Ш. Иностранные источники


Ш. Иностранные источники

Alder 1. Constitutional and Administrative Law. Second ed. L.: The Macmillan

press limited, 1994. 452 p.

Bainhridge D. Intellectual Property 2. ed. London: Pitman Publishing, 1994.

Balandier J. Anthropologie politique. 2-eme ed. Paris, 1969.

Barker R. Political Legitimacy and the State. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.

Blau P. М. Exchange and Power in Social Life. New York, 1964.

Bodnar A. Economika i politika. Podstawowe zaieznosci. Warszawa, 1978.

Borella F. Critique du savoir politique. Paris, 1990.

Cane P. An Introduction to Administrative Law. Third ed, N. Y.: Clarendon Press

—Oxford, 1996.401 p.

Clade./. L. Power and International Relations. New York, 1962. Dahl R. A. Who governs? Democracy and Power in an American City. New Haven

and London: Yale University Pres.,, 1975.

DahrendorfR. The Modern Social Conflict. New York, 1988. Dogan M., Pelassy D. Sociologie politique comparative. Paris, 1982. DullesJ. F. War and Peace. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1957. Duverger M. La sociologie politique. Paris, 1967. Farneti P. Lineamenti di scienza politica. Milano, 1989. Fmicault M. L'archeologie du savoir. Paris, 1969. Galhraith .1. К. The Anatomy of Power. London: Hamilton, 1984. • Giddens A., Held D. (Eds.). Classes, Power and Conflict. London: Macmillan,


HaasE. When Knowledge is Power. Berkley, 1990.

Held D. Models of Democracy. Cambridge Policy Press, 1987.

Held D. Political Theory and the Modem State. Essays on State, Power and

Democracy. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1989.

Kur:, Raymond A. Internet and the law: legal fundamentals for the Internet user//

 Raymond A. Kurz with Bart G. Newland, Steven Lieberman, Geline M. Jimenez.

Rockville, Maryland: Covernment Institutes, 1995.

Lasswell H. D. The Future of Political Science. New York, 1962. Lasswell H., Caplan A. Power and Society: a Framework for Social Enquiry. New

Haven, 1950.

Lee Robert G., Stallworthy Mark. Constitutional and Administrative Law. Fourth

Ed. L.: Blackstone press limited, 1995.

Lindhlom С. Е. Politics and Markets. New York: Basic Books, 1977.

Linden D. Le marketing politique. Paris, 1988.

Lukes S. Power. A radical view. London: Macmillan, 1974.

Mann M. The Sources of Social Power. Cambridge University Press, 1986.

MarlinoL. (Red.). Scienza politica. Torino, 1989.

Michalic M. Moralnose a Wojna. Warszawa, 1972.

Mills W. The Power Elite. New York: Oxford University Press, 1957.

Morgan H. 0. Labour in Power (1945—51). Oxford: Oxford University Press,


Mumford L. The Myth of the Machine. The Pentagon of Power. New York:

Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1970.

Nagel T. H. The Descriptive Analysis of Power. New Haven: Yale University Press,


Neumann F. The Democratic and the Authoritarian State. New York: Free Press,


Oxford Dictionary of Law. Fourth Ed. Edited by Elizabeth A. Martin. Oxford; New

York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Oxford Concise Dictionary of Politics. Edited by IA1N McLEAN. Oxford; New

York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Parsons T. Politics and Social Structure: on the Concept of Political Power. New

York, 1969.

Penno T. R., Smith D. Political Science. An Introduction. New York, 1967. Phillips /., Firth A. Introduction to Intellectual Property Law. 3. ed. London;

Dublin; Edinburgh, 1995

Portillo i Pacheco J. L. Genesis i teoria general del Estado moderno. Mexico,


Pmlantzas N. Pouvoir politique et classes sociales. Paris, 1968.

Ryszka F. Wstep do nauki о polityce. Warszawa, 1970.

Rouuetle M. C. La psychologie politique. Paris, 1988.

RusselB. Power. London, 1985 (first published in 1938).

Sampson R. V. The Psychology of Power. New York, 1965.

Schlesinger A. The Imperial Presidency. Boston, 1975.

Schwai-tzenherg R.-G. Sociologie politique. Paris, 1988.

Stanwonh P., Gidden A. (Eds.). Elities and Power in British Society. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1974.