humanistic relations, personal dialogue and interaction of participants of complete pedagogical process to traditional methods of training. In a modern psychology-pedagogical science there is variety of the researches devoted to features and laws of personal development of pupils.
Let's give an example individual creative work in«The creative work directed on studying of three times of English verbs». The teacher gives some examples on which basis pupils should think up the rhymings. For example:
1. It is necessary money pay – paid – paid
Чтоб купить вкусненьких конфет.
I ring – rang – rung
В «Спартак» банк
It run – ran – run
По степям и по горам
It is a lot of read – read – read
Наш любимый старый дед
Example 2:
Working at school, I conducted a lesson devoted to pupils’ independent creative activity in learning English.
The theme of the lesson: «The future».
Educational: Revision and consolidatoin of the grammatical material making the vocabulary more active, learnt by pupils on the theme learning the new lexics forming the habits of work at exercises. Bringing up: forming labour and school habits, forming the self respect.
Plan of the lesson:
1. Organising moment (time limit– 3 min.):
- Good morning, pupils. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Tell me please, who is absent today?
2. Checking up homework (time limit– 3 min.);
3. Task for developing of oral speech composing short stories (time limit– 5 min.):
- «What do you think about imigination? Let’s speak about it».
4. Work for consolidation of the material (time limit– 4 min.):
-Look at the blackboard. Here you can see a text. But it has some mistakes. Correct them.
Text 1.
My plans for the future
When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It’s not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. I have known for a long time that leaving school is the begining of my independent life, the beginning of a far more serious examination of my abilities and character.
I have asked myself a lot of times: «What do I want to desire when I leave school? ». A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my mind a lot of times about which science or field of industry to specialize in. It was difficult to make up my mind and choose one of the hundreds jobs to which I might have desire to be well-pre pared better studied.
Correct variant:
My plans for the future
When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It’s not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. I have known for a long time that leaving school is the beginning of my independent life, the beginning of a far more serious examination of my abilities and character.
I have asked myself a lot of times: «What do I want to be when I leave school?». A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my mind a lot of times about which science or field of industry to specialize in. It was difficult to make up my mind and choose one of the hundreds of jobs to which I might have desire to be well-prepared.
Learning the new lexics (time limit– 5 min.):
- Look at the blackboard again. There are new words. Let’s read them together.
ruby – рубин
to laugh – смеяться
Nothing could please him – Ничто не доставляло ему удовольствия
to call over – подозвать
cheerful – жизнерадостный
sadness – грусть
crossly – сурово
to prove – доказать
beggar – нищий
to steal (stole, stolen) – украсть
to escape – избежать
to be angry with – рассердиться на
to decide – решить
to hide (hid, hidden) – спрятать
to throw – бросить
in two days time – через два дня
- Write them down.
6. Now each of you is to make 7 questions on the topic «The Future». When everybody is ready, we’ll compose a general puzzle.
7. Consolidation of the material learnt before.
Let’s remember the Future Indefinite. What can we say about this tense?
Copy out the table.
Future Indefinite
Is formed: | Example: |
Will* + V | I will see you tomorrow. |
It is used: | Example: |
1) An action or a number of actions, which will happen in future | I will go to the doctor tomorrow. |
The interrogative sentence is made by means of the auxiliary verb | Example: |
Will | Will you see him tomorrow? |
The negative sentence is made by means of auxiliary verb and a negative particle | Example: |
Won't | He won't go to the cinema tomorrow. |
8. Results of the lesson (time limit– 3 min.):
- Well, what can you say about our lesson? What have we done?
9. Home task (time limit– 2 min.):
- Write down your Home assignments:
1) to make your own text, dialogue about Ancient Rome;
2) to learn by heart the new words.
- The lesson is over. Good bye.
All of us want, that our pupils have achieved success in life, have shown the talents and improved them. Nevertheless, we often meet talented, creative people who couldn’t high-grade to use the possibilities, and people with average abilities, but with a huge self-confidence and the high working capacity, who are a great success.
We are solidary with those who considers that the teacher or surrounding culture do not create the person. They do not give rise in it to ability to love or be curious, to philosophise or create. Most likely, they give the chance, favour, induce, help that exists in a germ, to become real and actual. The last in our forces, and we should help to the growing person to open, develop the abilities in every possible way.
The qualities necessary for personal self-realisation, in our opinion, are necessary for developing in a complex. We understand as these qualities: 1) creative thinking; 2) initiative; 3) ability to well-founded risk; 4) a self-trust; 5) an adequate self-estimation; 6) ability to co-operate with partners; 7) motivation of achievement; 8) high working capacity.
2.2 The forms of teaching promoting development of skills of Independent activity of pupils at lessons
Prompt changes in all spheres of life of a society have put acute the system of education’ problems on which to solve these problems means to preserve and increase the cultural potential of the counyry. It depends on opportunities of an education system. One of such problems is the problem of development of independent activity of children in the course of training which is an integral part of wider problem of realisation of creative potential of the person. The major external conditions of development of research (creative) activity of children are the enriched developing surroundings meeting, special informative requirements and pupils’ possibilities, their personal features, and also a recognition of value of creativity of the child important for (teachers, parents). Developing of independent activity of children of school age will be provided in the event that the mode of study will be constructed on the basis of psychological laws and development principles, and to correspond to informative requirements and possibilities of children, their personal originality. On the basis of a conceptual mode of study of pupils of high schools the system and technology of support and development of the general abilities of children and teenagers in the conditions of the school training, providing integrity and a continuity of development of children is developped from the moment of their receipt in school and before its leaving.
The many-sided sense of a global theme of each academic year reveals by means of sequence of interdisciplinary generalisations, that is such ideas which are fair in relation to variety of areas of knowledge. Interdisciplinary generalisation demands from the child of a high level abstraction that expands the possibilities of the decision of challenges. Besides, it allows to connect the general thread various school subjects (which quantity as avalanche increases in process of a growing of the child), providing with that integrity in the maintenance of training and development in schoolchildren complete, system outlook. Thus it is important that subjects do not disappear, do not lose the independence and specificity. They bring special "contribution" to opening and the proof of interdisciplinary idea, on the one hand, and are substantially enriched and as much as possible "adapt" to level of informative requirements and possibilities of children which study them with another.
The aspiration independently and creatively to seize knowledge, to carry out the tasks demanding display of criticality of mind, imagination, dream, - here are the main conditions for great interest for school subjects. The system of development of children in the conditions of the school training, developed on the basis of the offered model of creative training is the significant positive factor of cognitive and personal development of pupils at all stages of school training. It provides achievement of good results of development of intellectual and creative abilities at the majority of schoolchildren, promotes formation of a research position of the person, its creative self-realisation in various spheres of activity in an adult life. In the greatest measure it meets requirements and possibilities of children, different informative requirements, high requirement for intellectual loading and judgement of the world, persistence in purpose achievement, high intellectual and creative abilities. At the same time, it makes positive impact on intellectual and personal development of a considerable part of children with indicators of intellectual and creative abilities slightly exceeding an average level, but with high motivation to the doctrine.
Chapter II conclusion
In researches of sociologists the most "required" abilities in the modern world is ability for creative development and self-development, ability to make a creative decision in the course of a dialogue. Therefore it is necessary to give special attention to development not only intellectual, but also creative abilities of trainees. creative game english independence student
Practice has shown that positive transformations of a society cannot be reached within the limits of traditional model of training. For realisation of the purposes of the formation which have been put forward at the given stage, change of fundamental bases of training, working out of effective teaching methods are necessary. It is especially actual, when many educational institutions prefer traditional methods of training, disregarding the way out which has outlined today on humanistic relations, personal dialogue and interaction of participants of complete pedagogical process. Creation of psychohology-pedagogical conditions for development of research activity of the child, represents the central problem at all age stages of its training at school. The major such condition is the enriched, developing environment meeting special informative requirements and possibilities of exceptional children and teenagers, the peculiarities of their personality. The recognition of value of creativity of the child concerns a number of the major external conditions of the development of the activity of the pupil. All these factors are very important for grown-ups. Development of a research position of the person of the child occurs in the conditions of co-operating influences of features of system of school training, the person of the teacher, and also family education. Significant positive factors of development of a research position are:
1) System of development of independence of children and its realisation in technology of creative teaching;
2) The person of the teacher capable to self-development, creativity recognising value and highly appreciating value of the pupils’ research position.
3) The Features of family education connected with representation of parents about the purposes, the maintenance and ways of training of children, realisation of creative model of training by them. Absence of support or ignoring of creative displays of the child from outside parents aversion them of creative model of training can "move" all positive influences of specially organised training.
Teaching a foreign language promotes development of children. However in order to carry out more effective development of pupils during training to any subject, it is necessary to include pupils in such kinds of activity which develop at them touch perceptions, impellent, intellectual, strong-willed, emotional and motivational spheres. So, it is underlined that for intensive development of thinking it is necessary to provide teaching at a high level of difficulty in fast time, comprehension by the pupil of the educational actions. Development is connected not only with thinking, but also with emotions and other spheres of a person.
In the methodical literature of last years on teaching foreign languages importance and necessity of inclusion of motivational and emotional spheres of the person of the pupil is underlined at studying of a foreign language. This forms pupils’ more attentive attitude towards the expression of thought both a foreign, and in a native language. It is possible to observe and the opposite phenomenon. English language teaching influences the development of cogitative and speech pupils’ abilities.While teaching them other humanitarian subject. And first of all it concerns teaching a mother tongue. Foreign language studying speeds up work of acoustical, visual, speech mooving, motor analyzers and brings the powerful contribution to the development of memory, imagination, representations.
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