Топик: Латинские пословицы (с английским переводом)
Acta est fabula. (August)
Drama has been
acted out. |
Ad augusta per angusta. |
To high places
by narrow roads. |
Ad hoc. |
Exactly for
that. Also: Not prearranged, informal.
Ad honorem. |
In honor. Honor
not baring any material advantage.
Ad libitum. |
Freely. Without
restraint, as desired.
Alea iacta est. (Julius Caesar)
The die is cast.
The decision has been made.
Alter ego. (Zeno)
Another I. Soul
mate, close friend.
Alter ipse amicus. |
A friend is
another self. |
Ars gratia artis. |
Art for art's
sake. Art has its own sense.
Audiatur et altera pars! |
Let us hear the
opposite side! |
Carpe diem. (Horace)
Seize the day. |
Cogito, ergo sum. (Descartes)
I think,
therefore I am. |
Conditio sine qua non. |
Condition that
cannot (be done) without. Essential condition.
Corpus delicti. |
The body of a
crime. The facts of a crime.
Cum grano salis. (Pliny the Elder)
With a grain of
salt. Take something not literally, with due consideration.
Curriculum vitae. |
The run of life. |
De facto.
In fact. |
De iure.
By law. According
to law.
De gustibus non est dispuntandum. |
Tastes are not
to be argued. |
Dimidium facti qui coepit habet. |
He who has begun
has the job half done. (Horace)
Divide et impera. |
Part and rule. Roman
maxima of ruling the subdued nations.
Dulcius ex asperis. |
difficulty, sweetness. |
Dum spiro, spero. (Cicero)
As long as I
breathe, I hope. |
Dura lex, sed lex.
The law is hard,
but it is law. |
Eram quod es, eris quod sum. |
I was what you
are, you will be what I am. (grave inscription)
Errare humanum est. (Seneca)
It is human to
make a mistake. |
Et tu, Brute! (Julius Caesar)
You too, Brutus!
Even you have betrayed me!
Eventus stultorum magister. |
Events are the
teacher of the stupid persons. |
Ex abrupto. |
preparation. |
Ex cathedra. |
From the chair. With
authority (without argumentation).
Ex gratia. |
By moral
(not legal) obligation.
Ex libris. |
From the library
(of). |
Exempli gratia. (e.g.) |
For example. |
Faber quisque fortunae suae. |
Each man (is)
the maker of his own fortune. |
Facta, non verba! |
Deeds, not
words! |
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. |
False in one
thing, false in all. |
Festina lente!
Rush slowly! Do
not hasten!
Fiat justitia, ruat caelum. |
Let justice be
done, even though the heavens collapse. |
Fortes Fortuna adjuvat. (Terence)
Fortune aids the
brave. |
Gutta cavat lapidem (non vi, sed
saepe cadendo). (Ovid)
The water drop
drills stone (not by the force, but by falling often). The endurance can
overcome the obstacle even without the force.
Historia est vitae magistra. |
The history is
the tutor of life. |
Homines, dum docent, discunt. |
While men teach
they learn. (Seneca)
Homo homini lupus. (Plautus)
Man is a wolf to
man. |
Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto. |
I am human,
therefore nothing human is strange to me. |
In medias res. |
In the midst of
things. |
In medio stat virtus. (Horace)
Virtue stands in
the middle. |
In memoriam.
In memory (of). |
In vino veritas. |
The truth is in
wine. A drunk person tells the truth.
Inter caecos regnat strabo. (Erasmus)
Among blinds the
squinting rules. |
Lapsus linguae.
Error of the
tongue. |
Lapsus memoriae.
Error of the
memory. |
Manus manum lavat. (Petronius)
One hand washes
the other. The favor for the favor.
Mea culpa. |
By my guilt. |
Mens sana in corpore sano. |
A sound mind in
a sound body. (Juvenalis)
Nemo sine vitio est.
No one is
without fault. (Seneca the Elder)
Nil novi sub sole. (Bible)
Nothing new
under the sun. |
Nomen est omen. |
The name is the
sign. |
Non omne quod nitet aurum est. |
Not everything
that is shining is gold. |
Non plus ultra!
Nothing above
that! |
Non uno die Roma aedificata est. |
Rome was not
built in one day. |
Nosce te ipsum! |
Know thyself. |
Nota bene.
carefully. |
Occasio aegre offertur, facile amittitur. (Publius
Opportunity is
offered with difficulty, lost with ease. |
Omnia vincit amor. |
Love conquers
all. |
Panem et circenses. (Juvenalis)
Bread and
circuses. Food and games to keep people happy.
Parva scintilla saepe magnam
flamam excitat.
The small
sparkle often initiates a large flame. |
Pecunia non olit.
Money doesn't
stink. |
Pede poena claudo. (Horace)
Punishment comes
limping. Retribution comes slowly, but surely.
Per aspera ad astra. |
Through the
thorns to the stars. |
Persona non grata. |
An unwelcome
person. |
Post tenebras lux. |
After darkness,
light. |
Primus inter pares.
First among
equals. |
Quae nocent, saepe docent. |
What hurts,
often instructs. One learns by bitter/adverse experience.
Qui multum habet, plus cupit. |
He who has much
desires more. (Seneca)
Quid pro quo.
Something for
something. A reciprocal exchange, something given in compensation, esp.
an advantage.
Quod erat demonstrandum. |
What was to be
Quod licet Iovi non licet bovi. |
What Jupiter
(supreme God) is allowed to do, cattle (people) are not. |
Quod natura non sunt turpia. |
What is natural
cannot be bad. |
Repetitio est mater studiorum. |
Repeating is the
mother of learning. |
Scio me nihil scire. (Socrates)
I know that I
know nothing. Certain knowledge cannot be obtained.
Si Deus pro nobis quis contra nos. |
If God is with
us who is against us. |
Si vis pacem, para bellum. Vegetius
If you want
peace, prepare for the war. |
Si sapis, sis apis. |
If you are wise,
be a bee. |
Sic transit gloria mundi. |
Thus passes the
glory of the world. |
Sine die. |
Without a date. Without
a date limit. Unknown period of time.
Sol omnibus lucet. (Petronius)
The sun shines
upon all. |
Status quo.
The present
state of affairs. |
Summum ius, summa iniuria. |
Highest law,
greatest injustice. |
Tabula rasa. |
A clean slate. Person
that knows nothing.
Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur
in illis. (Ovid)
Times are
changing, and we are changing within them. |
Tempus fugit. |
Times run. |
Ubi bene, ibi patria. |
Where you feel
good, there is your home. |
Ubi concordia, ibi victoria. |
Where is the
unity, there is the victory. |
Vade mecum. |
Come with me. A
constant companion.
Varietas delectat. |
The diversity is
delighting. |
Veni, vidi, vici! (Julius Caesar)
I came, I saw, I
conquered. Easy accomplishment.
Verba movent, exempla trahunt. |
Words move
people, examples compel them. Deeds, not words, give the example.
Verba volant, scripta manent. |
The words fly
away, the writings remain. |
Veritas numquam perit. (Seneca)
Truth never
perishes. |
Vice versa.
Turn in place. The
other way round.
Vis maior. |
Higher force. |
Vitam regit fortuna, non sapientia. |
Fortune, not
wisdom, rules lives. (Cicero)
Vivere disce, cogita mori. |
Learn to live;
Remember death. |
Vox populi, vox Dei. |
The voice of the
people is the voice of God. Public opinion is obligatory.
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat. |
Every (hour)
wounds, the last kills. |
Vulpem pilum mutat, non mores. |
A fox may change
its hair, not its tricks. |
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