Сочинение: Famous People of Belarus


 There are  many  famous  people in our republic.

Among them you can find the names of politicians and

public figures, intellectuals and scientists, heroes

of war and labour, sportsmen and artists.

     First of  all  I'd  like to mention the name of

our outstanding   national   writers   Yanka   Kupala

and Yakub Kolas.   They   created  a  new  Belarusian

Literature and  a  Belarusian  literatury  language.

Both are considered to be the classics of Belorusian

literature. These names are followed by a number  of

other well-known   writers   and  poets,  such  as

K.Krapiva, Chorny,  Brovka,  Shamyakin, Tank, Bykov,

Korotkevich, Gilevich,  Loyka,  Adamovich known both

in our country and abroad. Their works  are translated

into many European languages.

     Many Minsk  streets  are  named  after  the

Balarusian writers.

     The cultural life of Belarus  has  always  been

very interesting   and  varied.  Among  the  leading

composers of  the  present  centure  were  Tikotsky,

Aladov,    Bogatyrov,    Smolsky.    Other

well-known composers of the older generation include

Pukst, Lukas, Luchenok, Alovnikov, etc.

     Many prominent names in the history of  Belarus

of the  20th century are connected with the two main

events, the Second World War and space  exploration.

The Belarusians  fought  heroically  defending their

Motherland. But  we  are  especially  proud  of  the

heroes of   the  last  war:  K.Zaslonov,  E.Osipova,

N.Gastello, V.Talalikhin,  the  defenders  of  Brest

Fortess and many others. In the family of cosmonauts

there are also two Belarussians,  A.Kovalyonok and


     At the present day time, the time of revolution

of values,  it's difficult to find heroes especially

among politicians.  Time will put everything in  its

place and  give everybody his due.  But one thing is

obvious: great times are created by great men. Their

names are sure to become history whatever it may be.

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