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A. Professional Standards of Practice

1. The Code of Ethics

2. Standards of Professional Conduct

a. Standard I: Fundamental responsibilities

b. Standard II: Relationships with and responsibilities to the profession

(1) Use of professional designation

(2) Professional misconduct

(3) Prohibition against plagiarism

c. Standard III: Relationships with and responsibilities to the employer

 (1) Obligation to inform employer of code and standards

(2) Duty to employer

(3) Disclosure of conflicts to employer

(4) Disclosure of additional compensation arrangements

(5) Responsibilities of supervisors

d. Standard IV: Relationships with and responsibilities to clients and prospects

(1) Reasonable basis and representations

(2) Research reports

(3) Independence and objectivity

(4) Fiduciary duties

(5) Portfolio investment recommendations and actions

(6) Fair dealing

(7) Priority of transactions

(8) Preservation of confidentiality

(9) Prohibition against misrepresentation

(10) Disclosure of conflicts to clients and prospects

(11) Disclosure of referral fees

e. Standard V: Relationships with and responsibilities to the investing public

(1) Prohibition against use of material nonpublic information

(2) Performance presentation

3. Disciplinary sanctions for violations

B. Topical Issues

1. Corporate governance

2. Soft dollar standards

3. Fiduciary duty

4. Insider trading

a. Mosaic Theory

b. Selective disclosure vs. full disclosure

5. Personal investing

A. Professional Standards of Practice

1. The Code of Ethics

2. Standards of Professional Conduct

a. Standard I: Fundamental responsibilities

b. Standard II: Relationships with and responsibilities to the profession

(1) Use of professional designation

(2) Professional misconduct

(3) Prohibition against plagiarism

c. Standard III: Relationships with and responsibilities to the employer

 (1) Obligation to inform employer of code and standards

(2) Duty to employer

(3) Disclosure of conflicts to employer

(4) Disclosure of additional compensation arrangements

(5) Responsibilities of supervisors

d. Standard IV: Relationships with and responsibilities to clients and prospects

(1) Reasonable basis and representations

(2) Research reports

(3) Independence and objectivity

(4) Fiduciary duties

(5) Portfolio investment recommendations and actions

(6) Fair dealing

(7) Priority of transactions

(8) Preservation of confidentiality

(9) Prohibition against misrepresentation

(10) Disclosure of conflicts to clients and prospects

(11) Disclosure of referral fees

e. Standard V: Relationships with and responsibilities to the investing public

(1) Prohibition against use of material nonpublic information

(2) Performance presentation

3. Disciplinary sanctions for violations

B. Topical Issues

1. Corporate governance

2. Soft dollar standards

3. Fiduciary duty

4. Insider trading

a. Mosaic Theory

b. Selective disclosure vs. full disclosure

5. Personal investing